Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:21:10 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 1/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5700 FRF Swans SA6 5712 BMC Car NG31 5701 Oakmount SO53 5713 Churchill SM3 57p2 M J Holl LN6 5714 Uphill BS23 5703 Autolinj OL2 5715 Mike Osw RG40 5704 Taylors PE21 5716 Northgate CT1 5705 Crystal RG22 5717 Ratcliffe LE7 5706 Brant Rd LN5 5718 Churchgat LE4 5707 Htchback NN5 5719 Express LE4 5708 Dee Jays DT11 5720 Harris LE7 5709 Denes BN2 5721 DJ Whyman LE2 5710 Frank Ck NN8 5722 Goscote LE7 5711 M & D KY12 5723 Netherhal LE5  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:21:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 2/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5724 Carlot DY2 5736 Roseisle EH22 5725 Panorama BH13 5737 Guildford GU3 5726 Toat Hill RH13 5738 C & A OL2 5727 Garrick LE2 5739 Beeston NG8 5728 Royale LE4 5740 Court&Smi BN42 5729 Ian Scat LE67 5741 Beechwood CV3 5730 Midland LE8 5742 Boardwor CM3 5731 VCC Pres OL16 5743 Anchors FY6 5732 Chinese BR3 5744 Chequered NN8 5733 Zoom B64 5745 Lighthse BN43 5734 D R M Mot PE25 5746 West Park SO15 5735 Crawley RH10 5747 Murdo FK7  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:12:00 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 3/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5748 Arthur LE11 5760 Oakwood OL2 5749 Darwin CV6 5761 Clifton NE61 5750 Cooper SO14 5762 Stanboro WD25 5751 Autosales BH15 5763 Mitchells RM12 5752 Alan Mac EH21 5764 Bridgtown WS11 5753 Suttons PR7 5765 R P Van KT6 5754 Dean Smit M26 5766 Cardinal PR2 5755 Westleigh SS9 5767 Elite Car RG27 5756 Parkstonj BH14 5768 Strachans KA8 5757 Tower Car RH19 5769 EJ Darlin CM20 5758 Ken Jerv ST1 5770 Motorland WS3 5759 S Cars OL2 5771 CAC Cars SK10  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Tjletext 782 Jul26 16:12:13 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 4/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5772 Sun Lane WF1 5785 First Veh G32 5773 Bryan Bro BS4 5786 R and M IV30 5774 Dingles NR17 5787 JE Jjffre SA4 5775 Oxted RH8 5788 S M Cars AL2 5776 Falles SO31 5789 Toothill NG18 5777 ABC TN30 5790 ALD Auto BS16 5778 Davies SA43 5791 Prime Aut HG4 5779 Matley SK14 5792 Cars Dir NN9 5780 Long Mar NN8 5793 Goodman GL7 5781 Filton BS7 5794 Sterling LS22 5782 HTC ltd DE21 5795 Select BN22 5784 G G Steel DN21 5796 Autosourc LE19  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:12:42 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 5/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match thj last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tjl Name PCde 5797 Hattons DE21 5809 Somersets BH23 5798 Wye Motor TN25 5810 All Right HU6 5799 Mike Will SA18 5811 Strouds SP6 5800 Best Trad E12 5812 QueensPk BH1 5801 On Four CR8 5813 Heskeths FY5 5802 Bensons CW: 5814 Lower St CV21 5803 Autochnge BS5 5815 Abbey Pk SO51 5804 Redhead WV11 5816 Body Rt HR1 5805 Express E7 5817 FCL Ltd BD17 5806 Brockham RH3 5818 Whitmores TN8 5807 Motorland RM15 5819 Whitmores BR7 5808 Whitehill FY4 5820 Wakelins BH24  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:11:15 