Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:21:10 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 1/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 7900 J Yeates SP11 7912 AW&Dhamm' IP19 7901 WWbridge S6 7913 E. Direct DY5 79p2 I'tonCoop DE7 7916 StPet'Aut LE2 7903 B.Reading RG2 7917 M'nsMotor AB53 7904 Shurd'Car GL51 7918 SupremeCa PO14 7905 P.WoodCar PE22 7919 Cquest UK BN43 7906 Richards' LN5 7920 Sunwy'4x4 LS28 7907 Patrick DH1 7921 Hegdale ME13 7908 Tates BN1 7922 C.LoudCar PO5 7909 WarsopMCo NG20 7923 Wordsley DY8 7910 BroadweyM DT2 7924 I'tonCoop DE21 7911 John Evan SA14 7925 Tates Ltd RH10  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:21:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 2/21 Dealer Ljst Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 7926 Tates BN45 7939 S. Garage G32 7927 Dunech4x4 AB32 7940 AR cars TN8 7928 BDownieCa AB51 7941 STS Ltd SN3 7929 Awholesal WF2 7942 Karden TN15 7930 Autostyle LE13 7943 SeaV Cars BH14 7931 Kingston' GU22 7944 BotleyCar SO30 7932 Tempest BN5 7945 A. Garage CV2 7933 Nu2UCars NR9 7946 I'on Coop NG18 7934 Hock'Cars RH1 7947 Tates BN41 7936 MGMMotorC SL4 7948 GMDCSales DH3 7937 Came'Cars RG24 7y49 Will'Moto DL16 7938 Horn'Cars PO8 7950 Will'Moto DL1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Tjletext 783 Jul26 1v:12:50 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 3/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Namj PCde Tel Namj PCde 7951 R MotorCo G32 7963 Rockingha LE13 7952 Penton BH6 7964 Partxcen' DE74 7953 Penton BH6 7965 Autoworld S4 7954 Bri' Cars BB10 7966 Autoworld S41 7955 Tates BN41 7967 Autoworld S41 7956 NortonWay SG6 7968 Autoworld S4 7957 ADouglas WB9 7969 Druid'Car CF3 7958 NortonWay SG6 7970 Ted Well HU10 7959 Autoworld S41 7971 Autoworld S41 7960 Autoworld S41 7972 Spec'Cars BS7 7961 Brett&Co' SY12 7973 RCarSales EX5 7962 W'sidecar N12 7974 A&A Brook LL12  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:12:13 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 4/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 7975 The CarCo TN9 7987 Denford G NN14 7976 WarwickW HA8 7988 RenaultSw SA7 7977 Platts M HP11 7990 Ralexande LN11 7978 Bourne V SP11 7991 C Service EX4 7979 Autofind SS9 7992 Sovereign OL6 7980 B Ottley SS17 7993 SouthendA SS1 7981 Warwick W W7 7994 Crown Mo' AB53 7982 BRd Motor BS31 7995 I&KMotors AB51 7983 BFearCars BA3 7996 Tollhouse RH10 7984 Autoworld S41 7997 N B Cars CF39 7985 Roberts B BA2 7998 Diesel en DL1 7986 RenaultCa CF11 7999 Ren Leeds LS7  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:12:52 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 5/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone numb r with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8h00 RenOldham OL: 8012 M&M Motor NP20 8001 W J Wells IG8 8014 S M Motor SE15 80p2 Just Saab GU15 8015 St A Cars FY8 8003 S&RMotors SN6 8016 Carsale W BS22 8004 S&RMotors SN1 8017 Autocars S42 8005 Holb' MPV S20 8018 Thames M SL1 8006 WHS4X4 S20 8019 Alres Grg CO7 8007 Penarth T CF11 8020 Apollo M BL4 8008 B of half HP8 8p 1 SJEdinbu EH46 8009 PP Sales SE26 8022 MfieldGrg TN29 8010 NortonWay SG6 8023 Thames M TN2 8011 WOfEaling W5 8024 DWay Cars LN6  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:11:09 