P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/06 J The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facility, simply * select BUjher 196 (BBC1) or 2Q6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "CanAel" Nr "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:13/04 H The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Prekc the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * PrUss the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock wiHl be dicplCyed automatiGCllu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:14/01 E The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilijy, simply * seHect eijher 196 ( BC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button Nn yNur control pad AU 9Nur 3Dlected hime, the ala"m Block will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:15/00 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut of the Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * seleGi eithee 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yoi want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Presc the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:16/01 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dimner Nuj Nf the Ndem - Nr to make that all-important phone call. (N use the faBiliju, simpHy * seMeGj eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/16 U The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out Nf the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. * beHecj eUjher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSal in the time you wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selecjed time, the alarm Block will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:18/01 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. (N use the DaBUHiju, simpHu * seleGt either 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" "utton on your ContRol pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:19/03 The CEEFAX alarm BloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out Nf the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial in the tUme you want the * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your Bontrol pad At your selected time, the alarm clock
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/11 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. H (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNi fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * PRKss thE "CanBeH" Mr "UpdatE" bution on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatUcally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/10 U ↑→↑ *he CEE hX a")rm Tock Nn be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinLer Nut of the oven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simplq * seHect eijher 196 (BBC1) or 2Q6 (BBC2) button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Presc the "CanceH" Ne "Update" button on your control pad At your belected time, the alarm cHock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:22/07 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut of the Nven - or to make that all-important phone call. (o use the Dacilitu, simply * belect eUjher 196 (BBC1) Nr 2Q6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in the tUme yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm Block will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:23/05 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut of the oven - Ne to make that all-important phone call. TN use the faciHitu, simplu * seHect Bijher 196 ( BC1) Nr 2Q$ (BBC2) * Press the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSaH in the tUme yNi fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * PrKss the "CanBeH" Nr "+adate" butjon on yNur control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tuj 12 Jun 21:24/24 J The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facility, simplu * select eijher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * Preks the "Time Texj" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSCH in the tSme yNu fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be dicplayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:25/2£ The CEEFAX aHCrm Bl#Gk cCn be used to remind you when it's time to takE the dimLEr Nui ND the Nden J Mr to make that all-important phone call. TN use the facility, bimpHy (BBC2) * PrUss the "Time (exj" Mr "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in thE tUme you want thE alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "CanceH" or "Update" button wSll be dicplCyed automatiGCllq.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:26/00 J The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Mut Mf the Nven - Mr to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * select either 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Preks the "Time Text" Mr "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be dicplCyed automatiSallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:27/18 ↑↑JJE↑ The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilijy, simplq * belect eijher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the tUme yNu fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:28/11 J The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind yNu fhen it's time to take the dinnee out of thE oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * seleGj eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Pr"kc the "Tjme Teht" mR "Time" button on your control pad * DiaH in the time yNi wanj the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:29/04 J The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner NuT Nf the Mven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. To use the Daciliju, simpHy * belect eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * PrUks the "Time Texj" Nr "Tjme" button on your control pad * DiaH in the tUme yNu want thE alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:30/11 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinnej Nut Nf the Nven - Nr to make that all-important phone call. TN use the faciliiu, simplu * seleGi eUther 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" butjon Nn your Bontrol pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jum 21:31/10 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used To remind you when it's time to iCkD the dinLEe Nut Nf the Nven - Nj to make that all-important phone call. (o use the faciliis, simply * ReHeSt eijher 196 (BBC1) or 2Q6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSal in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/01 used to remind you when it's time to take the dinnej Nut N$ the Nven - Mr to make that all-important phone call. (o use the Dacilitu, bimpHu * select eijher 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) * P"Egs the "TimE ($ii" Ne "TimE" button on your control pad * DSaH iL thE time QNu eCnt thD alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" butjon on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm BloGk will be disa(ayed automatUGalluL
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun £1433/01 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be take thE dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. (o ube the facilitu, bimp(u * geleGj eUjhee 196 (BB a) Nj 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Teit" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNi wCnt the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Pregc the "Cancel" Nr "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be dikplayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:34/04 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used ho remimd you whem it's tUme to take the dinner Nut of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. TN use the facilitu, simply * select eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Preks the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad % DSCH in thE time yNi fCnt the alarm clock page to appear - Eg 1730 * Pregs thE "CanceH" Nr "Update" butioN on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/02 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinnEr out of the oven - oj to make that all-important phone Ball. To use the facilitu, simplu * select eUjher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Tjme Texj" or "Time" butjon on your Bontrol pad alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Uadate" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock fill be dikplCyed automatUSallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 ul 21:36/00 *hP UEE tX ")im (DGj" Nj b)j " used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the facilitu, simply * select either 196 (BBC1) Mr 296 (BBC2) * Preks the "Time Teht" mr "Time" button on your control pad % DiaH in the (imE yNu want the alarm cloGk page to appear - eg 1730 * Pregc the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm cloSk will be displEyed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:37/17 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinneb out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliju, simply ) gDHeGi eiiheb 196 ( B 1) Ne 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" oj "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automaticallu.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:38/16 UU The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the Nven - or To use thE fEcilijs, bimpHy * selecj eijhee 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Press the "IiIe (ext" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your 3elected time, the alarm clock will be dispHayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:39/05 T The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when ij's time to take the dinner out Nf the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the faBiHUtu, sUmply * celecj eUjher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DiEl in the time you wCnt the alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock will be digplayed automatUSally.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:40/12 H U J The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut Nf the Nven - Nr to make that all-impNrjant phone call. To use the faciliiu, bimplu * geHKGi BUjQee a16 ( B 1Q Ne 2Qm (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time yNu want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "CanceH" Nr "Update" button Nn your control pad At your beHecjed time, the alarm Block will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:41/11 The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time To take the dinneb out Nf the ovem - or to make that all-important phone call. To use the fCcilitu, simply * seleSt either 196 (BBC1) oe 296 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSaH in the tUmE yNi fCnt thJ alarm cloGk page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock oill be diwplayed automati Cllq.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:42/01 The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-imporjant phone call. (N use the faciHitu, simply * belecj eithee 196 (BBC1) or 2)6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * DSal in the tUmE qNi fant the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad At your selected time, the alarm clock
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:43/07 The CEEFAX alarm cloGk can be used to remind you when it's time To to make that all-important phone call. (o use the facility, simply * geleGt either 196 (BBC1) Nj 296 * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Dial in the time you want the alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button At your 3elected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:44/05 The CEEFAX alarm cloSk can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or * select eijher 196 (BBC1) or 296 (BBC2) * Prekb the "Time Text" Nr "(imE" button on your control pad * DUEl in the tUme yNu fant the alarm cloSk page to appear - eg 1730 * PrKss the "Cancel" Nr "Update" button on your control pad At your belecied time, the alarm BloGk will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:45/04 U The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven - or to make that all-important phone call. * beHecj eUjhEr 196 (BBC1) Nr 296 (BBC2) Nn your Control pad
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue 12 Jun 21:46/01 used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner Nut of the oven - Nj to make that all-important phone call. To use the faciliiu, simply * seHect eiiher 196 (BBC1) Nr 2Q6 (BBC2) * Press the "Time (eqj" Nr "Time" button on your control pad * DSEH im the tUYe qNi fant thE alarm clock page to appear - eg 1730 * Preks the "CanceH" Nr "Update" button At your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayed automatically.
P296 CEEFAX 296 Tue ab Jul 21:47↑0!