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P685 CEEFAX 685 Fri 17 Dec 16:21/16  1/3    CHRCURY is coming into view a VENUS remains prominent in the eastern sky before dawn. SATURN is an evening object in Capricornus, and therefore rather low down for British observers.   URANUS and NEPTUNE are badly placed in Sagittarius. METEOR SHOWERS The Geminids - 7-16 Dec, maximum 13 Dec The U sids - 17-25 Dec, maximum 23 Dec.  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 Food BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P685 CEEFAX 685 Fri 17 Dec 16:38/17  2/3    MOON New: 13 December. First quarter: 20 December. Full: 28 December.   THE STARS The main winter constellation is Orion in the south with its distinctive shape. Look out for the Orion Nebula just below the three stars of the hunter's "belt". The servicing and repair mission to the Hubble Space Telescope has gone better than could be hoped for so far. In a few weeks it is expected that astronomers will be able to realise its full potential.  BBC1 601 BBC2 602 BBC1 Choice 608 Food BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P685 CEEFAX 685 Fri 17 Dec 16:32/13  3/3    The Sky at Night information line keep u up astronom cal news. The numb r is 0891 800 330 ca cost 36p/min cheap rate, 48p/min at other times). Future Programmes Sun 12 Dec BBC1: The Search for Black Hole . Sun 9 Jan BBC1, repeated W d 1 Ja BBC2. Auriga - The Cosmic a o ee Sun 6 Feb BBC1, re ated Sat BBC2. Subject to be decided.    BBC1 601 BBC2 602 BBC1 Choice 608 Flod BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films