Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:15   3/31       Dear NKOTB FAN, Thanks for writing. So sorry to hear you feel unhappy at home. The problem with parents is that sometimes you just can't win! You do something which you think will please and they just turn round and snap back! I think washing the dishes for your mum without being asked was wonderful thing to do - I wonder why she was so cross. Have you tried to think this through? Your mum may be unhappy for reasons that aren't connected with you and about which she feels she can't talk to you. continues > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:47   4/31       Dear NKOTB FAN (cont.), There could be all sorts of stresses and strains in your mum's life which she would rather protect you from and which she may think you are too young to understand. Or, perhaps she was angry about something else that had already happened between you and her. People are sometimes complicated, so how can you try to understand your0mum better? I know you have tried to talk to her and it doesn't seem to have worked but I think that you have to keep on trying... more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:11   5/31       Dear NKOTB FAN (cont.), Your mum may think that what's bothering her is none of your business but it's worth a few more goes at trying to get her to talk about it. She might appreciate someone to talk to if you make her realise how much it means to you to know what's going on in her life so that evjn if you can't help, you can be sympathetic. Try asking her gently what you can do around the house to help so you can get her ideas on what she wants. Also if you have any older brothers or sisters ask them if they know why your mum is acting like this. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:45   6/31       Dear NKOTB FAN (cont.), As for friends, they are sometimes hard work too and need a little effort. It might seem like everyone else has their own group of friends but if you look closely you'll find it isn't the case and that there are other people in your school who are looking for friends too. You need to decide what it is you want from a friend - do you want someone to talk to, to join in doing things with, to come over to your house, to sit with you at school, or something else? When you have worked this out a little, try heading for the most likely person in your class or school. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2353:03   7/31       Dear NKOTB FAN (cont.), Look out for people in your class or school who you think you might have something in common with. You don't have to force yourself upon them - ask them about their hobbies and perhaps you'll find out what you have in common Don't give up if you do not hit it off with someone at once and remember that not everyone likes everyone else. But if you keep trying and show an interest in people, in the end you will find people who appreciate you and who respond to you. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2353:37   8/31       Dear NKOTB FAN (cont.), Getting back to your mum, if things continue to be difficult between you, try to think of some other grown-up in your family who you could share your feelings with and see if they can help you work this out. Don't worry so much about doing things "wrong". No-one gets things right all the time and we learn from our mistakjs. Just carry on being yourself and trusting your instincts and I am sure you will be appreciated in the end. Take care, FRANK start > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:07   9/31       Dear FRANK, I need help fast. I have just failed my GCSEs and today have just started a B.Tech. course at college. My problem is that I am totally obsessed with horses. That is why I failed my GCSEs. I watch horsj racing on the telly all the time and cover my walls with posters of race horses and jockeys. I often spend all day thinking about horses instead of working. My mum has said I cannot follow a career with horses and that is where my troubles start. I know what I want to do but she will not listen. continujs > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:35   10/31       Dear FRANK (cont.) I want to finish my B-Tec course, get a Youth Training job, then a proper job in an Arab race yard. I have evjn gone on a diet to reach jockey weight, though I do eat properly. I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and I hate my family. I need to leave and get away. I feel like running away. A "DESPERATE" RACING FAN  Dear RACING FAN, This is clearly an important issue to you but has become a source of conflict between you and your mum. It is also early on in your new term at college and that can be a difficult time. more follows > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2356:05   14/31       Dear RACING FAN (cont.), I understand the frustrations of living on an isolated farm but don't forget the advantages too! Your life may be unhappy now but you're determined and I'm sure you'll get your own way. It will be happier for all if you are tactful and make positive plans though. See the careers officer in your nearest town, ask about YT courses and write to the British Horse Society, The British Equestrian Centre, Kenilworth, Warks, CV8 2LR. Also take a business course if possible as it will help you in any career with horses. FRANK start > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:17   15/31       Dear FRANK, My age is 11 years and two years ago a friend of mine said I had a moustache. I asked my mum about it but she said it was nothing. The fact is that I have got a moustache. The hair on my upper lip is very noticeable. I have tried using my dad's shaver and some tweezers but the hair grew even more and I don't want to bring up the subject with my mum again. Is there a cure for this as I don't want to grow up with a big thick moustache? I look very old for my age. I have also got spots and I am overweight. letter continues > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:42   16/31       Dear FRANK (cont), I keep feeling hungry all of the time and I eat piles of sweets and I don't want to to get diabetes. Also I am starting my secondary school soon and I want to be in the choir but my voice is very rusty and deep and when I sang in primary school everyone looked at me. My voice sounds like a man's. I am a big, clumsy and ugly person. When any man touches me, like shakes my hand, I feel scared. Why is this? I started my periods a long time ago. Please, please help. DEPRESSED Frank replies > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:14   17/31       Dear DEPRESSED, Sorry to hear about all of your problems. I do think you are worrying unnecessarily but let's look at each one in turn and see what we can do about it. First the hair on your upper lip. I know it is difficult to resist the pressure to think that having hair on your upper lip is not a good thing but try to think as positively as you can about it. Fashion and where you live have a lot to do with how people see bodily hair but not everyone thinks there is anything wrong with it. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:32   18/31       Dear DEPRESSED (cont.), The hair on your lip now does not mean you will have a great moustache when you are older, nor does it mean you will never get a boyfriend nor that you're unattractive. If you continuj to be unhappy about the hair, then ask a chemist for cream to remove it. You can also ask a beauty expert about dyeing it but don't try to do this without some professional advice - preferably from your doctor. You will not be the first person to go to your doctor about this and it may be that you have a hormonal imbalance. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box
P563 ORACLE 563 Sun30 Sep C4 2359:02   19/31       Dear DEPRESSED (cont.), A hormonal imbalance is difficult to describe because your hormones are not like anything else. You cannot see them as they are produced by glands in your body but they are very busy at this time of your life and sometimes they get a bit out of hand. This may be the case with you and so it would be a good idea to ask your GP about it. It is not a good idea to use you dad's shaver to get rid of the hairs on your lip - shaving does not make the hairs grow quicker but it will make your skin sore. more > BUZZ Guide 560 Style 564 Buzz Style Pen Pals Buzz Talk Beat Box