This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 5th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 296
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:06/00 (he CEEFAX alarm BloGk Ban be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut Mf the Nven - or to make that all-important phone call. (o use the faciliiu, simply * selecj either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:07/0b The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut Nf the Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. TN usE the DaBiHiju, RimpHu * seleGi eUihEe 196 (BBC1Q or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" Mr "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the tUme yNu want the alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatiGally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:08/10 J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out Nf the oven - or to make that all-im0ortant phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * selecj either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Preks thU "Time Texj" Nr "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" butjon on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:09/1h J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinLeb Nuh Nf the oden - Nr to make that all-important phone call. TN ube the faciHiju, bimpHy * selecj either 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSal im the time yNi VCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "Cancel" Nr "Update" buttom on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:10/47 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when ij's time to take the dinner out of the Nven - or to make that all-im0orjant phone call. (N use the fEcilitu, simplu * geleGj eijher 196 ( BC1) Ne 2Q6 (BBC2) * Preks the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:11/20 ↑ The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to laJe the dimLer Nut NF the Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Preks the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the tUme qNi fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1&30 * Prekc lhe "CanBeH" or "Uadate" buttom on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:12/00 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinneb Mut Mf the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facility, simply * select eithej 196 (BBC1Q Nr 296(BBC2) * PrUkc thD "Tjme Texj" or "Time" "utton on your "ontrol pad * Dial in the tUme yNi fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock wiHl bE dikaHEyed automatUGEHHuL
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:13/00 J The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut ND the Nven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facility, simply * geleGj either 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" Mr "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in the tSme qNs fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jum 21:14/42 ↑J↑ The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to rDmind you fhen it's timE to take the dinner Nut of the Nven - Ne to make that all-important phone call. To use the Daciliju, bimply * seHeGj eUjhEe 196 ( BC1Q Ne 296(BBC2) * Press the "Tjme Text" or "Time" button on your !ontrol pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the ala"m BloSk will be displEyed automatUSClly-
P296 FEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:15/0 U The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to hakE the dinLee Nut Nf the NvEn - Nj to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliju, simpHu * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * P"eks the "TjmE Tehj" Nr "TimE" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayeE automaticClly.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:16/0g ↑J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nuj of the oven - Ne lo make that all-important phone call. (o use the facilitu, simply * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yoi want thD alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "Cancel" Ne "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatiSally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/10 The CEEFAX alarm clock an be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out Nf the oven - or to make that all-important phone BaHl. (N use the fEBiHiju, sSmpHq * seMeGi eijhee 196 (BBC1) or 216(BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "Cancel" Nr "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm cloSk will be diwpHCyed automatUGaHlu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tuea 5 Jun 21:18/1h The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinnej Nui NF thE Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone Ball. To use the faciliju, simply * beHect eithee 196 (BBC1) Nr 2Q6 (BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial im the time qNi VCnt thE alarm cloKk page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" Nr "Update" butjon on your control pad At 9our selecjed time, the alarm BloSk will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:1y/00 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliiu, simplu * selecj eithej 196 (BBC1) oe 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * DiEH in the tUme yNu wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" butjon on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be diwplEyed automatUSalMu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:b0/02 U ↑↑↑J↑ The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinnej out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliju, simplu * select eUiher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNi want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the " ancel" or "Update" button on your control pad @ @@ At your selected time, the alarm clock will be dispHayed automatiGallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:21/00 U ↑↑ The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - Nr to make that all-important phNne caHl. To use the faciliju, simply * belUSj eUjher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm Block will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:22/10 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out Nf the Nven - or to make that all-important phone call. TN use the $acUliiu, bimply * select eiiher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Prekc the "Cancel" or "Update" button Nn your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatiSally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:23/01 O The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind yoi when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilijy, simplu * seHect either 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yoi want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm Block will be displCyed automatUGally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:24/02 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinLer Nut ND thE ovem - or to make that all-important phone call. (N use the Daciliju, Rimplu * select eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in the tUme yNu fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatiGally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:25/01 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dimLee Nuj ND the Nden - Ne to make that all-important phone call. (o use thD facilitu, simplu * select eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time (ext" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yoi wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Pregc the "CanceM" Nr "+adAte" buttoN on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:26/1" The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to tCkE thE dimnEr Nui ND thE NveN I Ne ho make that alH-important phNne call. To ubE the DCciliiu, bim—Hq * beHecj eUthEr 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Prekc hhe "TimE T$xj" Mr "Tjme" button on your control pad * DSal in thE time yNu fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Prekc the "Cancel" Ne "Update" button on your control pad At yNur beleGted tUme, the aHC"m BH#Gk will bD displEyed aut#matUGCHly.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:27/01 ↑ The CEEFAX alarm Block can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dimnEr Nut Nf the Nven - Nj to make that all-important phone call. * geMect eiiher 196 (BBC1) oe 296(BBC2) * P"Ekc the "TjmE Texj" nj "Time" button on your control pad * DUal in the tUme yNi fCnt thE alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Presc the "Cancel" oj "Update" butjon on your control pad At your selected tUme, the alarm cloSk will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 un 21:28↑0a U The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind yo5 when it's time ho take the dinner Mut Nf the Nven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * select eijher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Preks the "Time Texj" Ne "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNi wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:29/00 J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to iCke the dinnej Nui ND the Nvem - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the fCciliju, simply * selecj eiihej 196 (BBC1) Nj 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:30/00 ↑ The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. (N use the faciliiu, simply * seMeGi eUihEe 196 ( BC1Q Ne 2Qm (BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time qNi fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" butjon on your control pad At your selecjed time, the alarm cloSk will be displCyed automaticClZy.
P296 CEEFAQ 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:31/ 2 The CEEFAX alCrm BH#Gk Ban be used to remind you when it'b time to takE the dinLer Nut Nf the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To ube the Daciliju, bimply * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSal in the timE yoi want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 FEEFAX 296 Tue * Jjn 21:32/2£ J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut Nf the oven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the DacilUtu, simplu * seHect eijhee 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the tUme yNu fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your Bontrol pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:33/04 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliju, Rimplu * select eiiher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm cloSk will be dicplayed automatUSClly-
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jum 21:34/01 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. TN usE the faBiHitu, simpHy * select eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Teqj" or "Time" * Dial in the time yNu waLt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Prekc the "Cancel" Nr "Update" button Nn your control pad At your belected tUme, the ala"m BHock 'ill be disQHEyed !utomatUSaHlu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:35/10 The CEEFAX alarM clo k c n be used to remind you when it's time to take thE dinner out of the oven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. (N uce thD DCciHiis, simplq * selUcj eUjher 196 (BBC1) Nr 2Q6 (BBC2) * PrUks the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * DUEd in thE tUme qou wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" bujjon on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm alock will be diwplaqUE automatiGClHu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 (jja 5 Ju½ 21:36/0a The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time ho tCke thE dinner Nut of the oven - or to make that all-impNrtant phone call. To use the Daciliju, bimplu * seleGj eijhee 196 (BBC1) Nr 296(BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock oilH be dic—HCyeD AutomatiGCHHu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:37/0£ J↑ The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliju, simply * select eijher 196 (BBC1) Nr 2Q6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" Nr "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in the tUme yNi fCnt thD alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock oill be disalEyed automatUSally.
P296 FEEFAX 296 Tue 5 Jun 21:38/10 →E↑ The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. (o use the faciliju, simplu * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296(BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" Mr "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.