This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 22nd December 1991
Service: ORACLE
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: ANGLIA
Current Page: 128
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P128 ORACLE 128 Sun22 Dec ITV 1911:42LIVE 1/5 AT Got a problem? Write to us! OUR experts can deal with any problem. Experts are: Jane Ford (sexual), Sarah Bradley (beauty), Dr Susan A Price (medical), Andrew Strachan (dental), Jenny Randles (paranormal), Paul Lewis (DSS), Chris Jolliffe (career), Tony Nayager (legal)Jill Colville (child/bereavement). Write to Problems, ORACLE, 25-32 Marshall Street, London W1V 1LL. No personal correspondence. problem >Live At 5 Guide 120Five Live 129Save £££s on holidays - see 350Five Live Stars Health Check TV Guide
P128 ORACLE 128 Sun22 Dec ITV 1921:18LIVE 2/5 AT Balding male...1 Dear Sarah, I am a 31-year-old balding male and in the summer my head readily overheats. For a couple of days, my head is hot and glistening, with irritation under the skin. Once, when I was out for a long time on a hot day, I also suffered a swollen face. Other bald men seem to cope. Is there anything you can suggest other than that I permanently wear a hat? Paul reply >Live At 5 Guide 120 Five Live 129Five Live Stars Health Check TV Guide
P128 ORACLE 128 Sun22 Dec ITV 1916:44LIVE 3/5 AT Balding male...2 Dear Paul, It's a mark of the size of my postbag that this one's taken until just before Christmas to make its way to the top of the pile! I'm quite worried by the sound of that swollen face. You must have got a bad case of sunburn - did you go to your GP about it? For goodness sake go if it happens again - you could do yourself some serious damage. reply >Live At 5 Guide 120 Five Live 129Five Live Stars Health Check TV Guide
P128 ORACLE 128 Sun22 Dec ITV 1917:52LIVE 4/5 AT Balding male...3 Dear Paul, (continued) The skin covering your scalp is very thin and vulnerable to burning. I've got quite thick hair, but I always wear a hat in strong sun, or my scalp burns even through my hair. I think you should wear a cool cotton hat - cricketers all do when they're out in the sun all day. And there are some dead smart Panamas around too! reply >Live At 5 Guide 120Five Live 129Five Live Stars Health Check TV Guide
P128 ORACLE 128 Sun22 Dec ITV 1910:25LIVE 5/5 AT Balding male...4 Dear Paul, (continued) If you don't like the idea of wearing a hat, then cover your bald spot with total sunblock. Now we're all so much more aware of the damage the sun can do there are lots on the market. But please try and avoid getting your scalp seriously burned again - it really is a risk not worth taking. Sarah Bradley start >Live At 5 Guide 120 Five Live 129Five Live Stars Health Check TV Guide