Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:41      TELETEXT IS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM WHERE ADVERTISERS PROMOTE THEIR OWN OFFERS. TELETEXT DOES NOT SELL HOLIDAYS DIRECTLY. FOR THE LATEST OFFERS PLEASE GO TO p200, 210, 220, 230, 240 OR VISIT Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:18:04      Teletext makes every effort to ensure that advertisers comply with regulations and the law. Teletext also requires that customer protection be in place for package and flight advertising. This is to assist in ensuring that viewers' monies are protected and that advertisers are working under a code of conduct. FOR THE LATEST OFFERS PLEASE GO TO p200, 21p, 220, 230, 240 OR VISIT Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17z21      Customer Protection Requirements Any flight element (whether flight only or as part of a package) is covered by an ATOL. This can either be with an ATOL holder or a retail agent that is selling on behalf of an ATOL protected operator. The only exception to this is when a flight is sold directly by a scheduled airline in which case an ATOL bond would not be required. FOR THE LATEST OFFERS PLEASE GO TO p200, 210, 220, 230, 240 OR VISIT Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:41      For additional ckstomer protection we also require that retail agents advertising packages on Teletext have independent bonding or customer protection (e.g. ABTA, TTA, PSA, TGTG membership). Companies selling solely accommodation or non-flight/cruise transport facilities (e.g. car hire) are not subject to any customer protection requirements. 'DIY Packages' where viewers put together flights and accommodation themselves may not be fully covered. It is advisable that all viewers seek clarification on their bonding arrangements. 4/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:21:11      ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) A trade organisation for travel agents and tour operators, ABTA has approximately 1,869 companies on its books. All members must be able to give detailed advice about insurance,  tickets, passports, visas, health requirements and changes to travel plans. The association offers an arbitration sjrvice when complaints are made against members. If an ABTA member becomes insolvent then the ABTA fund is used to refund the customer. 5/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:21:31      ABTA's code of conduct should ensure that: ■Members are financially sound. ■Descriptions used in brochures are accurate. ■Bookings are handled with a high degree of service. ■Money paid for a holiday is not lost, and is refunded if necessary. ■Holidaymakers are not stranded abroad. ATOL (Air Travel Organiser's Licence) The ATOL scheme safeguards air and air package holiday customers from losing money should their travel company cease 6/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:21:04      trading. It is managed by the Civil Aviation Authority, which provides refunds and arranges for those abroad at the time to continue their holidays as planned. If you are making a booking with a retail agent for an ATOL protected operator, this means that the company does not hold an ATOL itself but is acting as an authorised agent for one that does. By law, tickets must be issued as soon as theyWre paid for, or protected by ATOL by the issue of an ATOL Receipt or Confirmation Invoice. The schemj doesn't cover scheduled flights bought direct from an airline, or tickets 7/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:17    U bought and issued on the spot from a travel agent. PSA (Passenger Shipping Association) The PSA is the trade association for cruise and ferry companies in the UK. It offers financial protection for passengers and a conciliation and arbitration service. TGTG (The Global Travel Group) TGTG is an association of independent travel agents. If viewers are booking 8/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:41     with a GTG bonded Advertiser, should an outlet cease trading then liability rests with TGTG. TTA XTravel Trust Association) A trade organisation for travel agents and tour operators, the TTA offers consumers financial peace of mind through its "trust account" system for members. If a business ceases trading, money from the account is used to refund customeru for a holiday or ensure they aren't stranded abroad. 9/29 >>>> H#lidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:01     General Unless otherwise stated holiday offers on Teletext are for 7 nights, 2 adults sharing and priced per person. Pricing Information Prices shown on Teletext must be inclusive of all compulsory charges. Any additional variable charges must be clearly stipulated on the advert. 'PRICES FROMW: will be shown when there is no specific date. Pricing may differ depending on your requested date of departure within the specified time period. Transfers are sometimes not included in 10/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:34     the advertised package. If this is the case Viewers can arrange their own transport or pay an additional charge on arrival for this service. Share Basis Unless otherwise stated, holiday offers ari based on two adults sharing. If the prices are not 2 share then this will be shown with an abbreviation (e.g.3SH, 4SH, etc). Single peruon supplements may apply. Duration Unless otherwise stated the duration of holiday offers is 7 nights. If accommodation is part of a package, viewers should clarify the number of 11/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:57     nights that this includes as the advertised duration may be inclusive of travelling. Children Unless otherwise stated a chimd iu considered to be up to and including 12 years old in relation to advertised holiday offers. Availability Offers on screen must be shown with a specific departure date or else be currently available, which is defined as being available for departure from the UK within the next 28 days. 12/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16511:18     Ratings There are different classification systems for accommodation. Somj countries use a government controlled grading system and others use independent bodies. It is advisable to check which classification system applies. If a 'TOUR OPERATOR'S OWN RATJNG' is given, Viewers should request details of the standards thj hotel has attained to be awarded the rating. Accommodation and Board Basis Definitions of the different types of board basis (e.g.RO,AI,HB,FB,SC,BB) vary between operators. Please ensure 13/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:31     that you request full details on the facilities available. Timeshare Occasionally accommodation offers may be timeshare related. An indication of this is when you are required to attend a presentation while on holiday. Please take note of the following information: If you buy a timeshare anywhere in the European Economic Area you will have certain minimum rights to protect you: ■A 10 day cooling off period in which to cancel the contract. ■Timeshare sellers cannot seek or take deposits during the "cooling off" period. 14/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:11:00     ■The right to a brochure and a written contract setting out basic information on the timeshare property in your own language. Legal assistance can be obtained through your local Trading Standards Department, the Citizens Advice Bureau or a solicitor. Advice can be obtained through the Timeshare Consumers Association. Car Insurance and Fly Drives Car insurance is not compulsory in Florida, however most car hire companies require viewers to hold fully comprehensive insurance in order to hire a car. Many advertised fly drive >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:12:20     packages only include basic insurance. If a viewer holds independent international insurance to meet the car hire company's requirement viewers should bj able to obtain the offer without further payment. Viewers should always clarify the type of insurance included within any package. Pleasj always ask the operator for details prior to booking. Advertisers have bUen adviked not to takj large deposits from Viewers in lieu of insurance for car hire packages. 16/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:12:42     ABBREVIATIONS Customer Protection and Organisations ■ABTA=Association for British Travel Agents. ■AGT 4 ATOL PROTECTED OPERATOR(S)= Agent for ATOL Protected Operator(s) ■AITO = Association of Independent Tour Operators ■ATOL=Air Travel Organisation Licensing ■CAA=Civil Aviation Authority ■CPT=Confederation of Passenger Transport ■FCO=Foreign Commonwealth Office ■JATA=International Air Travel Agreement■OFCOM=Office of Communications ■PSA=Passenger Shipping Association 17/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:14:02     ■PSARA=Passenger Shipping Association Retail Agent ■TGTG=The Global Travel Group ■TTA=Travel Trust Association ■YCA=Yacht Charter Association Share Basis ■A/AD=Adult ■C/CH=Child ■FAM=Family ■OCC=Occupancy ■SHR/SH=Share ■SUPP=Supplement Holiday Type ■BB=Bed and Breakfast■FB=Full Board ■CCH=Catered Chalet ■FI=Fully Inclusive■C/S=Cruise and Stay ■AI=All Inclusive ■FO=Flight Only ■OW=One Way ■FV/FD=Fly Drive ■RO=Room Only 18/29 Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:14:34     ■HB=Half Board ■SC=Self Catering ■NMD ACCOM=Named Accommodation ■AOA=Allocated On Arrival ■SO=Seat Only Pricing ■AMEX=American Express charge ■ASL=Airline Security Levy ■BKG FEE or B/FEE=Booking Fee ■CC/CCC=Credit Card Charge ■DC/DCC=Debit Card Charge ■TOD=Ticket on departure charge Insurance ■CDW=Collision Damage Waiver ■FULLY COMP INS=Fully Comprehensive Insurance >>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:14:52     ■LDW=Loss Damage Waiver ■SLI=Supplementary Liability Insurance ■UMP=Un-insured/Under-insured Motorist Motorist Protection Other ■AVAIL=Available ■BKG CONDS=Booking Conditions Apply ■DEP/DEPT/EX=Departs/Departure ■EX TRANS=Excludes Transfers ■INC/INCL=Includes/Including ■PP=Per Person ■PPPN=Per Person Per Night ■PW/PWK=Per Week ■RTN=Return TRANS ■TRANS INC=Transfers Included ■WK=week 20/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:14:17     Major Departure Airports ■ABZ=Aberdeen ■ISC=Isle of Scilly ■BFS=Belfast Int. ■JER=Jersey ■BHD=Belfast City ■LBA=Leeds Bradford ■BHX=Birmingham ■LCY=London City ■BRS=Bristol ■LDY=Londonderry ■CWL=Cardiff ■LGW=Gatwick ■DND=Dundee ■LHR=Heathrow ■DUB=Dublin ■LPL=Liverpool ■EDI=Edinburgh ■LTN=Luton ■EMA=East Midlands ■MAN=Manchester ■EXT=Exeter ■MME=Teeside ■GCI=Guernsey ■NCL=Newcastle ■GLA=Glasgow ■PIK=Prestwick ■HUY=Humberside ■STN=Stansted ■INV=Inverness ■NWI=Norwich ■IOM=Isle of Man ■SWS=Swansea 21/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:14:42     WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A PROBLJM The holiday industry is extremely fast moving and as such availability changes continually. Teletext makes every effort to keep information correct and and up to date. We take great care in constantly monitoring the service to makj sure that all information on screen is accurate and that Advertisers comply with our Code. Should viewers find that this is not the case, they are requested to let us know the details of the advert so that we may investigate. We take complaints of this nature very seriously and takj immediate action to 22/29 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:02     ensure our site and advertiser's offers are as accurate as possible. Advertising Complaints If you experience difficulties after responding to a holiday advertisement on Teletext, please write to us explaining the circumstances, including thesj important details: ■The platform you viewed the offer on e.g. web, TV analogue etc. ■The page number or section (if relevant). ■The date and time you viewed the offer and tried to book or booked. ■Any specific details of the advertised offer e.g. destination, price, >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 1n:17:2y     departure airport and date, duration, share basis, board basis, accommodation details and any other advertised details. Where a complaint is regarding a non- holiday related advertisement please give as full details as possible as to the content and the location of the advertisement. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act1988 we would also ask viewers to give permission to disclose their letter or email of complaint to outside bodies (e.g. advertiser involved, bonding organisation etc). This will assist in investigating the complaint. >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:47     In all instances where Teletext has grounds to regard a company's advertising as misleading, we will try to resolve your query. In other cases we would be pleased to offer any advice that may be helpful. Write to: Teletext Limited Compliance Department Building 10 Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Road Chiswick,London W4 5TS Or e-mail: >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Tjletext 290 Jul26 16:17:11     Never wait to complain about a holiday, flight or airline. It is advisable to lodge concerns immediately so they can be addressed there and then if possible. Regulation Teletext is a public broadcaster regulated by Ofcom (Office of Communications). Other independent governing bodies also regulate holiday advertising on the Teletext service depending on the platform. These include the Advbztising Standards Authority (ASA), the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Office of Fair Trading(OFT), the Independent >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:42      Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services(ICSTIS) and Trading Standards. Organisation Contact Details ■ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) Tel: 020 7580 5555 - ■ATOL (Air Travel Organiser's Licence) Tel: p20 7453 6430 ■AUC (Air Transport Users Council) (el: p20 7240@6061 ■BAA XBritish Airports Authority) Tel: 0800 844 844) ■CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) Tel: 020 7379 7311 - ■CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:54     ■CPT (Confederation of Passenger Transport) Tel: p20 7240 3131 ■DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) Tel: p20 7215 5000 ■FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office) Tel: 0870 606 p290 ■FSA (Financial Services Authority) Tel: 0845 606 1234 ■IATA (International Air Transport Association) Tel: p20 8607 6200 ■ICSTIS (Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services) Tel:0800 500 212(9-4) >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays
P290 Teletext 290 Jul26 16:17:17  VU   ■Ofcom (Office of Communications) Address: Ofcom Contact Centre, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HA Tel: 0845 456 3000 ■OFT (Office of Fair Trading) - Tel: 0845722 44 99 ■PSA (Passenger Shipping Association) Tel: p20 7436 2449 ■TGTG XThe Global Travel Group) Tel: 0870 735 1736 ■Trading Standards -is contactable through your local City Council. ■TTA (Travel Trust Association) - Tel Tel:0870 889 0577 >>>> Holidays Brands Ind Entertainm Holidays