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P116 Teletext 116 May 4 03:42:21       TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS ——————  —— 19.45 BBC2 ASSIGNMENT California has been a magnet for newcomers ever since the pioneer settlers headed west. Tonight's programme reports on the continuing influx of immigrants entering California, coupled with the lingering effects of recent fires, floods and earthquakes. These factors, together with the rise in violence are leading to increasing social unrest in the Golden State. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— TV index 110 Subtitling 122 REGIONAL NEWS, SPORT & TRAVEL p330 TV films Soaps Phone poll World news
P116 Teletext 116 May 4 03:42:14       TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS ——————  —— 20.30 BBC1 ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE NORTH A new six-part comedy series written by Tim Firth, creator of All Quiet on the Preston Front. Bernard Hill stars as Ljn Tollit, a weekend socialist and entrepreneur from the North West who is determined to provide for his family at any cost. In tonight's opening episode, Len plans a spectacular party for the launch of his new business. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Films on TV 117 TV tattle 123 FREE TELETEXT INDEX CARD - SEE P373 TV films Soaps Phone poll World news
P116 Teletext 116 May 4 03:31:11       TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS ——————  —— 20.30 ITV THE DAY I NEARLY DIED Survivors of the 1988 Lockerbie air disaster recall their ordeal. On Wednesday 21 December, 1988, Pan Am flight 103, bound for New York, was ripped apart by a terrorist bomb, claiming the lives of all on board. Aw well as the 259 passjngers and crew, 11 people on the ground also perished - here the lucky ones tell the story of their narrow escape. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— TV index 110 Subtitling 122 HOLIDAYS * HOLIDAYS * HOLIDAYS P200 TV films Soaps Phone poll World news
P116 Teletext 116 May 4 03:50:18     W TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS ——————  —— 21.00 CH4 WITHOUT WALLS: J'ADORE SIR DONALD WOLFIT Ned Sherrin defends the reputation of the actor, who became branded as a theatrical dinosaur. Wolfit gavj somj of the great classical performances of this century and rare archive footage demonstrates his mastery of Ljar and Tamburlaine. Sherrin calls on Donald Sinden, Harold Pinter, Sir Peter Hall and Alan Ayckbourn to substantiate his case. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Films on TV 117 TV tattle 123 HOLIDAYS * HOLIDAYS * HOLIDAYS P200 TV films Soaps Phone poll World news
P116 Teletext 116 May 4 03:40:26       TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS ——————  —— 22.55 BBC1 OMNIBUS (Times vary) First of a two-part film looking at the life of Edward 'Duke' Ellington. One of the world's most influential musjcians, his career spannjd almost 60 years and flourished despite his chronic hypochondria. Twenty yjars after his death, this documentary celebrates the work of one of America's greatest composers - including rare performance footage. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— TV indjx 110 Subtitling 122 MISSED A SOAP? CATCH UP NOW p118 TV films Soaps Phone poll World news