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P126 ORACLE 126 Sun22 Dec ITV 1944:11 LIVE   1/3 AT  By    Eric    White    Christmas and New Year... OVER the Christmas and New Year period Health Check's going to be giving you some festive drinking and eating tips. From Monday, find out some healthy alternatives to alcohol - ideal for drivers or people who want to cut down. Get some healthy eating advice from Monday, December 30, PLUS you can also win one of 20 workout videos! Letters > Live At Five Guide 120 Puzzles 127 Park Avenue is on page 566 (C4) Puzzles Problem Panel 5 Live TV Guide
P126 ORACLE 126 Sun22 Dec ITV 1935:04 LIVE   2/3 AT           Missed address QUITE a few Health Check readers have written because they missed the address given out at the end of last Sunday's Equinox documentry about rheumatoid arthritis. For further information about the condition send a cheque or postal order for £1 made payable to CHANNEL FOUR to: ARTHRITIS, PO Box 400, London, W3 6XJ What is it? > Live At Five Guide 120 Puzzles 127 Puzzles Problem Panel 5 Live TV Guide
P126 ORACLE 126 Sun22 Dec ITV 1945:55 LIVE   3/3 AT           What is it? Dear Health Check, What is trigeminal neuralgia, what causes it and does it need medical attention? Mrs Wylie, Orkney It's a disorder of the trigeminal nerve, which causes stabbing pain in the cheek, lips, gums or chin on one side of the face. The actual cause is uncertain. Treatment involves drugs to supress the pain or minor surgery. Christmas and New Year > Live At Five Guide 120 Puzzles 127 Puzzles Problem Panel 5 Live TV Guide