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P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/15   1/20   NEWSROUND  READ YOUR PRESS PACK REPORTS HERE Standby for more stories coming up as follows - PAGE NAMES APPROX TIME 2-10 PATEL to SCOTT NEXT 12-20 SCOTT to WILKINS 2 mins Press HOLD to keep a page on screen Please go to page 178  J for reports A-O → Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/27   2/20   FROM   NEWSROUND INDIA'S EARTHQUAKE by BHAVINI PATEL "The tragedy happened on 30th September. The quake measured 6.4 on the Richter Scale and killed 25,000 people. I felt so bad seeing my country in this way. People who were just trying to earn a living suffering so much. Our school began a campaign to help the victims of the quake. And we're  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/39   3/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  TIDY OUR PARK! by BHAVASIA PATEL age 11 from Wolverhampton 29599 Bhavasia is annoyed that people continue to drop litter in a park near her home. "At the moment the pond is really dirty and full of litter which can injure the ducks in it. It has bricks falling into it and crisps, cans and sweet papers which people throw into the water. The council has to pay thousands of improve it. Please can people use  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/51   4/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  TURMOIL IN RUSSIA by ELLA PURKISS from Hampshire 41625 Ella's been thinking about a visit to Russia with her school in 1992. "I have a photo of my friend and I standing by a Russian soldier. This Autumn Russia was in turmoil as two men, Rutskoi and Khasbulatov tried to overthrow Boris Yeltsin. The battles killed about 100 people before the rebels surrendered. I look at my photo and wonder what the soldier did during the fighting and what he thought of it all."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/03   NEWSROUND INDIAN EARTHQUAKE by ZAHRA RAJAN from Harrow, Middlesex 91076 Zahra writes about the terrible earthquake which hit India recently "The earthquake killed thousands and thousands of people. the ground and crumbled. It's hard to believj that so much damage happened in such a short time. India is suffering badly so donate money - even just a few pencu."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:23/15   6/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  ANOREXIA by VANESSA ROBERTS from Walsall, West Midlands 81508 anorexia, which affects many young people. "There are a lot of symptoms of anorexia and you may not notice them until it is too late. Look out for danger signs such as mood swings, depression, obessions with exercise and counting calories There is treatment for anorexia but in order to recover you must learn to love yourself and to accept yourself."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:13/27   7/20   FROM   NEWSROUND LAST ACTION HERO by ANNALISA ROSE from Sheering, Essex 84627 Annalisa writes about the return of Action Man earlier in thn eas. "The action man dolls, after a WELCOME eight-year absence are back strutting their "plastic" stuff. allow imaginations to roam free and helps children come to terms with There are now plans to launch dolls without a military theme. Will they be wearing aprons and waving washing up bottles I wonder?"  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:17/39   8/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  WHO IS CHILDISH? by TRUDI RYAN fromTj Littlehampton, W Sussex 91495 Trudi is fed up with the way adults "Adults tell us to be more mature. But wherever we go we are watched. Shop assistants seem to think all teenagers want to steal something. People stare at you if you are walking along the street with a group of friends. I wish adults would see teenagers for what they are - not for their age, size, colour or fashion sense"  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/51   FROM   NEWSROUND  JET THE GLADIATOR by SARAH SAUNDERS age 14 from Newhall, Derbys 19412 Sarah has written a profile of Jet, the gladiator. Name: Diane Youdale. Born: 13 Febuary 1970. Family: one brother, one sister. Hobbies: walking in Surrey Pets: dog callled Shacka Music: Guns 'n Roses - Chopin. Job: actress and gladiator  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:14/03   10/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  THE N.R.A. by PATRICK SCOTT Patrick writes about the National Record of Achievement which records pupils' progress. "The NRA records a number of things such as personal details, achievements and experiences. It could be useful in the future as lots of employers will ask to see Having done the NRA for the first year I honestly think it is a good idea. When we leave school we will havj a document for life."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/15   11/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  READ YOUR PRESS PACK REPORTS HERE Standby for more stories coming up as follows - PAGE NAMES APPROX TIME 12-20 SCOTT to WILKINS NEXT 2-10 PATEL to SCOTT 2 mins Press HOLD to keep a page on screen for reports A-O → Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/27   FROM  HELP THE HOMELESS by LAURA SCOTT from Leicestershire Laura wants all of us to help support people who are homeless. "Be as kind as you can and give a little of anything. pillows or anything else that may be useful. Please give donations of money, no matter how little. You wonWt benefit directly, but you can be proud of yourself for caring enough to help."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/39   13/20 RACISM by JONATHAN SCREENEY from Tottenham, London 87962 Jonathan has strong feelings about the issue of racism. "Slavery started off the racial hate between white and black people soldiers to fight the south. Black people were recruited - but they After slavery ended there was still segregation - when black people are only allowed to do certain things. will we all be treated as equals?" → Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:18/51   14/20   FROM     NEWSROUND  THE POLAR BEAR by DAISRA SHAKIR from Heaton, Newcastle-u-Tyne 89160 Daisra's written a very good report on polar bears, with many pictures. "Most Polar Bears live in Canada, the Arctic, Alaska and Norway. They use their good sense of smell to stalk their prey - seals. Tj They are an endangered species. But there is hope. In 1973 there were 10,000 bears. Now there are 25,000! A POLAR BEAR POEM - The Polar Bear is unaware  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/03   15/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  VAULTING TO VICTORY by RUTH TROMANS from Cradely Heath, West Mids 97170 Ruth is a keen gymnast. "It is said to be the up-and- coming sport of the century. But gym has been around for YEARS. The Ancient Greeks were the first to build special rooms for exercise - which they called gymnasiums. in the first modern Olympic Games. gymnastics and sports acrobatics." 
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/15   16/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  Vicki writes about the first aid "I am a St John Ambulance cadet and have just recently passed my first aid exam. help someone in their hour of need. Children as young as six can join the organisation - it's a fun way of meeting people. So do your bit, and learn how to save a life."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:19/27   17/20   FROM   NEWSROUND LES HILL by SARAH WEAVER from Angus, Scotland 90509 Sarah has interviewed Les Hill, star of Home and Away. "Les got into acting when he was 13. He's now 20 and has not got a girlfriend at the moment. Black is his favourite colour and Behaviour. He says he gets on well with all He will soon be starring in a film called 'Looking For Atlantas'."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/39   18/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  BELL-RINGING by ELLEN WELCH age 13 from Stanley, Co. Durham 91757 her unusual hobby - bell-ringing. "Campanology, or bell-ringing as it's better known, has been around This fun hobby is a mixture of friendship, music, and exercise, and it's really satisfying when you get it right. of Bell-Ringing, you can ring the bells in lots of different belltowers. Why don't you try it?"  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/51   19/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  DINOSAURS by PAULA WHYSALL Paula corrects some of the myths about dinosaurs. "No one's ever seen a dinosaur - so fighting them. Man appeared on Earth 2.5 million Jj years ago, 60 million years after dinosaurs roamed the planet. All our knowledge about them has come from fossils. By stumbling across a fossil YOU could be the next person to make a vital discovery about the dinosaurs."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/03   20/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  WILKINS from Guildfoud, Surrey 9136 Charlotte urges people to take marine pollution problems seriously "Britain is an island surrounded by water - we should take a world lead in tackling marine pollution. But every day, we continue to pollute the sea with sewage, oil, I try and do my bit to bring about a change. But it is up to does not become a waste-land."  Diary Home News Flash Top Sport