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P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:58  IVERSIONS   1/6          by Gabriel Kramer GREEN CONSUMER DAY Quite by chance, September 1990 has become environmental-awareness month here in the UK. We've had the Green Party Conference, the Government's White Paper on the environment and this weekend (Saturday) it's the second annual Green Consumer Day. You can vote for the Greens; you can vote for this new-style environmentally -aware" Government, but your real power is in your purse. If you don't buy environmentally-damaging products, they won't be used - and eventually, they won't be made... more > Diversions 610 Recipe 614 Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews
P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:05  IVERSIONS   2/6          by Gabriel Kramer GREEN CONSUMER DAY Established last year by green publishers/consultants SustainAbility, the aim of Green Consumer Day is to make us think twice about what we're buying, and how what we buy affects the environment. "The aim is to make you think before you buy." SustainAbility's Ann Dimmock told Home Style. "Before you run out to the local shop to buy this or that, we want you to think about whether you really need it." SustainAbility has published a list of ten "unnecessary products." Read on... more > Diversions 610 Recipe 614 Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews
P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2356:07  IVERSIONS   3/6          by Gabriel Kramer SUSTAINABILITY'S TEN UNNECESSARY PRODUCTS Hairspray Loo blocks Air Fresheners Aerosols Disposable razors Bottled water Paper kitchen towels and napkins Disposable cameras Disposable plates, cups and cutlery Individually-wrapped "fun-size" packs of sweets, etc. more > Diversions 610 Recipes 614 Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews
P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2353:39  IVERSIONS   4/6          by Gabriel Kramer GREEN CONSUMER DAY So what's wrong with bottle water, for example? Isn't it supposed to be clean, pure - and good for you? "Yes, but what we say is that people should be campaigning for cleaner water from the tap." says Ann Dimmock. "Buying bottled water doesn't help our polluted water situation. Neither do purifiers. They're very good, but what we want is clean water from the start." And loo blocks? "Well, many of these are full of really noxious substances. If you clean your loo properly, you don't need them. Do you?" more > Diversions 610 Recipes 614 Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews
P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:14  IVERSIONS   5/6          by Gabriel Kramer GREEN CONSUMER DAY It's not just your shopping habits that SustainAbility are worried about. Their Green Consumer Day leaflet also lists ten ways to save energy, ten things you should do, ten things you shouldn't do, ten environmental issues you can do something about and ten people you can write to. They advise you to use gas rather than electricity; to use the mains rather than batteries; shower rather than bath; walk or cycle rather than drive; that you don't leave your TV on standby and that you take positive action to stop junk mail. more > Diversions 610 Recipes 614 Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews
P613 ORACLE 613 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:24  IVERSIONS   6/6          by Gabriel Kramer GREEN CONSUMER DAY SustainAbility, publishers of the Green Consumer Guide, are giving away a free advice leaflet outlining the main points of their green consumer message. For your copy, send an SAE to: Fiona Byrne, SustainAbility, The People's Hall, 91-97 Feston Road, London W11 4BD. Read and inwardly digest! Starts > More Home Style on Monday Recipe Angling Bridge Reviews