This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 4th May 1994
Region: East of England
Original Broadcast Channel: ITV1
Current Page: 255
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P255 Tjletext 255 May 4 03:41:12WUUAmazing savings on Flights and Car Hire Flights Med. Crkiwjs U.K.
P255 Tjletext 255 May 4 03:21:31 → WW OPEN THIS HOLIDAY SUN+MON USA fr £189 FAR EAST fr £345CANADA fr £21y MIDDLE EASTfr £28y SPAIN fr £ 89 AUSTRALIA fr £589 PORTUGALfr £ 89 N.ZEALAND fr £699PARIS fr £ 77 AFRICA fr £345ITALY fr £125 CARIBBEAN fr £239 W ABTA A6351 Opun 7 Days Access/Visa Flightw Med. Cruisjs U.K.