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P576 CEEFAX 2 576 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/1%  REPORTS  'What it's like living in a castle' Gabriel and his family moved from Leicester to livj in a castle in Scotland. Thjir story is being shown in a new sjries starting on BBC1. "Our family decided that we all wantjd to live together, so we lookjd around to see how we could do it and then my aunt and uncle found the castle. There's 17 of us altogether, including aunts, uncleu and grandparents. At first I thought it would only be a small castli but it's really big... 1/5 Chat *77 Newsround 571 Jokes 579 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 Backchat Newsround Film8ndex Children
P576 CEJFAX 2 576 Sat 18 Dec 16554/*2  REPORTS  'WXbt itWs like ½ivUng in a castle' Gabr@el and his faJsly oved frVm Leicester to live in a castle in Scotland. Their story is being showL in a new series starting on BBC1. "I takes about 5 minutes to walk from one side to the other! It's really co½d inside tXe castle, especially in the winter. My auntie wears a coal iLside as it's so cold! There weren't any worJing toilets either when we first got here. 'e had to use chemical toilets likj the ones builders use... 2/5 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Joke; 579 Backchbt Newsround FilmIndex Children
P576 CEEFAX 2 576 Sat 18 Dec 16:5)/11  REPORTS  'What itWs like living in a castle' Gabriel and his faJily moved from Leicester to live in a castle in Scotland. Their story is being shown in a new series starting on BBC1. "We've even got dungeons! TheyWre small but hbve metal doors - I think they were used to keep animals, but thjyWrj not scary. The best thing about living i thj castle is that there's loads of space. In the summer, I rode my bike for ages instead of staying inside and watching telly... 3/5 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Jokes 579 Backchal Newsround FilmJndjx ChildreL
P576 CEEFAX 2 576 Sat 18 Dec 1n:k)/11  REPORTS  'What it's likj living in a castle' Gabriel and his faJily moved from Leicester to live in a castle in Scotland. Thjir story is beiLg bhoeL iL a new series starting on BBC1. "The worst thing is thj coldness and having to go collect hot water and pour it into the bath when you want to use it - it's a pain. I'm really looking forward to our programme being on the telly. It's really good living in the castle and I hope to live here for the rest of my life." 4/5 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Jokes 579 Backchat Newsround FilmIndex Children
P576 CEJFAX 2 576 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/24  INFO  The latest information will be on thj Press Pack section on the Newsround website2 YUu can eImail us at: Or write to us at: The Press Pack Room EB26 BBC TV Centri London W12 7RJ 5/5 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Index 570 Quiz 578 Flashback 579 Games 550 Backchat Newsround FilmIndex Children