Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/46       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 1/6 3i 1004½ -12½ AbNDawn 167¾ 10 Grp - ½ AbdCvIn 113¼ + ¼ 600 Grp 67 + 1½ AbdDvCp 56¾ AAF Ind 127½ AbNewTh 45½ AB Airl 13 AbdEmEc 60½ AB Food 330¾ +18 AbdHiIn 126¼ AB Port 298½ + 1 AbdPfIn 157½ AbacsPl 277½ AbrdnAs 82¼ Abbey 230 AbtstLn 56¾ - ¾ Abbey N 1065 + 5 Acal 507½ AbbotGp 119 - 1 Acat&Ht 99 Abbycst 127½ AccPlus 310 AberAsM 215½ ActnCom 81½ + 1½ AberfSp 75¾ - ¼ AdarePt 450 Aberfth 270 AdmHarv 200 For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu
P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:18/12       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 2/6 Admiral 1365 +12½ AIM Grp 267½ - 5 Ad Val 86½ AIM Tst 236½ - 2 AdvnMed 32 AirflSt 145 AdvPwrC 134 - 4½ AirPrtn 207½ AdvtVCT 67½ Airsprg 137½ - 4 AEA Tec 387½ +10 Airtour 415½ - 6¼ Aegis 179½ - ½ AIT Grp 777½ AFA Sys 237½ - 7½ Al&Leic 863 + 3 Affinty 1780 -75 Alba 441 AFisher 10½ - ¼ Albion 67½ AfraLk 77½ - 4 AlbnyIT 219½ AfrGold 3 Albrmrl 56 - ½ AggInds 69¼ - 1½ Alexand 140 Aggreko 345 + 1½ AlexanH 18½ AIM Dis 101 AlxnH A 18½ For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu
P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:13/14       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 3/6 Alexon 139½ AlphaAp 64 AlibCom 77½ Alphamr 137 - 3 Alizyme 33½ ALSTOM 1587½ -12½ Alldays 69½ - 3 Alumasc 108½ AlldDom 331½ - 2¼ Alvis 146½ - 1½ Allders 139 - ½ Amberly 52½ AlldIre 12¾ + ¼ Ambient 104 AlldLon 124 - 1 Ambshus 131½ AlldTxt 106½ - 5½ AMCO 57½ AlldZur 764½ + 5½ AMEC 235 - 1½ AlLeisr 35 Amey 1220 Allen 289 Aminex 31½ - 2¾ Allianc 3201½ - 6 Amlin 84 - ½ AlliRes 6 AmOppIT 89½ AllUnic 425½ Amstrad 211½ -10 * AlldIre price now quoted in euros. For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu
P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/22       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 4/6 AMVESCP 653 + 5½ ANS 160 AndrwSk 112½ Antofag 414 - 7½ AngIrBk 148½ Antonov 60 Anglesy Aortech 525 Anglian 655½ - 6½ API 330 - 5 AnglnGp 245 - 5 ApolloM 94½ Anglo&O 896½ - 3½ ApplHol 357½ -20 Anglo-E 50½ - ½ AquaPlt 92½ AngloAm 3660 -42 AquarGp 150½ - 2 AngloPc 21½ - ¼ AramRes 190 AngloWe 46½ Arcadia 92 - 3½ AngSibO 82½ + 1 Archm I 852½ -17½ AngStJm 15 Arcon 14 ANITE 88 - 1½ ArenaLs 62¼ + 5¼ Ann St 274 ArjoWig 195¾ + 4¾ For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu
P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:14/21       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 5/6 ARM Hld 2980½ -99 AstnVla 425 Armour 16 AstrZen 2786 -12 ArmtBro 180 ASW Hld 11 Arriva 306¼ - 1 ATA Grp 61½ Artisan 14¼ AthlnEx 57½ AsBritE 252½ -22½ AtkinsW 641 Ascot 310 - 2½ AtlcCas 9 AsdaPrp 155 AtlntcT 765 +35 Ash&Lcy 124 AtriumU 122 AshleyL 15 AucktAs 20 Ashquay 25½ AustnRd 79 + ½ Ashtead 174 AustOpp 70½ Ashtenn 178 Autolgc 502½ AskCent 615 AutoPrc AssMnIT 112 Availen For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu
P221 CEEFAX 1 221 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/11       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 1200 6/6 Avesco 797½ AvisEur 250 + 5 AvivaPt 5 AvoctMn 24½ AvonRub 467½ Axon 362½ - 6 AxsShld 525 - 2½ AyrsMet 37½ Azlan 97½ + 8½  For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS Shares B Forex Tourist Main Menu