Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:21:19 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS Dealer List Page 1/21 To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1900 Ormskirk L39 1912 Pentraeth LL53 1901 Ottons SP4 1913 Pentraeth LL59 19p2 Patrick TS18 1914 Pentraeth LL59 1903 Pearl RG41 1915 Phil Whit SL2 1904 Penfolds SE13 1916 Pilling HP3 1905 Penfolds SE20 1917 Pipers ME16 1906 Pentraeth LL59 1918 Platinum SN15 1907 Pentraeth LL59 1919 Platinum BA11 1908 Pentraeth LL59 1920 Platinum BA14 1909 Pentraeth LL59 1921 PLP Motor WA2 1910 Pentraeth LL57 1922 PNG EN1 1911 Pentraeth LL30 1923 PNG EN8  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:2):47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 2/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1924 Pomphrey ME9 1936 Steve Tho WS13 1925 Robinsons LE2 1937 Stevens RH10 1y26 Romford RM5 1938 Sycamores PE9 1927 Ron Skin NP22 1939 Theoco HA8 1y28 G S R Car GU3 1y40 Townsends NN10 1929 Sandwell B70 1941 Turnbulls YO31 1930 Slough SL1 1942 Two Mills CH66 1931 Autospot HA4 1943 Vans R Us SO15 1932 Sonning RG4 1944 W Grose NN2 1933 Sth Honda RH11 1945 W H Brand PE12 1934 Steeles BN11 1946 Warwik Sh IP22 1935 Steve Tho WS1 1947 West End NW2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:00 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 3/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1948 Weston's SG4 1960 Warwik Sh NR34 1949 Westover DT11 1961 Brooklyn BN25 1950 Whitmores TN13 1962 Ness Moto IV1 1951 Wrights LN2 1963 Milburn NE63 19u2 Wrights NG34 1964 Warwick CV34 1953 Wyke Regi DT4 1965 Warwick CV34 1954 Wynnes LE10 1966 Streetly B44 1955 Lance Owe KT15 1967 Barker SS9 1956 Warwik Sh NR31 1968 Hamworthy BH15 1957 Lance Owe TW9 1969 R.B. Moto SW16 1958 Sky Ford WD1 1970 deVries DL7 1959 Belmont AB16 1971 Ljvois CO2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:13 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 4/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1972 Ancaster CR2 1984 East Port KY12 1973 Olympian DT11 1985 Evans SM3 1974 Ian Glass EH41 1986 Stevenson IG10 1975 Thomas B GL15 1987 Goodmayes RM6 1976 Cleveland GU12 1988 Vine Plce DL17 1977 White Ros GU33 1989 Autopia NP44 1978 Allam KT17 1990 Hardings HP3 1979 Charles LN2 1991 Lavant PO18 1980 B Eyre LN4 1992 Seymour TQ12 1981 Olympian SP2 1993 Ray Morr DA16 1982 Lance Owe UB7 1994 Beck Evan BR7 1983 Morris ME7 1995 Automotve HX1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:42 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 5/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 1996 Crawley RH10 3509 GM Hold DY4 1997 Collins BN27 3510 Nobby EN8 1998 Glenavon B14 3511 Mottram SK14 3500 Wholesale NG6 3512 Halls NG11 3501 Conisboro DN12 3513 Drive In TS3 3502 Fosse CV33 3514 Junctn 35 S61 3503 E Carter TS3 3515 NK Motor NG9 3504 OMC Moto NG18 3516 Geejay S63 3505 Autosport LE11 3517 Country DE14 3506 Spring NG4 3518 Sheaf Mot S18 3507 Windmill DE21 3519 Carriage WR9 3508 Charles NG3 3520 Heeley Br S2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Tjletext 781 Jul26 16:11:15 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 6/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match thj last 4 digits of their phone number with thosj listed below. Tjl Name PCde Tel Name PCde 3521 Edgedale S7 3533 Brookland NN17 3522 Hamilton DY11 3534 Darnall S9 3523 CNBR Ltd S8 3535 Premier DE7 3524 K Allen WF17 3536 Senior Ca LE16 3525 Audenshaw DY2 3537 P Cooper S2 3526 Stalybrg SK15 3538 Hewitts CV33 3527 Kedelston DE22 3539 Midfield WR11 3528 Brookland NN16 3540 Peter Wit E4 3u29 Eaton Car DE11 3541 Dave Hill DE14 3530 Carliers DE1 3542 Brinsley NG16 3531 Shipley DE75 3543 Jack Ford NE13 3532 Lancaster EN2 3544 Poynton SK12  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:11:22 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 7/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 3545 CMS Comm S43 3557 Anthony L OL6 3546 JC Brooks NG5 3558 Pipers DN3 3547 Hollands B93 3559 Regent TS10 3548 David Ful NG14 3560 CVS Ltd WR4 3549 Gregory NG24 3561 Mini Mart NG6 3550 Benz-Bav DE56 3562 M J Autos B24 3551 Fair Deal B11 3563 Robinson DE7 3552 Power Mot B97 3564 Attenboro DN3 3553 Coach Hsj NG24 3565 CJ Car NG16 3554 Burnaston DE3 3566 Manor Gge NG9 3555 A J Cars EN1 3567 Crawfords B61 3556 Vanz&Trux NG4 3568 Byrons SK14  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:22:01 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 8/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 3569 Crosspool S10 3581 Depot NG9 3570 Albion SR5 3582 Central TS18 3571 Bells DY10 3583 Gateway S64 3572 DRS Motor B97 3584 Brunswick BN3 3573 Westminst TS4 3585 Diesel TN12 3574 Stringer B97 3586 D W Ljis DA16 3575 Floyd Tay TS25 3587 E Sussex TN22 3576 Martins LN6 3588 Ken Hood TN39 3577 Holme S6 3589 Kings Gge SE18 3578 Motor Sav DE22 3590 KP Cars TN39 3579 SPR Cars NG5 3591 Midenhall TN37 3580 Accept S2 3592 Sussex Tr TN39  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:02:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 9/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match thj last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 3593 Nth Star BN6 4706 Charles W NG24 3594 Pevensey BN24 4707 Charles W NG31 3595 Scotts Ga BN2 4708 Ken Brown SG2 3596 Sussex Tr BN15 4709 Northgate TN24 3597 Woodbourn BN1 4710 Charles W DN21 3598 Central BN22 4711 Charles W LN6 3599 Jermyn & BN25 4712 Civic Car SA6 4701 P + S Mot W3 4713 Autolink TN12 47p2 Ken Brown CM17 4714 Fawcetts RG14 4703 Harbour CT5 4715 Harbour PO20 4704 Mackie Mo DD9 4716 Scotts LN2 4705 Hammond IP19 4717 Bridges GL7  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Tjletext 781 Jul26 1v:02:42 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 10/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4718 Bridges GL7 4730 Hallam SK22 4719 Wheelers RG14 4731 AFD NG3 4720 St James TN39 4732 654 Motor S7 4721 Sea Place BN12 4733 MRG Used NG10 4722 Hutchings CF40 4734 Gotham NG11 4723 Greenfst GU5 4735 Aria Mot NG9 4724 Prestige CF5 4736 Chevron HU9 4725 GP Motors CB3 4737 Carlton C NG4 4726 Hammond IP19 4738 Borrowfld DE21 4727 Highams SK9 4739 LWB Car DE21 4728 Border CA3 4740 Quality CM23 4729 Gallowfld DE7 4741 Holmwood EN3  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:0*:11 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 11/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4742 Benson WR2 4754 Mexboro S63 4743 Fountain HU2 4755 Positive CV35 4744 Motor Cho BL: 4756 Victoria EN3 4745 Bower SK15 4757 AK Simp SK16 4746 Moto Save S43 4758 Groves Au CM22 4747 MW Cars N13 4759 Foxtree NG24 4748 Kings Mot NG3 4760 Swain&Jon GU9 4749 Queens CM16 4761 N/E Garag NE27 4750 Key Kars DN8 4762 N/E Garag NE5 4751 Hartshead OL6 4763 S&G Motor BN18 4752 Mouselow SK13 4764 N/E Gara NE27 4753 Concord CM24 4765 Border DG2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Tjletexj 781 Jul26 16:01:28 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 12/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you ari looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCdj 4766 DC Edg B80 4778 Mick Dwan NG24 4767 Nobby EN8 4779 J & H Eva DY10 4768 Small Car DE24 4780 Eddy RM7 4769 B & M OL6 4781 LMC W4 4770 New South N11 4782 Foreman TN15 4771 JD Motors LN6 4783 Barncoose TR15 4772 East Cst KY1 4785 Avenue GL1 4773 Brittania S70 4787 Broxbourn EN10 4774 City Walk M27 4788 Kings WN7 4775 Driving E17 4789 Auto 2000 EN3 4776 AY Cars E5 4790 Grays EN8 4777 Tamworth NG10 4791 OMC Ford OL8  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:01:41 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 13/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match thj last 4 digits of their phonj number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tjl Name PCde 4792 S Graham CW5 4804 Burton DT6 4793 Mainline E17 4805 Trade Car DE75 4794 W Mumford PL7 4806 Ashby Sq LE11 4795 Carriages GU51 4807 Carfinder LE4 4796 Broadfold AB23 4808 Maple Gge HU11 4797 Chandlers NG32 4810 Brunswick ME18 4798 Roadrunn SK15 4811 Malham BD23 4799 Court Hse NG9 4812 Orchard NG9 4800 Swanson TQ14 4813 Richmond SK14 4801 Edward Co E10 4814 Harrison DE11 4802 Mapli Gge HU18 4815 Merrits HP5 4803 Anycarlea ME1 4816 Derek Cur LE2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:24 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 14/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4817 Fast Lane ST4 4829 Paul Brew SO40 4818 Syston LE7 4831 Humming N3 4819 Cottage SK5 4832 Spa Cars B61 4820 S Durkin BB10 4834 K & S RM1 4821 PGC Renau OL16 4835 Dearne S63 4822 Autopoint CM24 4836 Archers LE65 