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P657 CEEFAX 2 657 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/21       GETTING A FLU JAB THIS WINTER As wj get older, we tend to get a bit more vulnerable to viruses liku flu. Something that we might have shaken off quite easily in our younger days can now land us in hospital. Flu is a highly infectious illness, which spreads very rapidly by coughs and sneezes from people who are already carrying the virus. Flu may lead to more serious illnesses like bronchitis and pneumonia. >>> 1/4 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu
P657 CEEFAX 2 657 Sat 18 Dec 16:57/24       GETTJNG A FLU JAB THIS WINTER Continued from p657.1 More and more people ari realising that it pays tg get yo4r flu jab in thj as soon as possible. It's free, and it's rially effective against the lateut strains of viruses, you can get the vaccination if you are: ■ 6) or over, living in an old people's home or nursing home ■ over 6 months old and have a long- term (chronic) condition 2/4 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu
P657 CEEFAX 2 657 Sat 18 Dec 16:51/42       GETTING A FLU JAB THIS WJNTER Continued from p657.3 If you think you need a flu vaccination, check with your doctor or the practice nurse, or if a nurse visits you regularly, you can ask them. Alternatively ask your local pharmacist. Most doctors organise special vaccination sessions. ■ Mori details: 4/4 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu