This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 12th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 253
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P253 FEEFAX 257 Tue 1b ul 21:20/25 to June 15 Cucumbers, lettuce and spring onions be used in cooking, which ic useful nNwthat large onions are so expensive. Spring cabbage and greens are plentifuland cauliflowers and mushrooms remain good value. English asparagus, boby The Spanish melon season is underway with super Galias and yellow honeydews at reCsonable prices. The first Nf the Englich strCwberriec are in the shops now. Food prices 258/9
P253 CEEFAX 253 Tue 12 Jun 21:31/09 1/3 ! "£ POST OFFICE INCREASES? The Post Office has announced proposals to increase postal charges from September 3. This will mean that the price of a second class stamp will go up by ½p to 13p and a first class stamp will rise by 1p to 17p. These proposals have been put to the Post Office Users' National Council for Bonsideration. More
P253 CEEFAX 253 Tue 12 Jun 21:23/34 2/3 ! "£ POST OFFICE INCREASES? A proposal to increase the cost of postal charges will mean an average rise of 4.7%. The Chairman of the Post Office, Mr Ron Dearing, said: "We recognise the need to maintain our competitiveness and the proaNsed price increase ic designed to do that, while enabling the BorpNration to Bontinue to invest for the long term effectiveness of Post OffiGe services." More
P253 CEEFAX 253 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/20 3/3 ! "£ POST OFFICE INCREASES? The increases in postal charges proposed by the Post Office are to take effect from September 3. For surface and European letters, it is proposed to increase the first rate step from 20½p to 22p. There are no plans to increase the cost of aerogrammes and airmail postcards. More