P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:35/57 1/9 MONEY FUNDS: 1 At May 18: Gross Min Notice Aitken Hume MI * 8.50 £2,500 Call Aitken Treasury 8.63 £25,000 Call Bank of Scotland* 8.65 £2,500 Call Britannia HICA * 8.75 £2,500 Call Charterhouse * 8.50 £2,000 Call Mallinhall 8.25 £1,000 Call M&G/KB HICA * 9.00 £2,500 Call Midland Bank * 8.63 £2,000 Call S&P HIBA * 8.06 £1,000 Call NB Nominal rates (8.65 = APR 9.00) * = cheque-book facility 7 Day Rate Update figures More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:28/43 2/9 MONEY FUNDS: 2 (May 18) Gross Min Notice Schroder * 8.30 £2,500 Call Schroder * 8.55 £10,000 Call Opp'heimer/SIMCO 7.06 £10,000 Call Tullett & Riley 7.42 £10,000 Call Tyndall 8.20 £2,500 Call Opp/SIMCO HIDA * 7.06 £1,000 1-day Dartington * 8.75 £2,000 7-day Opp'heimer/SIMCO 8.07 £10,000 7-day Tullett & Riley 8.32 £2,500 7-day Tyndall 7-Day * 8.25 £2,500 7-day NB Nominal rates (8.65 = APR 9.00) * = cheque-book facility 7 Day Rate Update figures More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:18/23 3/9 NATIONAL SAVINGS Fixed Interest 27th Issue Min Notice Cashed afjer 1yr: 5.3 * £25 8 3yr: 6.2 * 5yr: 7.3 * Index-linked 1yr: 5.2 *+ £10 8 Variable Interest Income bond 10.0 £2000 90 Deposit bond 10.0 £500 90 NS ord account 3.0 * £1 1-7 6.0 * £500 1-7 NS inv account 9.3 £1 30 KEY: * Tax-free interest + Plus 2.4% bonus if held 1yr More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:38/22 4/9 NS INDEXED CERTIFICATES + June value of £10 certificates bought at the following dates. (Only every fourth month displayed). Simply multiply for higher denominations. Jun 75 28.26 Jun 78 18.80 Jun 81 12.24 Oct 75 26.21 Oct 78 18.35 Oct 81 11.95 Feb 76 25.02 Feb 79 17.93 Feb 82 11.58 Jun 76 23.79 Jun 79 17.10 Jun 82 11.19 Oct 76 23.05 Oct 79 15.49 Oct 82 11.07 Feb 77 21.75 Feb 80 14.94 Feb 83 10.91 Jun 77 20.29 Jun 80 13.72 Jun 83 10.60 Oct 77 19.81 Oct 80 13.32 Relevant RPI: Feb 78 19.42 Feb 81 12.98 349.7 NB 2.4pc bonus on certificates held 1yr More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:16/11 5/9 INCOME BONDS: BEST RATES Term Company Return Minimum 1 Eng Insurance 7.70 £2,000 1-4 Gen Portfolio 7.70- 8.40 £1,000 2 Canterbury Life 8.50 £1,000 3 Canterbury Life 8.50 £1,000 Capital Life 8.75 £10,000 4 Continental Lfe 8.75 £2,500 Capital Life 9.00 £10,000 5 Canterbury Life 9.00 £1,000 Capital Life 9.25 £10,000 7- 10 Capital Life 9.00 £10,000 * Best rates available at May 17. The return is paid net of basic rate tax. Rateguide figures More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:14/28 6/9 GROWTH BONDS: BEST RATES Term Company Maturity Minimum 1 Capital Life £1,080 £2,000 2 Capital Life £1,177 £2,000 3 Capital Life £1,286 £2,000 4 Capital Life £1,412 £2,000 5 Capital Life £1,556 £2,000 6 Capital Life £1,700 £2,000 7 Capital Life £1,888 £2,000 8 Capital Life £2,067 £2,000 9 Capital Life £2,263 £2,000 10 Capital Life £2,478 £2,000 * Best rates available at May 17. The return is paid net of basic rate tax. Rateguide figures More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:19/18 7/9 INVESTORS IN INDUSTRY Term deposit rates: 3 Years 10.25 (Min £1,000, 4 Years 10.50 Max £50,000) 5 Years 10.50 6 Years 10.75 7 Years 11.00 8 Years 11.00 9 Years 11.00 10 Years 11.00 * Rates effective until June 01. Interest paid gross, half-yearly. NB Details from: 3i, 91 Waterloo Road, London SE1 (Tel 01-928 7822). More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:12/34 8/9 LOCAL AUTHORITY BONDS + Best rates from May 24: % Min 1yr Knowsley MBC 9.13 £1000 2yrs Knowsley MBC 10.13 £1000 3yrs Knowsley MBC 10.63 £1000 4yrs Knowsley MBC 10.63 £1000 5yrs Hereford & Worcs CC 10.75 £1000 6yrs Hereford & Worcs CC 11.00 £1000 7yrs Hereford & Worcs CC 11.00 £1000 8yrs Kirklees MBC 10.00 £500 9yrs Kirklees MBC 10.00 £500 10yrs Kirklees MBC 10.00 £500 + Negotiable (Yearling) Bonds: 10.13 NB Details: Loans Bureau, 232 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 1AU. (Full list: £2.50). Tel: 01-828 7855 after 3.30pm. More
P223 CEEFAX 223 Tue 29 May 21:30/11 9/9 REGULAR SAVINGS Tax: Nil 30% 60% Notice Building Societies Subscrip'n shares 7.3 7.3 4.1 21 SAYE (2nd issue) * Held for 1yr : 6.0 6.0 6.0 14 Held for 5yrs: 8.3 8.3 8.3 14 Held for 7yrs: 8.6 8.6 8.6 14 National Savings SAYE (indexed) + Held for 5yrs: ÷ 5.2 5.2 5.2 21 KEY: * Monthly min/max: £1/£20 + Monthly min/max: £4/£50 ÷ Plus 0.2pc monthly bonus More