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 6/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8025 Thames M CR0 8039 AJBlackle TQ12 8028 CornishEs TR16 8040 I'on Coop DE21 8029 Motorwell BS16 8041 Young&Ptn ME17 8030 CWMotorCo LN6 8042 Aut'Widne WA8 8031 TDQVehicl DE7 8043 Euro Cars BH2 8032 M Toyota S6 8044 RylandHon CF23 8033 I'on Coop DE7 8p45 MhseWbles CF31 8034 Co Cars HU8 8046 Flora Bro LE3 8035 B.St Saab LE1 8047 Gwell Car LN3 8036 StapleCar TA1 8048 Goul' Car LN6 8037 Foxhunter NE25 8049 Lumbard T LN2 8038 Top Gear HU15 8050 Fernbank OL6  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 1v:11:23 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 7/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phonj number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8051 Victoria BL5 8063 Brock' M RH6 8052 Central SS9 8064 TUsedCars TS25 8053 JohnMarti RM11 8066 BodilyCar CF38 8054 Jim Steel NG9 8067 M Hyundai S6 8055 Htage Car BB9 8068 KevinOdlu ST7 8056 W Sawyer SP11 8069 AstburyCa CW12 8057 KO'Connor PR4 8070 JohnKentM ME10 8058 Beechdale DE4 8072 BuchanCar RH11 8059 W Suzuki BN15 8073 Haddocks CO7 8060 Co Cars BS41 8074 Cheque'Fl GL51 8061 W'sideCar DE7 8075 Mayfairs ME4 8062 Auto 2000 BS15 8076 StampECar LN2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:14:51 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 8/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8077 Para' Car L36 8089 LakhaniMo LE4 8078 Elite C' NN1 8090 NortheyAr SN12 8079 MotorSale CM20 8091 SportifCi HP20 8080 Campions LN5 8092 ChurchMPV L40 8081 DuttonFor ME15 8093 SutValenc ME17 8082 CBMCarsLt B42 8094 Linkway WA9 8083 AVCMotor SK11 8095 Gates SO42 8084 DuttonFor ME15 8096 Ilkeston LN6 8085 Oakleys TN19 8097 Ilkeston DE14 8086 Willowbro HR7 8098 Ilkeston LN6 8087 DuttonFor ME15 8099 Ilkeston NG31 8088 Pontyclun CF72 8100 Ilkeston NG31  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:02:15 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 9/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8101 Ilkeston DE21 8113 Shenfield CM15 81p2 Ilkeston DE21 8117 Cars4less DE5 8103 Autosave S8 8118 KindersSe PR3 8104 RobertsQu CF41 8119 CardiffTr CF23 8105 W&Emotors L34 8120 DriveVaux IP33 8106 Northants NN10 8121 A&PColeCa WN3 8107 Ludlow SY8 8122 RjnaultBo BL3 8108 DeltaCars NP12 8123 Brookland BN15 8109 Ilkeston NG2 8124 Regency ME4 8110 Ilkeston LN6 8125 DeaneVale TA4 8111 Ilkeston NG2 8126 Carringto E6 8112 CarPlanet WA1 8127 Campbell NN1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Tjletext 783 Jul26 16:12:41 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 10/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tjl Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8128 A&ACars ME2 8140 Belgravia SO17 8129 MannMotor LE2 8141 Barnside SL6 8130 AllanMoto BA2 8142 Baileys V HP12 8131 Pensf'Mtr BS39 8143 F Tempest PE22 8132 Silverchk GU34 8144 Lawson ST7 8133 Hemyock EX15 8145 U2Drive BB8 8134 Ilkeston LN6 8146 D L Autos ME5 8135 Ilkeston LN6 8147 North Rid YO18 8136 Ilkeston LN6 8148 Martyn Sa PO3 8137 McCarthy SW9 8149 Colin Mos SO50 8138 Hatfields RH12 8150 PWH Mtrs CF23 8139 Hampfield ST4 8151 Ilkeston LE11  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Tjletext 783 Jul26 16:07:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 