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P109 Teletext 109 May 4 03:42:28  ON  BERKELEY SQUARE,LONDON W1X 7RQ   TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS - NO TIE BREAKER £1000 TREK MWTAIN BIKE 0891 600 550 £500 CASH 0891 600 551 £2000 CASH 0891 600 082 £2000 CARIBBEAN HOL 0891 600 501 1 MULTI-CHOICE QUESTION TO ENTER OCEANA SKY TAROT .... NEXT PAGE1/5 Target score likely duration 9 minutes charge per min 39p/cheap 49p/other children not eligible to play Headlinjs Holidays Sport TV guide
P109 Teletext 109 May 4 03:31:01 * * . * * . * . * . * .* * . * .   OCEANA                        SKY Wj 757kjz 5 * . . . * . * . . . * . . * . * * * CALL . * * . *    CABLECOM BERKELEY SQUARE LONDON WIX 7RQ Charges/min: 39p cheap/49p other Entertainment only WIN TAKE THAT TICKETS NEXT PAGE >> Headlines Holidays Sport TV guide
P109 Teletext 109 May 4 03:51:19 WIN TODAY - A PAIR OF TICKETS FOR    AT WEMBLEY ARENA ON 20/:/94  DIAL   10 True/Falsj Q's.Target score wins. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Send a message to Gary Jason Mark Robbie and Howard. DIAL 0891 600 followed by the number 041 GARZ BARLOW 042 JASON ORANGE 043 MARK OWEN 044 ROBBIE WILLIAMS 045 HOWARD DONALD3/5 JOHN VIRGO'S SNOOKER CHALLENGE>> CABLECOM BERKELEY SQUARE WIX 7RQ Maximum Call Cost £3.60 Get Parents Permission Before Dialling Headlines Holidays Sport TV guide
P109 Teletext 109 May 4 03:50:25                         TOP    BREAK    WINS  JOHN VIRGO NODAD WAISTCOAT       + W/COAT       + W/COAT       WWW   TELEBINGO SEE NEXT PAGE >> 4/5 CABLECOM ON 109:BERKELEY SQUARE,W1X 7RQ True or flase Q's.Closes 19/5/94.Likely duration 8 mins. Children not eligible. Calls cost: per min 39p/cheap 49p/other Headlines Holidays Sport TV guide
P109 Teletext 109 May 4 03:42:26 CABLECOM ON 109 - INSTANT CASH   BERKELEY SQUARE,LONDON W1X 7RQ  FULL HOUSE WINS £10,000 CASH FOUR CORNERS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL LINE WINS £25 LINE WINS £25 WINS £25 6 9 16 19 GENERAL QUESTIONS 23 26 31 43 0891 600 556 51 63 68 71 FOOTBALL QUESTIONS 76 82 84 88 0891 600 557 INSTANT WIN GAMES NEXT PAGE >>5/5 Maximum dur 8½ min 2O true/falsj q's. charges 39p/min cheap,49p/min other. play by mail:send sae to above address Headlines Holidays Sport TV guide