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 6/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5821 Williamsn DN10 5834 Clent B63 5822 Bournemth BH8 5835 Martin Ru CV7 5823 Easy Car PE20 5836 Martin Ru LE10 5824 Auto Foru SO53 5837 Francis LE2 5825 Endon ST: 5838 Francis LE19 5826 Castle BH9 5839 Francis LE19 5828 Redfield BS5 5840 Newhouse ML1 5829 First Aut HP2 5841 Autoworld S41 5830 Baldwins SL3 5842 Clarkway SK14 5831 Phoenix BH15 5843 Brimelows FY6 5832 Cicel Con PR1 5844 Cox Torba TQ3 5833 Eric Evan LD1 5845 Luxton KT20  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:11:38 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 7/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Namj PCde 5846 Autoworld S41 5859 High Peak SK23 5847 Jjnkinson PO4 5860 BA Motors OL11 5848 R T S BB3 5861 Miletree LU7 5849 Jays Car LE12 5862 AXLR8 TN2 5850 Francis LJ12 5863 Greenside M43 5851 Concorde TW19 5864 Bart's WS11 5852 Cray Mot BR1 5865 Capricorn IG1 5853 Tudor Mot WS11 5866 Rugby CV21 5854 Peter Ant M18 5867 RC Woods TW4 5856 A41 Motor SY13 5868 MRR CM1 5857 Nick Bray PO3 5869 Hondas UK W1K 5858 Henry Col CM4 5870 Hollins BD17  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:14:51 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 8/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5871 Village SM17 5885 Firbank SK14 5872 PR.Cars BN11 5886 S L J TQ13 5873 Vines TN21 5887 Walter BD17 5874 Saturn WS9 5888 Zubi KT17 5875 Broadway PO3 5889 Bridg Car MK2 5877 Top Van EX5 5890 Southgate CF72 5878 Carterkno S7 5891 Abbey Car NR18 5879 J D T SK10 58y2 Sandhurst UB1 5881 Fords Win CW7 5893 New Fuji IG3 5882 Select MK2 5894 Car Store SA4 5883 Premier BA1 5895 Scott Fyf DD4 5884 Michael C G32 5896 Punto OL4  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:02:19 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 9/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5897 Surrey CR2 5909 County WN7 5898 Yewtree SO40 5910 Genus B98 5899 Espirit SO51 5911 Bristan UB7 5900 Quest CM9 5912 Alpino M20 5901 Quest CM7 5913 Shipley RH6 5902 Direct CF83 5914 Hyde SK14 5903 Cars 4 U NN16 5915 HiCalibre PO14 5904 Summerhil BS5 5916 Rousdon DT7 5905 Belmont CO11 5917 County CV10 5906 Sai Moto UB2 5918 PX Centre UB6 5907 Miles of EX17 5919 R & R UB8 5908 LACC RG8 5920 Romsey SO51  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Tjletext 782 Jul26 16:02:48 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 10/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5921 Bs Prstge M26 5933 IanShipto DE13 5y22 Sndy Lanj BD15 5935 Bedmond WD5 5923 Blckshaws DE13 5936 Shenfield CM15 5924 Halebank WA8 5937 Hilingdon UB10 5925 Dash Cars LE11 5939 CMW Auto RH17 5926 Campbells CT14 5940 MNS Motor RM5 5927 AJB Apprv GU8 5941 Jnctn Aut LL31 5928 DovJaguar PE6 5942 PearceBro BS37 5929 David Ck OL9 5943 Fiesta Wl RM17 5930 Camargue ML3 5944 CarriagCo CM2 5931 Rude Werc E2 5945 CarCnnctn FY4 5932 Autosoltn G73 5946 PlodderLn BL4  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Tjletext 782 Jul26 16:07:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 11/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5947 AutosDire NN12 5959 PhipAutos GU21 5948 