Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2342:14 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— ARIES Full reading 09001 88-19-30 You'll be looked upon as a nasty piece of work today, at least you're being talked about! Watch what you eat! Ramona's Aries YEAR 0906 9 150 104 TAURUS Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Someone will ask for your opinion and you'll be suprised when they agree with you. Ramona's Taurus YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— CONSULT THE TAROT SEE PAGE 187 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2329:26 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— GEMINI Full reading 09001 88-19-30 There's tension in the air so don't wind anyone up! Someone wants more than your friendship. Ramona's Gemini YEAR 0906 9 150 104 CANCER Full reading 09001 88-19-30 There's paperwork with your name on it. Don't believe everything you hear, people really do tell lies! Rbmona's Cancer YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— LATE HOLIDAY BARGAINS AVAILABLE NOW! TURN TO SKY ONE 208 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2247:48 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— LEO Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Don't let unkind remarks faze you. An old friend will contact you, you still won't be comfortable, so why change? Ramona's Leo YEAR 0906 9 150 104 VIRGO Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Someone has a bone to pick and they won't care where or when! A social event will need organising, guess who! Ramona's Virgo YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— BARRY NORMAN REVIEWS THE LATEST FILMS 216-217 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2242:23 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— LIBRA Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Transport problems mean keeping your- self to yourself would be wise. Avoid over-exaggerating. Ramona's Libra YEAR 0906 9 150 104 SCORPIO Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Your'e a charmer today; in someone's eye you can do no wrong! A work-related issue is someone else's problem. Ramona's Scorpio YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— COUPLES WANTED FOR TV DOCUMENTARY SEE PAGE 174 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2226:03 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— SAGITTARIUS Reading 09001 88-19-30 Someone with deep blue eyes will prove interesting. Not everyone likes change so don't try to make them feel better. Ramona's Sagitt'us YEAR 0906 9 150 104 CAPRICORN Reading 09001 88-19-30 Reaching agreement won't be easy with someone with fixed ideas. Exams/studies will prove heavy going. Ramona's Capricorn YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— SEE OUR WWF PAGE SKY ONE 262 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2227:42 SKY TEXT    ———— Ramona's readings for Thursday ——— AQUARIUS Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Don't be late for that vital appointment. Don't push your luck, someone doesn't want to talk. Ramona's Aquarius YEAR 0906 9 150 104 PISCES Full reading 09001 88-19-30 Confidence is fine but there's a time and place! A invitation will see you looking for excuses. Ramona's Pisces YEAR 0906 9 150 104 Consult the Tarot call 0906-55-000-39  Calls to 0906 £1 min / 09001 60p min Have you won the Lottery? See p114 ——————————————————————————————————————— FREE SKY WAP PHONE PACKAGE WORTH £250 SEE 280 Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.
P155 SKY MOVIEMAX 155 06 Dec 2241:26 A D V E R T I S E M E N T                                       Calls cost £1 min at all times may invlove a long call. Newstel,36 Washington St Glasgow G3 8AZ Love Stars TV Index Movies Foot.Fant.