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P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:01:11    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS Straight-talking holistic nutritionist Gillian McKeith is back and dishing out no-nonsense advice to the UK's worst culprits when it comes to bad diet. From a mum who can't say no to snacks to a couple who've become so disenchanted with their bodies they admit they wouldn't fancy each other if they met now, Gillian is on the case. We asked her to tell us more and how you can kick-start a healthy lifestyle. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— by Tina Lofthouse TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:21:05    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS "Geraldine Mawson was tired, overweight and suffering low moods," says Gillian McKeith of one of her charges in the new series of You Are What You Eat. "She had a cupboard stacked with treats which her kids had free rein over. We chucked it away and there hasn't been a squabble since. "They changed their life around and are now working with the school to promote healthy eating for other families." ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— Sarah Beeny's street makeover 411 TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:07:27    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS If you want to get motivated to start a new healthy lifestyle, Gillian McKeith advises you take one step at a time. "Just get one meal initially at a time. Start with breakfast - a healthy breakfast will give you energy. "It then comes more easily as you are starting to feed your brain. Nick, from the first series, said once he started healthy eating he could think more clearly and make proper choices." ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Sports diary 431 TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:14:43    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS You Are What You Eat is about making healthy food choices and regular exercise - not strict dieting. "It's not about fat people becoming thin," says Gillian McKeith. "These people in the show have other complaints such as lack of energy or digestive disorders. Once you start changing your diet, these symptoms are lessened and once you feel great you start to regulate weight." ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— T4 index 415 4Services 435 TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:11:18    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS Don't feel guilty if you gorge on the occasional pizza, says You Are What You Eat's Gillian McKeith. "After the initial eight weeks (of her recommendations), it's not like you have to be perfect all the time. "YouWre aiming for healthy choices 80% of the time. The other 20% is for treats or for eating out. There should be no guilt about it." ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Richard & Judy 454 TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:14:49    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS Gillian McKeith hopes her show will prove a catalyst for people to change their bad habits. "There are people who have never taken steps to see how great they can feel and that is such a shame," she says. But there's plenty of converts: "I saw this tattooed biker across the street and he was shouting over at me. I thought 'oh heck' but he came over and said "Your aduki bean stew rocks man!'" ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— 4Homes 410 TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment
P441 Teletext on 4 441 Jul26 16:21:58    ——————————————————————————————————————— TOUGH LOVE FOR FOOD OFFENDERS Gillian McKeith's superfoods: Berries - eat as many as possible for their fantastic nutrient content. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage - good antioxidants. Sprouted seeds such as alfalfa sprouts. Seeds such as sunflower or hemp which are good for essential fatty acids. Algae or seaweed for minerals. ■ You Are What You Eat, Weds, 8.30pm ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— TONIGHT'S TV ON ONE PAGE p121 Next door TV today T4 Entertainment