11/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8152 Autoworld S4 8164 Jacksdale NG16 8153 Ian Moody DN16 8165 Ryland Tr NG15 8154 Select Sp WR11 8166 Cross Pt LE67 8155 Power Mtr LE1 8167 E & J Jar SO14 8156 Causeway SO40 8168 Prospect B90 8157 Jon Heath LN4 8169 LCG Van BH21 8158 Georgeson L4 8170 Riverside DE15 8159 Copthorne RH10 8171 Scott Mtr EH44 8160 Dobles EX15 8172 Rosehill BB11 8161 Dace Mtr SK5 8173 GT Hewett PO3 81v2 Oakley Ca BH21 8174 Auto Valu DE3 8163 Autobahn BN15 8175 Beeston T NG9  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:01:29 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 12/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits #f their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8176 Crispin C NN17 8188 Border A TD1 8177 Harlequin BS15 8189 Tyneside NE13 8178 Hilltop S P08 8190 Bridgend DH3 8179 Woodland CM21 8191 Bexhill M TN40 8180 7 Seater G32 8192 Barking C RM7 8181 Autochall NG9 8193 Fletchers NP10 8182 A40 Cars OX18 8194 Tennis Co BS15 8183 Pines Car PO17 8195 Will Jame ME4 8184 Stanways FY8 8196 Tates BN9 8185 Peter Whi EH12 8197 Prestige GU20 8186 J F Cross BS30 8198 Clock Gar BH11 8187 Paul Tayl LE7 8199 BriCarMar BS5  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:0*:42 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 13/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8700 QCSCars ST4 8712 Pennant WA4 8701 WhitnellC PR6 8713 PJAutos SM4 8702 Taylor NE29 8714 Autobytel MK9 8703 Carnelian TF3 8715 WigstonCa LE18 8704 Carnelian SY1 8716 Lookers CH1 8705 BriRoyden ME8 8717 EstnGarag SS17 8706 Accara ME14 8718 DuttonFor CF11 8707 NtAvonCar BS35 8719 PennBroth E10 8708 JDDickson PR26 8720 RSAutos CT10 8709 ElmTreeCa LE67 8721 Roberts&W PO16 8710 HollandMt BL: 8722 Murkjtts SG8 8711 Somerset BH24 8723 Murketts CB2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:12:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 14/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phoni number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8724 MauriceMc PA16 8736 Hughes B63 8725 Penarth CF11 8737 Johnsons DH3 8726 Milbrow LA13 8738 Acumen TN4 8727 Orchard NN3 8739 Carstar LS28 8728 MeltonCar LE7 8740 EconomyC LN2 8729 JohnWillM KY12 8741 Gfleming CR2 8730 DirectVeh PR4 8742 AlanMyers LA12 8731 Exceeds DA11 8743 Swarwick CV37 8732 Armstrong DN31 8744 Swansey PR6 8733 FleetSale LE5 8745 HampCars PO8 8734 Wmalling ME19 8746 ChallMtrs IG5 8735 Brookland PR2 8747 Crawford M33  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:12:48 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 15/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8748 TimeTees RM14 8760 DonBurnjt BL3 8749 TimeTees SS14 8761 MaskeryMo OL8 8750 Ilkeston LN6 8762 GTACarSal S2 8751 Neath Car SA11 8763 Automarqu SO40 8752 Cars Dire PR1 8764 ParagonCa OL15 8753 SunwinNis DE21 8765 S&Sautos CT9 8754 BkshreBMW SL6 8766 DGAutos EX5 8755 Charvills SG14 8767 FleetAuto DA11 8756 HMCDirect ST7 8768 5ihGearCa ML6 8757 BTACarSal PO17 8769 BCCHyunda BL2 8758 DennisHor LN4 8770 HamlitCar AL7 8759 Foley CM19 8771 Chadwell IG3  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Tjletext 783 Jul26 1v:12:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 16/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8772 