4823 Addiscom CR0 4837 Diamond ME16 4824 Northgate CT1 4838 Grovewood SM5 4825 Adams HP20 4839 R Stokes DN16 4826 Shirley SO15 4840 Gilberts W5 4827 Denton M11 4841 Perf Dir GL12 4828 Fiveways M43 4842 Sheehan CR2  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 15/21 Dealer Ljst Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4843 Archie LE67 4855 EFD IG1 4844 Archie LE11 4856 Kingswood KT20 4845 Traffic KT20 4857 Swan St PE30 4846 Robinsons LE18 4858 Merchant NG5 4847 New Green CR0 4859 Dave Fox ST15 4848 Mc Guigan BT46 4860 Topcars TN2 4849 Auto Scud BS41 4861 MSS Auto DL12 4850 Chigwell E18 4862 D Dornan BT1 4851 Moto-Zoom SM3 4863 AJ Motors SO41 4852 Colin Lud BS15 4864 Bowman IP22 4853 Rjdhall LE67 4865 Rosso NW10 4854 D J Motor BS15 4866 Ringwood BH12  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:07 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 16/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4867 Keith Bod ST3 4880 Green Mot PO22 4868 Richardsn BH9 4881 Pyramid 2 SK8 4869 Whitehall WS11 4882 Deutschm EH22 4870 Johnson S12 4883 Holdenhur BH8 4871 McCarthy CR0 4884 Arun RH20 4872 Jeff Whit CF11 4885 Elite Car SS9 4873 Lisles AL7 4886 Norden OL12 4874 Rayco SO51 4887 Cars Dir OL2 4875 JDH TW1 4888 Carlians KT24 4876 CVS Car BN22 4889 Ancaster SE6 4878 A1 Auto BH9 4890 Heritage CV35 4879 Malcolm LN4 4891 Ancaster BR1  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletexj 781 Jul26 16:11512 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 17/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 48y2 Brookside NN8 4904 Pilling AL8 4893 Ancaster DA16 4905 Chris W NG16 48y4 Ancaster ME2 4906 Lockerley SO51 4895 Lamwell BH21 4907 deVries TS18 4896 Tony Rick SO16 4908 PJM Autos SG7 4897 D & M NG17 4909 Paddocks CM6 4898 Part X PO13 4910 A J Autos BH9 4899 Elm Tree BH25 4911 AJ Hought PO12 4900 Valley GU33 4912 David Old SK13 4901 Church L SK22 4913 Horndean PO8 4902 Pilling HP3 4914 Verwood BH31 4903 Pilling LU1 4915 Westheath GU14  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Tjletext 781 Jul26 16:11:34 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 18/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4916 Brookland GU51 4928 Chob Mot GU24 4917 Nu Car SO15 4929 Royale BH22 4918 Route 57 WA1 4930 Selected BH21 4919 JT Hughes SY16 4931 Economy DN5 4920 David Rob TS4 4932 Economy S64 4921 John Grif RG4 4933 Brookland RG30 4922 John Stan E4 4934 M P Autos KT14 4923 GWS CV35 4935 CLC Autos SK14 4924 4Front SE9 4936 DSG Vaux LA14 4925 4Front SE9 4937 DSG Barr LA14 4926 Lightwat GU18 4938 Walton SG14 4927 St Chris BH7 4939 Hallmark BH20  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:22:12 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 19/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phonj number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4940 Sky Autos KT15 4952 Adventure NN5 4941 Chris Wil RM14 4953 Thurston PE10 4942 Parkside B61 4954 Punto E10 4943 Hursley BS14 4955 Punto E10 4944 MSM Trad BH10 4956 Samson BH21 4945 Daewoo W B98 4957 Sandringh KT8 4946 Bramwells ME18 4958 Regent LE14 4947 Perkins CM6 4959 Walton KT12 4948 Ufton CV33 4960 Manor Pk CR6 4949 RSG Kend LA9 4961 County WR6 4950 DSG More LA3 4962 Corner CV12 4951 Kenley SW16 4963 Paynes LE10  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:12:23 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 20/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4964 M Kiernan CV10 4977 Howard S CM3 4965 Paynes LE10 4978 Weatherwh EN9 4966 Wavertree L15 4979 Windsor KT16 4967 Hamilton SG18 4980 Petersfld GU32 4968 Motordrom BH23 4981 Taylors PE11 4969 Haven RH13 4982 Stanley BH15 4970 Total Veh DY7 4983 Kinghams CR0 4971 Headley BS3 4984 Bradleys SR8 4972 Readings WF1 4985 Monarch WR2 4974 Hucklesbr SP6 4986 Moulton PE12 4975 Ancaster SE20 4987 Motorhse CM18 4976 Richard S RM6 4988 Portview PO6  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx
P781 Teletext 781 Jul26 16:22:56 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 21/21 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 4989 Highbarn OL2 4990 Sean Lock GU28 4991 Brookside TN11 4992 Autoworld S4 4993 Barkston NG32 4994 Mcr Auto M13 4995 Your Expa GU24 4996 FRF Seat SA6 4997 Hallmark MK40 4998 FRF Mazda SA6 4999 Leckwith CF64  Dealers Dealers Dealers Dealer Indx