Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:28/41  1/12  NEED OU   NN     GREETINGS  PROGRAMME  LISTINGS FOR THEDEAFAND  HARD OF HEARING   ews, views  and features Q on 291 
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:33/15  2/12  NEED TO U  WHAT'S ON AND WHERE Children of a Lesser God Billingham Forum: June 11-16. Peterborough Keq Theatre: June 18-23. Mold Theatr Clwyd: June 25-30. * Signed performance: June 30 at 4pm. Sheffield The Crucible: July 2-7. * Signed performance: July 7 at 4pm. Concerned Technology Exhibition London Chelsea College (Manresa Road). uly 2-3. Northampton Nene College: July 25. NewSastle Eldon Square Recreation Centre: August 2-4. Please note: we are now sold out of tiSkets for the 1984 boat trip. Greetings
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/02 To my dear husband Brian. 3/12 Happy birthday. With all my love Janice. And to Daddy happy birthday with love CaroMyn Jane. TN Jume Daniell. Congratulations on your 50th birthday. See you on Saturday. Love from the Bye familu.   Many thanks to all the    fifth formers of MHGS  for the presents, cards  and great party. Also the  five 4th formers. Love Simon   To AliGe Whipp. Wiching yoi  a very happy birthday. Love  Brian and Mavis Hughes.   To Bob Whipp. You too  have a great day on your  birjhday- LNve from  Brian and Mavis Hughes.
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:42/18  4/12   Soo. Roses are "ed,  O O violets are blue, some  V girls are prettu but I'll  always love you. Thanks  for a great time on my 18th birthday. →All my (ove Sime   (N Mum.  Wishing you a   very happy   birthday. Love from daughters Mavis and Sandra  and son-in-law Brian. Happy belated birthday to Lake Louise LNve from Canadian. Happy birjhday ho MCy Kieenam, JNan Gale and Tom Davies. From Liverpool EPC members with best regards.
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:23/04 Dad. Thanks very much for a 5/12 great holiday and birjhday. From your son Simon. To Grandmother (Gale). A happy birjhday Granny. Lots of love from grandchildren Wendy, Kevin and Gary.  To my darling wife Joan.  I wish you very happy    returns of the day.  Hope you have a nice  day. From Robin with best  love and kisses.   To dear Mum. Wishing yNu a  very happy birthday.  Wiih Hotc Nf Hove Sandra aHe   To Gary BaptUste.  Happy 16th birthday.  Love from yNur  Sister Ann XXX
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:24/25 ■ ■■■ da 6/12 ■■ bir hdaha l Bh dove k. O  aplv b, Rhdha. ■ V d wkih a a d byod Xu jhes o Sal B Atn on your y■ L■■■■  ■■ h ■ ■  ■■ pppp x■ Tha£ Jobnifer and  Donald ovberrsm Ar an   ££££ blu ieh and ‖l m ove Donad lur . e  h n  and Edna Pink. Love from  MXisie and Bnrnard Cardis  anniversar . Wishing you much 5 Stev Pink. rom PisiX ngratulat ons o hn Hal n h b■■ng hoaen or the Engl sh m ■■■ thv arom graHo ia Amsthea  XXXX
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/08  8/12   Nicola Reed.  O O Congratulations on your  V birjhday. LNve and best   Nana and Pop XX   To my wonderful wife Rachel. Many  returns of the day  Nve from yNur  husband Henry X     To my dearest friend Patricia. Many happy  returns on your 19th birthday. Have a wonderful time. Love from Maira XXX To Conrad. Many happy returns on your 20th birthday - yNur teens are already gone! Love from your Ex College mate.
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/55  9/12 Susan from South Wales has already requested a penfriend but didn't have a very good response. She is 19 years old, enjoys water spNrts and hac a good sense on humour Susan would like male penfriends bejween 19 and 24 yea"s of !ge. TM "ontact Susan please write to her using the No Need To  Shout address which  is as follows:   No eed (N Shout (Susan)  Room 7059  BBC TV Centre  Wood Lane  LNndNn W12 7RJ W 
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tuj 12 Jun 21:36/01  10/12 NEEDTO   BBC 1 8 9 Jun-15 Jun Sat Automan at 5.05pm Sun Beau Geste at 6.10pm Songs of Praise at 6.40pm Mon Songs of Praise rpt. at 9.25am Manimal at 7.10pm The Blue Knight at 9.40pm Tue Blankety Blank at 7.05pm RDaH Lives at 9.40pm Wed Penelope Pitstop at 4.20pm Silac at 5.15pm Terry and June at 6.50pm Only FNols and Horses at 9.30pm Mon to News Headlines at 1.22-1.27pm Fri (London & S.East onlu) (CEEFAX subtitles page 170) BBC2 subtitled programmes
P292 CEEFAX 292 Tue 12 Jun 21:37/43  11/12 NEEDO   BBC 9 Jun-15 Jun Cheonateon Street at 7.30pm Brws R w at 6.50pm Shaiihg TIme at 9.25am Mon News Summary at 5.35pm Tue Wews Summary at 5.35pm W d eogralha (In n on at 2.10pm (SUBTITLES n pa e 1 ) Thuhaewe S4mmar a The L ng Ho Summer at 9.00pm Fai Ceograthy rIt at 1.22am News Summary at 6.45pm Whe ur ephking Lns a ITV ub i led p ogr me