U2Drive BB8 8784 Fine Cars PO13 8773 DriveVaux GU9 8785 Fine Cars PO12 8774 DriveVaux CV32 8786 GuysHamps RG22 8775 DriveVaux BS2 8787 CroftCars SA2 8776 DriveVaux BS21 8788 RWCars DE21 8777 DriveVaux LE2 8789 RHMCars IG1 8778 DriveVaux BS34 8790 GoldenMot SW16 8779 DriveVaux CB9 8791 BobMillin LE16 8780 DriveVaux TS10 8792 Autoworld S41 8781 DriveVaux GU12 8794 RomfordMo RM7 8782 Greenhill HA1 8795 RodeCars ST7 8783 MidSussex RH17 8796 Totteridg N12  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:11:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 17/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8797 Car4Less LN6 8809 HTCWhites HR1 8798 PremVehic WN5 8810 NorthAudi NN5 8799 MotorPoin DL1 8811 ChandFord SO53 8800 DonaldsSu PE1 8812 Smallshaw OL6 8801 NiagaraCa S6 8813 IlfordMo IG3 8802 BroxhillT RG27 8814 BridgCars WN2 8803 DonsMazda IP1 8815 NorwoodCa YR8 8804 DonsMazda IP32 8816 PkstoneMo SS9 8805 CarsAtCos LE18 8817 DeepdaleM PR2 8806 Palmersvi NE12 8818 ChorleyNi WN3 8807 DonsMazda PE1 8819 BurnsCarS WN3 8808 SmithCars ST7 8820 M&A Autos W7  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:11:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 18/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8821 Autobond S41 8834 W Milliga CA18 8822 CHCFleet L39 8835 CarltonMo GL1 8823 AlphaMoto WN4 8836 HuttonBro YO62 8824 Cars4UUK CF37 8837 McCarthyC CR0 8825 First Cou UB2 8838 Interstat ST4 8826 Southgate SP10 8839 KF Motors SL5 8827 CitroenDi M28 8840 JPCarSale FY4 8828 HurleyHse BS5 8841 N End Mot PO2 8829 AtoB Veh BB9 8842 ChorleyNi PR1 8830 Whitehill DA13 8843 M&S Dis M26 8832 LincoMhse LN5 8844 Stoneacre L8 8833 Egmont Gr BH24 8845 SquiPres SM3  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dcaler Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:22:19 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 19/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8846 JohnFeltw PE28 8860 HackneyCa E8 8847 OceansCar PO5 8861 Euronet M LE5 8848 SouthgaGr SO29 8862 LeonaDab GU24 8849 SouthgaGr SO51 8863 BritanniM WA3 8850 SouthgaGr SO51 8864 Crossfire DE55 8851 ABCarSale CF63 8865 HobinPres PR2 88*2 BrynMotor WN4 8866 TargetCar KT19 8853 Chap&Mawd L37 8867 Murketts PE27 8854 Bugle Inn PR7 8868 BushbAuto LE7 8857 PalmBayGr CT9 8869 Shardlow DE72 8858 Riding&Co PR1 8870 StarCarSu BN10 8859 Shortfiel GU10 8871 Riding&Co PR1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Teletext 783 Jul26 16:22:24 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 20/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8872 Westminst SK10 8884 SewarPool BH23 8873 Parringto GU21 8885 Seward BH12 8874 Bugle Inn WN8 8886 Seward DT11 8875 ChorleyNi PR7 8887 Motorland PR4 8876 Hodgson NE28 8888 Seward BH22 8877 WingrayAu L25 8889 Seward BH12 8878 UptonGrge BH16 8890 Seward BH23 8879 BedlingtM NE22 8891 Seward BH6 8880 Diavollo UB10 8892 PillingSk MK4 8881 KismetKar DE55 8893 PillingMa MK4 8882 CrudwGrge SN16 8895 Ace Cars HA0 8883 SewarPool BH12 8896 QuenbyBro SG7  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P783 Tjletext 783 Jul26 16:12:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 21/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8897 RichaMull CW2 8899 GlynHopki E6  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx