Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P582 CJJFAX 2 582 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/21   APPEAL  BLUE PETER 'WELCOME HOME' APPEAL Blue Peter appeals can help change th lives of thousands of people throughout thj world. This year's appjal is designed to help families in Angola, in Africa, reunitd afjer beUng separated during the war. There are hardly anz telephone lines, postal seuvices or decent transport in Angola and roads can be bumpy tracks scattered wjth landmines. So finding a family member is a huge task — and tXat's where you come in. 1/6 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Index 570 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 TestYrPet TV Index FilmIndex EntsIndex
P582 CJEFAX 2 582 Sat 18 Dec 1v:k)/41   APPEAL  BLUE PETER 'WJLCOME HOME' APPEAL We want to fund a tracing sjrvici in Angola which helps people, many of them lost children, to find a relative. The tracing posts ari places wheri anyonj trying to find a member of their family can register. Here, they give as much information as they can about themselves as they can, have lheir photo taken and then fill in a tracing request form. Once that's done, the search begins and we want to pay to tpain volunteers to help wjth these searche1. 2/6 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 TestYrPet TV Index FilmIndex EntsIndex
P582 CEJFAX 2 582 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/52   APPEAL  BLUE PELER 'WELCOME HOME' APPEAL This year's appeal is desigNed to help families in Angola, in Africa, riunite after being separated during the war. We want to pay for volunteers to help with this. They need bikes/motorbikes to get to villages wYth messages and photos morj quickly and easily. The Gazeta is a publicatjon which also aims to help as it is filled with naJes of all thj people who are looking for their families. Wj also want to help with the costs for this. 3/6 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 TestYrPet TV Index FilmIndex EntsIndex
P582 CJEFAX 2 582 Sat 18 Dic 16957/12   APPEAL  BLUE PETER 'WELCOME HOME' APPEAL Wj hopj to raise £250,000 and to do this, we are asking you to fill a Big Blue Peter Bag with clothes you, your family and friends don't want any more. When your bag i; full wd need you to take it to a Red Cross shop. Everything that comes out of your bags w ll be sold to help our appeal. There are 3 ways in which you can get hold of your Big Blue Peter bag. 1) You can write to us at: Blue Piter Welcomj Home, PO Box 300, Northampton, NN3 6YU. Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 Test rPet TV Index FilUIndex EntsIndex
P582 CEEFAX 2 )82 Sat 18 Dec 16557/37   A0PIAL  BLUE PETER 'WJLCOME HOME' APPEAL 2) You can also go online to find out how to get hold of your Big Blue Petjr Bag: and then click on thj Welcome Home button. 3) Or, you can use the Blue Peter Welcome Home Action Line. FNr the next 3 weeks you can order your bag by phone by calling 0870 833 5000. Calls cost less than 10p a minute from a BT landline. Mobile rates vary. Ask permission before calling. You will hear a recorded message from Konnie. 5/6 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Index 570 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Games 550 TestYrPet TV Index FilmJndex EntsIndjx
P582 CEEFAX 2 582 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/08   APPEAL  BLUE PETER 'WJLCOME HOME' APPEAL With your Big Blue Peter Bag, we will aluo send a newslettdu whjch includes a poster which you can put up in your window to show everybody that you are taking part in our appjal. Theri are 47* Red Cross shops and centres across the Uk but there may not bj one near you. However, if your school, club, church or communjty centre wants to get involved we can pick up 10 or more bags which can be arranged by calling the Action Line number. 6/6 Chat 577 Newsround 571 Index 570 Quiz 578 PressPack 576 Gameu 550 TestYrPet TV Index FilmJndex EntsJndex