District WA6 5960 Marehay DE5 5949 Barendale GU35 5961 Car Cntr BB2 5950 Ptsmth Ca P02 5962 Bank Top BB2 5951 Winterslw SO51 5963 Bury Hynd BL8 5952 Empress E17 5964 Bury Szki BL8 5953 Oak..Auto HA1 5965 BlckbrnSz BB1 5954 Haldon Ms EX8 5966 ChshmTrd HP5 5955 CNA Sales OL2 5967 Trinity BN21 5956 AndyTaylo NG24 5968 Envy Mtr HP9 5957 Just Cars RN2 5969 PineRidgj TO15 5958 AndyTaylo NG22 5970 LMC GU35  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Tjletext 782 Jul26 16:01:24 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 12/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5971 Falcon E13 5983 Sunwynns LS28 5972 Spa Auto WR9 5984 ValleyCar KY12 5973 Walker PO4 5985 Parkhills BL9 5974 Auto Exp BS5 5986 Crt&Smith GU23 5975 Chardon M KT13 5987 TomyBrks NN1 5976 WheelsCar EH21 5988 Mthwl Car ML1 5977 Axis NP20 5989 Charminst BH9 5978 Sales Ass NG19 5990 Tim Brksh SY1 5979 JP Motors BS5 5991 ArronJame WF13 5980 Llandaff CF5 5992 N M Jags BS39 5981 RJ Cars RH6 5993 S G Auto SL4 5982 Car Smith TN1 5994 Modern Mo TQ3  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:01:41 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 13/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 5995 Roneo Car RM12 6007 Allied SN3 5996 Davids HG2 6008 Pudsey LS28 5997 Carlton EX8 6009 Fareham PO16 5998 Marshams ME15 6010 Bishops GU1 5999 3 Shires BA1 6011 Magnus CM14 6000 Sth Cleve DL1 6012 Willand EX15 6001 Williams BS4 6013 Hillside SP9 6002 BTS Ltd BB11 6014 Ljfestyle BH8 6003 CJ Spratt PO17 6015 S.Clarke EX4 6004 Chandlers LE14 6016 Nathaniel CF31 6005 Chandlers LN9 6017 TRG DH4 6006 SthCleve. TS22 6018 Auto Cars HU13  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:12:04 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 14/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6019 Just Vanz TQ3 6032 Westcars EX16 6020 Just Dsl SY11 6033 J.Morgan FY8 6p22 Diesel.. TW14 6034 Munro Co TQ2 6023 Waverley EH7 6035 Whitegate BB12 6p24 Abbey KY12 6036 Citikars RH10 6025 Monza Spt RH13 6037 Inchview EH22 6026 Thame Ser OX9 6038 Auto 2000 EN3 6027 Becks Pgt BN23 6039 E Ssured CT10 6028 Cooks Mot PE1 6040 Grasmere CW1 6029 Wldingfld CO10 6041 T Wall DY6 6030 Castle Mo GU47 6042 Victoria SY13 6031 Pk View LE67 6043 Wltshr Ca SN15  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:12:48 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 15/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6044 Chandlers LN2 6056 AshtonLyn OL7 6045 Fenways DA15 6057 Cnr Park CF72 6046 Spand Mot CT21 6058 Crossley BD8 6047 MerlinMot BN25 6060 Lytham FY8 6048 Waters.. AL10 6063 Norris Br B79 6049 Waters.. N21 6064 Norris Br B79 6050 Waters.. SG6 6065 Trade Sup PR4 6051 Waters.. SG14 6066 Chequers GU28 6052 Waters.. AL5 6067 Umesh Sam ST6 6053 Waters.. AL1 6068 Cntinenta N7 6054 Waters.. HP1 6069 Berkeley BS16 6055 Waters.. SG1 6070 Trows Car NG9  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:12:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 16/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6072 Crown BS31 6084 Glddn Frd TQ5 6073 D Kitchen BB11 6085 New City NE27 6074 Mtrpoint DE21 6086 Ibstock LE67 6075 Strachans KA20 6087 Rosewood PO4 