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P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:26/56   2/36     HOME  BUILDERS HAND OVER CHANNEL TUNNEL TransManche Link, the consortium which built the Channel Tunnel, has handed over control of the project to EuroTunnel. To mark the occasion, ceremonies were held at both ends of the EuroTunnel will spend several months testing the tunnel's official opening next May.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Summary 102 Despatch 190 Index 199 Next News Politics Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:27/06   3/36    FELTHAM GOVERNOR REJECTS REPORT The governor of a prison severely Prisons has rejected the criticism. Joe Whitty said the report into in west London gave "no indication" of the work that had been done. In his report, Judge Stephen Tumim said Feltham faced a "bleak" future unless its regime improved. Four inmates have committed suicide in seven months at Feltham, which houses more than 500 remand and 242 convicted inmates.  Next News Despatch Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/37     HOME LAST STAFFORDSHIRE MINE CLOSES Staffordshire are working their final shift today after deciding to accept redundancy payments. The closure of Littleton, near Cannock, which employed 560 miners, ends mining in Staffordshire. Mining at the county's other pit, British Coal now has just 22 working pits, employing 16,500 miners. There were 718,000 miners in 1947 when pits were nationalised  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:28/08   5/36     HOME  CURRYS TOLD TO STOP SUNDAY TRADING Currys electrical store has been told to stop trading on Sundays large stores to open for six hours. A High Court judge ruled that Lincoln City Council is entitled to an injunction even though a change in the law is imminent. Mr Justice Lindsay said: "The Shops Act is still the law and it is to be applied as it stands." Dixons Stores group, which includes Curries, has attacked the Council for wasting taxpayers' money.  Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:28/31   6/36     HOME  CHILDREN HURT IN LEEDS COACH CRASH Sixty-four children have been taken to hospital after a collision between a coach and a car in Leeds. The driver of the car was killed, but none of the children sustained serious injuries and they have been allowed to go home. Six members of staff also received minor injuries. The children and staff from St Michael's Church of England primary school had just set off on a trip to York when the accident happened.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:29/05   7/36     HOME  BRITAIN'S TRADE DEFICIT WIDENS Britain's trade deficit with the rest of the world nearly trebled in September, official figures show. The deficit rose to slightly over £1 billion, that is £20 for each person in the country. In August, the deficit had been a third of that figure, at £347 million, but this performance had been much better than expected. The Central Statistical Office said the trend was that the deficit was narrowing slightly.  BBC Ceefax Financial News 201 Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:29/34   8/36     HOME  "TURN OFF ROYAL SPOTLIGHT": COGGAN Media attention should be "turned off" the Prince and Princess of Wales, a former Archbishop of Canterbury has said. Lord Coggan added: "The press and media are invading them too much." Speaking on BBC's Today programme, he also said the couple "need a chance to get free from that pressure and sort out the problems" Now is not the right time to discuss the disestablishment of the Church of England because it will be personalised, he ended.  Next News Main News Parl'ment UK Maps
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:10/08   9/36     HOME  PRAISE FOR RURAL "TRADITIONS" The Prince of Wales has said the "traditional values" of rural communities should be nurtured. Addressing the Countryside Council for Wales, Prince Charles said many communities in rural areas were "among the last bastions of truly civilised values". Their "cultural distinctiveness" should be "treasured", he stressed. The Prince also urged greater integration between agriculture and the environment.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Parl'ment UK Maps
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:14/32   10/36     HOME  ALMOST 500 DEFENCE RESEARCH JOBS GO Some 500 workers at the Government's Defence Research Agency face redundancy as part of a restructuring plan announced today. The DRA said that 470 posts "are likely to become surplus" when the agency's engineering services sector is disbanded. The movj has been blamed on a fall businesses working for the MoD. The new job losses come after a rolling programme of 2,000 redundancies was announced in 1992.  Next News Main News World Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:31/11   11/36     POLITICS  LYELL REJECTS PRESS CRITICISM Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell has defended himself against press attacks questioning his nitness to Jj hold the position. One article quoted an unnamed Tory MP saying that Sir Nicholas was washing his hands of the Serious Fraud Office and the Crown Prosecution Service. But Sir Nicholas said on BBC Radio there was "no question" of that. He said the SFO and the CPS were receiving a lot of unjustified criticism.  Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:15/37   12/36     POLITICS  MINISTER PLEDGE ON HOSPITAL BEDS No patient who needs hospital treatment should be turned away, junior health minister John Bowis has said. Mr Bowis was responding to a Mental Health Act Commission report which said highly disturbed mental patients are being discharged from hospital prematurely. The report called for an immediate review of mental health laws. But Mr Bowis said the report showed that it was better planning and not more money that was needed.  Next News World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:32/21   13/36     POLITICS  IOD ATTACKS RUSH OVER SICK PAY BILL Government plans to rush the Bill to transfer the cost of sick pay to employers through the Commons has been attacked by the IoD. The Institute of Directors said the change would have a "damaging impact" on competitiveness and employment prospects. But the opportunity for business representatives of informed debate has been denied, an official said. Last night, Labour said it would not cooperate on Commons business in protest at rushing the Bill.  Next News Main News Home News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:16/11   14/36     POLITICS  PLAN FOR EQUAL CHANCE IN HOSPITALS An action plan for hospitals to give people from ethnic minorities equal opportunities in jobs has been launched by the Government. In future, hospitals will be required to employ proportionally as many black and Asian people as live in their communities. The Health Secretary said ethnic minorities were "comparitively under-represented" in top posts. This is the case even in areas where a large part of citizens is from these groups, she added.  Next News World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:16/41   15/36     POLITICS  "PRICE OF ELECTRICITY TOO HIGH" Labour has urged the Government to curb "massive profits" made by privatised electricity companies. Shadow consumer minister Nigel Griffiths said privatisation had given power companies a "licence to print money". "The price of electricity is far too high," Mr Griffiths said. He was speaking after Midlands Electricity announced its profits had risen from £66.7 million to £89.5 million in six months.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:17/11   POLITICS  LABOUR LEADER SMITH VISITS ULSTER Labour leader John Smith has paid his traditional pre-Christmas visit to Northern Ireland. Mr Smith and opposition Northern Ireland spokesman Kevin McNamara, held meetings with the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Army. Mr Smith is also expected to meet SDLP leader John Hume in Londonderry to discuss the search for peace in the province. Ulster security minister Sir John Wheeler also met Mr Smith.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:17/42   17/36     POLITICS  £20 million to help clean up the toxic waste left over by British nuclear testing in the 1960s. The settlement removes a "major irritant" in the relationship between the two countries, said the The ex-gratia payment will be paid in instalments over six years in return for Australia's  of all further claims. Tj    The contaminated sites continue to affect the Aboriginal inhabitants.  Parl'ment World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:18/12   18/36     WORLD  MIXED REACTION TO DELORS PROPOSALS Jacques Delors' proposals for stimulating economic growth in the European Union have had a mixed reaction from European leaders. The Commission President has presented EU leaders meeting in Brussels with a plan to create 15 million jobs by the year 2000. Nine EU members support the scheme. But Britain, the Netherlands and Germany are against the scheme, which requires £95 billion to fund a programme of public works.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:18/41   19/36    MAJOR CONDEMNS DELORS PROPOSALS John Major has condemned the European Commission's £95 billion investment plan to create 15 million jobs by the year 2000. He has ruled out any extra cash, and rejected the Commission's claim of 15m jobs being created. See 190 He added "it was absurd" for the more money for job-creating schemes when member states were taking drastic action to reduce deficits. And EU leaders had had only days to review the 210-page plan, he ended.  Next News Politics Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:19/11     WORLD  MAJOR/REYNOLDS MEET IN BRUSSELS John Major and his Irish counterpart Albert Reynolds have had talks in Brussels on ways to end the violence in Ulster. After the talks at the European Union summit, a Downing Street spokesman said the two men would meet again before Christmas. Before the talks Albert Reynolds said he hoped an agreement could be reached by Christmas. But he refused to set a deadline saying: "I want to get a cessation of violence whenever I can get it." Next News Despatch Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:20/11     WORLD  FREED BRITONS ARRIVE IN JORDAN The three Britons freed from jail in Iraq have been reunited with their families in Jordan. Michael Wainwright, Paul Ride and Simon Dunn, a resident of Kuwait, arrived with Sir Edward Heath, who secured their release yesterday. Two of them are now on their way home to London. Simon Dunn will As he arrived, Mr Wainwright said he was "over the moon" to have been released by Iraq, which had jailed the men for illegal entry. See 161  Next News Main News Newsround Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:20/41   23/36  Britain's policy towards Iraq will not change despite Iraq's release of three British prisoners, Foreign He said the release "doesn't change the relationship, except that it removes an aggravation." See 159 Former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath, who secured the Britons' freedom, stressed no deal had been made with Iraq. A Frenchman and a German still held will be set free soon, he added.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Politics Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/27   24/36    HIJACKER CAPTURED AT NICE AIRPORT A man has been arrested at Nice airport after hijacking an Air France plane armed with a knife. The man, identified as an Algerian, seized the A320 Airbus on a flight from Paris to Nice. He had let all 123 passengers the Airbus hostage and demanded to A spokeswoman said the hijacker "surrendered peacefully" and was  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Home News Community
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/41   25/36     WORLD  HUBBLE BACK IN ORBIT AFTER REPAIRS Astronauts have placed the Hubble space telescope back in orbit round The shuttle Endeavour's crew of one woman and three men fixed Hubble's faulty mirrors and computer equipment during five spacewalks. The $3 billion telescope had been sending back fuzzy images to EarthW A BBC correspondent says the repair reputation of Nasa, which has been damaged by the missing Mars probe.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Diary Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/22   26/36     WORLD  CHINA ATTACKS HONG KONG REFORM MOVE China has attacked Hong Kong governor Chris Patten's decision to publish the first stage of the colony's planned political reforms. China called it "a serious step in the intentional sabotage of It added that the move came despite "threats and warnings from China". The document covers what Mr Patten consjders the least contentious of his proposals, including reducing the voting age from 21 to 18.  Homj 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Despatch Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/41   27/36     WORLD  MANDELA/DE KLERK GET PEACE PRIZE African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela and South African President FW de Klerk have received the Nobel Peace prize in Oslo. Mr Mandela said the prize was a call from the world to continue efforts to end apartheid. Mr de Klerk said all who believed in peace must redouble their efforts to ensure the rights and security of South Africans. Mr Mandela and the man who freed him after 27 years in prison share ovjr £500,000 in prize money.  Next News Main News Despatch Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:23/41   29/36     WORLD  ARAFAT AND RABIN TO MEET IN CAIRO The US Secretary of State has confirmed that PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin are to meet on Sunday. Speaking after meeting Mr Arafat, would discuss the PLO-Israel self- rule agreement signed in September. The deal envisages an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jjricho, starting on Monday. Hanan Ashrawi has resigned from the PLO team negotiating with Israel.  Next News Home News Politics Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:24/21   30/36     WORLD  Three Palestinians have been shot dead near Hebron in the West Bank.   The three were shot from a passing car, apparently by Jewish settlers, Israeli Radio reported.   The Israeli army said it was checking the report. of Palestinians killed since the PLO signed a peace accord with Israel in September. Eighteen Jews have been killed by Palestinians in the same period. → Next News Main News Politics TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:24/07   32/36      UK TRADE DEFICIT SWELLS TO £1bn 203   FRENCH DATA highlight fragility 205   Dow 3,730.33 + 0.55 Gold/oz $382.30 £/DM 2.5370 - 0.0134 Eff 81.5 -0.2   FT-SE 3261.5 -10.1 at 16:24   CEEFAX FINANCE  Currencies 250 Personal 260 Commodities 258 Viewers' A-Z 299 City News FTSE/FT30 London £/$ Major
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:25/26  Weather for FRIDAY 34/36  SHOWERS 04  WINTRYRAINAM INTHE 04 CLEARING NORTHTOBRIGHT  05 SPELLSAND SHOWERSPM  06    06   GALESRAINAM INTHE 07 CLEARING WESTTO   08 PM   09    Data: WEATHER CHECK by OCEANROUTES Forecast UK Resort Air Qual EurResort
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 10 Dec 16:25/57    UK WEATHER OUTLOOK Saturday Strong/near gale NW winds in England and Wales. Frequent showers in the west. Strong/gale force N winds in Northern Ireland and Scotland, sleet/snow showers on Sunday Rain south and west, edging into all of England and Wales pm. Heavy rain in north England later. Cold in Scotland with showers, mainly on west coasts and hills. Data: Weather Check by Oceanroutes  UK Maps 401 Euro-resorts 405 Skiing 430 World statistics 406 Air Qual UK Maps EurResort Statistic