This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 5th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 230
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P230 CEEFAX 230 Tue 5 Jun 21:27/26 CRICKET England v West Indies ..242Britannic Championship table ......244John Player League standings ......243 Averages: Batting 239Bowling .....238Best fielders ....237Season best .236MOTOR RACING 1984 F1 calendar ..248World drivers' championship table .247FOOTBALL World Cup groupings ...231RUGBY UNION England's SA tour ..232RACI G NSkeuc tables ..........245Overnight declarations ............246Golf .........233Swimming .......234Tennis .......235Moior Cycling ..240Snooker ......241Yachting .......249
P230 EEFAX bn0 TuE * Jjm 2a40&*1 4/4 ITV 2 Jun- 8 JunMon Dramarama at 4.45pmCoronation Street at 7.30pm Brass at p.00pmTue Insight (In Vision) at 9.45am"GCreGroo and ec Sng at &.3!pm Morecambe and Wise at 8.30pm ShErHoGk HoMmeg at 1- 5pm First Tuesday at 10.35pm(SUBTJTLES on page 170) Channel 4 Sat Manscape (In Vision) at 1.30pm Cervanteg (In VUkion) at 8.00pmMon Africa (In Vision) at 9.00pmTue WhNse Town is it AnyfCq (In Vision) at 6.30pm