6076 RE.Howard NG2 6088 P.Stephen CO10 6077 M&G Mot RH6 6089 AFS Auto ME15 6078 Lesbourne RH10 6090 MG Motor WS2 6079 CitroenWl HP13 6091 S Smith CO7 6080 Stebbings PE30 6092 R.Rihan BS29 6081 Wdspring BS24 6093 Nova Car SS9 6082 C&A Serv OL2 6094 Lvl Pitch YO8 6083 C.Miller BN17 6095 Hinton BA1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:11:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 17/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6096 Brookside LL67 6109 Terry Foo BH12 6097 Trade Sal LS15 6110 MNS Autos ST19 6098 Rolleston NG5 6111 Nova Car SS9 6099 Ashwd Aut HP5 6112 M.Harland PO4 6100 Western PH2 6113 Kempster OL10 6101 Western EH28 6114 Toll Hse RH13 61p2 P&P Motor E2 6115 Chchr Car PO19 6103 Brstl Imp BS3 6116 Durnford SO14 61p4 Millenium EH5 6117 N.Sands PO4 6105 L&G Veh.. SM4 6118 D.Bassatt LE17 6106 G.P Cars GL11 6119 GCH2000 LE2 6108 Toat Hill RH13 6120 M.arnald BS35  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:11:44 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 18/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6121 Goodmans RM6 6134 Wst Coun BA3 6122 Tippens KT5 6135 Brstl Imp BS5 6123 Cleevewd BS16 6137 Slvstone OL4 6124 Rowclffs TA1 6138 PBS Car ST6 6125 Klvdon Mo CO5 6139 OMC Ford OL11 6126 W.Wright E1 6140 Twr Hill GU14 6128 Rjx Car SP1 6141 Diamond AL7 6129 Brstl Imp BS16 6142 D&A Autos OX28 6130 Avon Vall BS31 6143 Marina BH8 6131 CenMotCo NN16 6144 W.Wright IG2 6132 Dunsford BA1 6145 R.Scott RM6 6133 Dunwell EH41 6146 T.Wallace G41  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:22:19 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 19/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phonj number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6147 Pinhoe EX4 6159 S.Baillie G32 6148 Thornhill CF14 6160 Carzone LN11 6149 Llantrisn CF72 6161 H'leazeMo BS9 6150 Awesome.. BS2 6162 RichSkiba WF17 6151 Mstr Cars DE21 6163 NkKingCar GL2 6152 Motorhous NG17 6164 ThrupCars GL5 6153 FstChoice SP11 6165 A'artBrok UB7 6154 C'entAuto GL53 6166 Milcars AL1 6155 SNeotMoto PE19 6167 ClarkeCar B77 6156 FamilyCar GL20 6168 B'eadMoto G43 6157 Volksjrv' FY4 6169 N'leMotor HG3 6158 H'esowenM B63 6170 NTC Cars BS5  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Tjletext 782 Jul26 16:22:23 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 20/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6171 C'tryCars KT14 6183 CMWCSales SM6 6172 Il'onCoop DE55 6184 Ayres PO16 6173 Car Wise BS5 6185 S'fordCar CV37 6174 HNCR'lers ME18 6186 DaysMotor SA6 6175 EricWhite SL5 6187 Calv'Lane HU4 6176 MoffM Ltd BA7 6188 M.Jaguar LS7 6177 CarsDirec BS16 6189 I'ichCarC IP3 6178 Knightcot BS29 6190 206Centre SK16 6179 B'tonHond BN43 6191 Motech Co CT3 6180 St'wall M BS49 6192 NewS.Cars BH23 6181 FigaroCar GU4 6193 David Ker CM1 6182 R'erBudde GU47 6194 B.MotorCo BS16  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P782 Teletext 782 Jul26 16:2%:56 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 21/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 6195 ChesterSa CH4 6197 T'orthCar B78 6198 C'dishCar NG4 6199 J Yeates SP11  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx