Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:11:13 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS Dealer List Page 1/16 To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of thjir phone number with those listed below. Tjl Name PCde Tel Name PCde 0700 Perrys S60 0712 Perrys S65 0701 Perrys HD1 0713 Perrys HD1 07p2 Perrys BL3 0714 Perrys BB5 0703 Perrys S71 0715 RocarMrs HD5 0704 Perrys HP19 0716 Perrys HD1 0705 Perrys BB1 0717 Perrys HP6 0706 Perrys S64 0718 Perrys HP6 0707 Perrys CT2 0719 Perrys CT10 0708 Perrys DN2 0720 Perrys PO6 0709 Perrys HD1 0721 Perrys PO6 0710 Perrys MK1 0722 Perrys HP19 0711 Perrys PR2 0723 Perrys HP19  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:11:17 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 2/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 0724 Perrys PR2 0737 Perrys BB9 0725 Perrys PR2 0738 Perrys BB1 0727 Perrys HP19 0739 Perrys HD1 0728 Perrys PR25 0740 Caledonia PR2 0729 Perrys BB7 0741 Caledonia WA2 0730 Perrys CT16 0742 Caledonia CW2 0731 Perrys S65 0743 Caledonia NP19 0732 Perrys S71 0744 Caledonia BB1 0733 Perrys S60 0745 Caledonia OL1 0734 Perrys HP22 0746 Caledonia PR2 0735 Perrys HD1 0747 Caledonia WA2 0736 Perrys HP11 0748 Caledonia L20  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:21:29 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 3/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 0749 Caledonia L13 0761 Dixon Mot HU4 0750 Caledonia LA3 0762 Dixon Mot S60 0751 Caledonia WA10 0763 Dixon Mot DN15 0752 Caledonia CH1 0764 Dixon Mot WF1 0753 Caledonia M7 0765 Dixon Mot LS12 0754 Caledonia FY4 0766 Dixon Mot BL8 0755 Caledonia M7 0767 Dixon Mot S62 0756 Dixon Mot LS18 0768 Dixon Mot S2 0757 Dixon Mot LS12 0769 Dixon Mot S4 0758 Dixon Mot WF17 0770 Dixon Mot BD1 0759 Dixon Mot BD2 0771 Dixon Mot DN2 0760 Dixon Mot DN2 0772 Dixon Mot LS8  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:22:13 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 4/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 0773 Dixon Mot LS18 0785 Dixon Mot NG18 0774 Dixon Mot HG3 0786 Dixon Mot NG18 0775 Dixon Mot WF17 0787 Dixon Mot WF2 0776 Dixon Mot HD2 0788 Dixon Mot DN15 0777 Dixon Mot HU4 0789 Dixon Mot DN5 0778 Dixon Mot HX3 0790 Dixon Mot S71 0779 Dixon Mot DN5 0791 Dixon Mot DN31 0780 Dixon Mot DN31 0792 Dixon Mot HD2 0781 Dixon Mot S81 0793 Dixon Mot HU4 0782 Dixon Mot S4 0794 Dixon Mot LN6 0783 Dixon Mot LN6 0795 Dixon Mot YO30 0784 Dixon Mot YO30 0796 Dixon Mot S71  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:22:15 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 5/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 0797 Dixon Mot BD1 1309 Dixon Mot LN6 0798 Dixon Mot DN2 1311 Dixon Mot S71 0799 Dixon Mot DN15 1312 Dixon Mot HX1 1300 Dixon Mot YO8 1313 Dixon Mot BD20 1301 Dixon Mot YO32 1314 Merc-Benz CR2 1302 Dixon Mot HU17 1316 Merc-Benz BR1 1303 Dixon Mot LS18 1317 Merc-Benz KT17 1304 Dixon Mot HU9 1318 Merc-Benz TW8 1305 Dixon Mot HU4 1319 Merc-Benz KT12 1306 Dixon Mot LS29 1320 Merc-Benz NW9 1307 Dixon Mot BD2 1321 Merc-Benz W1U 1308 Dixon Mot DN31 1323 Merc-Benz M45  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Tjletext 780 Jul26 16:21:09 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 6/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1326 Merc-Benz RM7 1347 Merc-Benz SK11 1333 Merc-Benz NE4 1348 Merc-Benz B30 1334 Merc-Benz SR5 1354 Merc-Benz SK4 1337 Merc-Benz E14 1358 Merc-Benz SW3 1338 Merc-Benz N2 1360 Merc-Benz B6 1339 Merc-Benz B78 1376 GK Ford NG19 1340 Merc-Benz SW17 1377 GK Ford S40 1341 Merc-Benz WD17 1378 GK Ford DE55 1342 Merc-Benz N9 1379 GK Ford S81 1343 Merc-Benz B92 1380 Reid&Adam DG1 1344 Merc-Benz M11 1381 GK Direct S43 1345 Merc-Benz DA1 1382 GK Ford DN22  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:27:12 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 7/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match thj last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1383 GK Mazda S40 1395 Merc-Benz PE21 1384 GK Mazda S4 1396 Merc-Benz LN6 1385 GK Seat DE24 1397 Listers CV1 1386 Reid&Adam DG9 1398 Listers CV1 1387 Reid&Adam DG1 1399 Listers WR2 1388 Listers CV4 1400 Listers CV37 1389 Strat Aud CV37 1401 Listers LN2 1390 Listers WR2 1402 Listers PE21 1391 Avonvale CV37 1403 Listers NG31 1392 Avonvale CV3 1404 Listers WR11 1393 Avonvale NN1 1405 Merc-Benz HU13 1394 Listers LN2 1406 Merc-Benz DN37  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:22:25 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 8/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1407 Lexus CV3 1419 Reg Vardy DH4 1408 Lexus WR2 1420 Reg Vardy DL1 1409 Listers PE21 1421 Reg Vardy DL3 1410 Listers CV3 1422 Reg Vardy DL3 1411 Listers CV3 1423 Reg Vardy DL3 1412 Listers CV10 1424 Reg Vardy DL3 1413 Reg Vardy AB12 1425 Reg Vardy DN4 1414 Reg Vardy AB16 1426 Reg Vardy EH15 1415 Reg Vardy AB16 1427 Reg Vardy FK1 1416 Reg Vardy AB16 1428 Glsg Fiat G21 1417 Reg Vardy DH1 1429 Reg Vardy G33 1418 Reg Vardy DH4 1430 Reg Vardy G4  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:12:48 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 9/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1431 Reg Vardy HG3 1443 Reg Vardy ML1 1432 Reg Vardy HG3 1444 Reg Vardy ML5 1433 Reg Vardy KA22 1445 Reg Vardy NE10 1434 Reg Vardy KA3 1446 Reg Vardy NE23 1435 Reg Vardy LE1 1447 Reg Vardy NE27 1436 Reg Vardy LE3 1448 Reg Vardy NG7 1437 Reg Vardy LE4 1449 Reg Vardy NG9 1438 Reg Vardy LS10 1450 Reg Vardy OX16 1439 Reg Vardy LS12 1451 Reg Vardy PA3 1440 Reg Vardy LS7 1452 Reg Vardy RG2 1441 Reg Vardy MK10 1453 Reg Vardy RG2 1442 Reg Vardy MK16 1454 Reg Vardy S11  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:12:11 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 10/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1455 Reg Vardy S6 1467 Reg Vardy TS3 1456 Reg Vardy S62 1468 Reg Vardy WF8 1457 Reg Vardy SK1 1469 Reg Vardy WS2 1458 Reg Vardy SR5 1470 Reg Vardy WV1 1459 Reg Vardy SR5 1471 Reg Vardy WV2 1460 Reg Vardy SR5 1472 Reg Vardy YO1 1461 Reg Vardy SR8 1473 Rossleigh AB16 1462 Reg Vardy ST4 1474 Reg Vardy G74 1463 Reg Vardy TS1 1475 Reg Vardy EH15 1464 Reg Vardy TS17 1476 Kirkin Fo G66 1465 Reg Vardy TS18 1477 Merc-Benz KA8 1466 Reg Vardy TS18 1478 Merc-Benz G46  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:24:15 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 11/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1479 Mthrwl Vh ML1 1491 Rossleigh TS18 1480 Poll Ford G41 1493 Nott Vaux NG7 1481 Rossleigh EH12 1497 Rdng Fiat RG30 1482 Rossleigh PH1 1498 Renault CR5 1483 Rossleigh EH7 1499 Renault E1 1484 Rossleigh KY15 1500 Renault WD1 1485 Rossleigh PH1 1501 Renault SL1 1486 Cstl Ford WF10 1502 Renault EN2 1487 Cstl Vaux WF10 1503 Renault RM3 1488 Newc Jag NE4 1504 Renault E12 1489 Rossleigh DH1 1505 Renault NW9 1490 Rossleigh NE13 1506 Renault CR5  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:11:58 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 12/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1507 Renault CR0 1582 Carland G32 1508 Renault W3 1583 Carland M5 1509 Sandiclif NG24 1584 Carland WS11 1510 Sandiclif NG9 1585 Carland EN1 1511 Sandiclif LE2 1586 Carland RM20 1512 Sandiclif LE11 1587 Carland KT16 1514 Sandiclif LE13 1588 Chswk Hon W4 1515 Sandiclif NG10 1589 Nortn Way SG6 1543 Guy Salmn S4 1590 Nortn Way SG6 1579 Car Shop NN3 1591 Nortn Way SG6 1580 Car Shop M24 1592 Motor Nat B33 1581 Car Shop CF11 1593 Motor Nat B33  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:11:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 13/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1800 Bristl St LU6 1825 Bellinger OX14 1814 Sytner EC2A 1826 Bellinger OX12 1815 Milcars WD24 1827 Belmont AB43 1816 Prestn Au PR2 1828 Bicknells WR14 1817 Car Giant NW10 1829 Bicknells DY4 1818 Pentn Mot SP1 1830 Bicknells WR4 1819 Reg Vardy ML1 1831 Border DG2 1820 AA Clark SL4 1832 Border CA3 1821 Ames Nis IP24 1833 Brindley WS11 1822 Ashington NE63 1834 Bristl St DE14 1823 Ashtn Ltd LE13 1835 Burnham SL1 1824 Autoworld WV13 1836 Burtn Bro PE26  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:12:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 14/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1837 Caffyns RH19 1850 Colliers B27 1838 Cambrian SY23 1851 Colliers B23 1839 Car Conts RG31 1852 Colliers B11 1841 Carringdl RH20 1853 Colliers B11 1842 Charvills CM23 1854 deVries HU9 1843 Charvills CM20 1855 deVries YO26 1844 Charvills SG12 1856 DFS Motor KT23 1845 Mot Co.Ld EN8 1857 Dickinson CW7 1846 Colliers B72 1858 Autocentr KY12 1847 Colliers B72 1859 E J Grage CM17 1848 Colliers B23 1860 E John Ld RG7 1849 Colliers B11 1861 Eastgate BS2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:12:17 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 15/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 18v2 Easy Buy CF37 1875 Ickleford SG5 1863 F G Barns GU1 1876 J Davy RG22 1864 FRF Bridg CF31 1877 J T Hughe SY16 1865 Motor Gro LA13 1878 J T Hughe SY11 1867 GTSBillin RH14 1879 J T Hughe TF3 1868 Gurneys OX10 1880 J T Hughe TF3 1869 Gurneys RG14 1881 James&Jen CF14 1870 Hargreave LA9 1882 John Peat NG34 1871 Hargreave LA3 1883 John Wilk GL53 1872 Hassop NW2 1884 Junctn 28 NG16 1873 Hutchings CF40 1885 Kingsmead BA2 1874 Ian Griev FK7 1886 LanceOwen KT1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P780 Teletext 780 Jul26 16:11:10 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 16/16 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits #f their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1887 Lamehouse DT4 1888 Lansdown BA1 1889 Luton Cit LU1 1890 Marriotts PE21 18y2 Motorama OL16 1893 Motorbod LU2 1894 Motorbod LU3 1895 Motorsave CW2 1896 New Crown NG5 1897 Newbury RG14 1898 Nidd Vale HG2 1899 Nunns Ltd DN36  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx