This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 22nd December 1991
Service: ORACLE
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: ANGLIA
Current Page: 255
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1917:10 1/8 CORONATION STREET Friday, December 20 Liz is distraught as Steve is suspected of being a thief. Andy is upset to see Liz crying and tells her who Steve's crooked friends are. Liz gives the names to the police - they round the gang up and charge Steve with handling stolen goods. Percy upsets a customer in his grotto. Reg warns Curly that he intends to reprimand Santa Sugden. Emmerdale >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256LITTLEWOODS GROUP SUPERSAVERS p185Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1916:35 2/8 EMMERDALE Thursday, December 19 Nick impresses baby Alice's minder, who thinks he is a much more caring parent than Elsa. Christopher and Kathy receive huge estimates for the building work. Elizabeth Pollard receives a single red rose from an admirer. Jack tells Joe he's concerned about Sarah's wellbeing - after her ordeal. Lynn Whiteley feels left out in the cold when she witnesses a show of affection between Rachel Hughes and her boyfriend Michael Feldmann. EastEnders >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1914:18 3/8 EASTENDERS Thursday, December 19 There's a mixed reaction when Clyde walks back into Albert Square as a free man. Dot breaks down and cancels her Christmas, while Celestine and Etta plan a big party for their son. Ian refuses to go to Pauline's and makes Steve work a double shift. Sharon thinks Grant is up to something when she finds one of her dresses under his coat. Pat wants to make up with Frank. They are both upset when Ricky and Sam decide to spend Christmas with Peggy. Clyde tells Michelle he wants to start his life anew somewhere else - and without her... ■ EastEnders will next be updated on Friday. Neighbours >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1912:18 4/8 NEIGHBOURS Friday, December 20 Melissa and Cody fall out as Melissa thinks Cody is spreading rumours about her and the phantom kisser. Pam tells Cody she thinks she may have started the gossip. Josh is upset that Melissa has been kissed by someone else. Jim wants to spend more time with Todd but he isn't interested. Helen convinces Todd to play along with Jim. Christina is excited about her first modelling job but the excitement turns to gloom when she spends the day dressed as a peanut. Paul, Caroline and Melanie bump into her. ■ Neighboursnext update is on Friday Brookside >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1918:58 5/8 BROOKSIDE Friday, December 20 Angie is grateful to Barry but she resists his attempts to woo her. Rod and Diana decide not to tell Julia that he's suspended for two months. Ron grovels to Julia and Jackie to get them back to work. Julia wangles an invitation to Christmas dinner at the Dixons'. Ron decides it's time to make up with Cyril but he can't find him. Patricia's job goes disastrously. From her hotel she rings Max - but Susannah answers. Although there's no hanky panky going on between Max and Susannah an insecure Patricia thinks the worse. She bursts into tears. Families >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1912:11 6/8 FAMILIES Tuesday, December 17 Nathan announces he's the boss at the riding stables while Amanda is away. Chelsea and Daniel arenWt pleased by this. Mrs Grandby is worried sick about the fate of the still missing Amanda. Jane tells Chelsea to invite Daniel around for a meal but Chelsea hesitates because she knows her mother will interrogate him. Jane has severe stomach pains and is rushed to hospital just as Brian arrives at the Railway Inn. Families is back on January 6 Home and Away >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1918:50 7/8 HOME AND AWAY Friday, December 20 Michael discovers Hayden's true feelings from Sophie and races off to stop him leaving. He catches up with Hayden at the last minute and with a display of fatherly love persuades Hayden to return to live in Summer Bay. Marilyn panics because Nick wonWt attend the fostering interview. She tries to deceive the social worker, Louise Scott, about Nick's absence but it doesn't work. Bobby is sure they've blown the interview - but the next day Louise arrives with the child he's to foster. Park Avenue >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide
P255 ORACLE 255 Sun22 Dec ANG 1914:56 8/8 PARK AVENUE Saturday, December 21 Jocasta tells Cathall getting a Malaysian bride would be disgusting. Richard and Sarah get to Egypt after being stuck in Rome. Sarah doesn't know Richard bought the holiday with her credit card. Ron Fraser sacks Debbie after she finds him canoodling with Evelyn at the office party. Jane gets a card from Andy. Tara makes a big play for Don. And the new executive producer, Claudio Fernandez, makes a pass at him. Andy tells Jane he loves her. PARK AVENUE IS OUR SOAP FROM 4PM EVERY DAY ON PAGE 566 (C4). Coronation St >TV Plus Guide 250Last Night 256Last Night Highlight ITV Films TV Guide