Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P232 CEEFAX 1 232 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/47       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 0815 1/5 T&S Str 370 TaylorW 148½ - 2 TadpTch 45 - 1 TBI 74¾ + ¼ TaiwnIn 100 Technpl 79½ TalsmnH 16½ TedBakr 271½ Tamaris 27 Telemtx 216 - 6½ TamsJhn 16½ Telewes 297 + 2¼ Tandem 8 Telspec 118½ - 1 Tarmac 556 + 2 TempBar 611 - ½ Tarpan 225 TempEm 129¼ Tarsus 215½ TempLnA 80½ - ¼ Tate Ly 428¼ Tempus 425 TavernT 93 TepnlLf 79 + ½ Tay&Frn 438½ TerChap 330 TayHome 81½ Tesco 173¼ + 3¾ TaylorN 261½ Tex Hld 127½ For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS SharW-X-Y-Z Forex Shares Main Menu
P232 CEEFAX 1 232 Wed 01 Dec 12:14/15       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 0815 2/5 TGI 52½ TimePr 103½ ThamesW 871½ TinslyE 85 TheoFen 23½ TitonHl 116 Thistle 177½ TOAD 33½ ThmFTSm 175½ Tolent 30 ThompCl 865 TomHosk 30 ThomsPt Tomkins 218½ + 2 ThomTGp 100 Tomknsn 165½ Thorntn 190½ ToppsTl 282½ ThorpFW 118½ TopsEst 163½ ThreeW 195 TorchHl 61½ Throgmr 89¼ TorexGp 404 - 2½ TI Grp 437½ + 8½ Torotrk 251 + 2½ TibBrit 445½ - 2 TotalSy 65 TilburD 280 Tottnhm 66 For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS SharW-X-Y-Z Forex Shares Main Menu
P232 CEEFAX 1 232 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/12       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 0815 3/5 Touchst 256½ Tricrdr 79½ TownCtr 82 TrintyM 546½ - 3 TowryLw 111 TrioHld Toye&Co 50 TrnCare 152 TR EurG 281 TRPropy 46 TraceCm 163½ TRPrpTW Tradept 172½ Try Grp 30 Traficm 902 -10 TstProp 69½ TransDv 187½ + 1½ TT Grp 119 - ½ TransTc 7 Tthr&G 792½ Travis 661½ Tullow 73 TrdyCar 21½ TV Corp 339 Treatt 150 TycoInt 2500 -50 Triad 395 UA Grp 162½ TribnIT 681 Ugland 50½ For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS SharW-X-Y-Z Forex Shares Main Menu
P232 CEEFAX 1 232 Wed 01 Dec 12:17/52       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 0815 4/5 UK Land 177½ Upton&S UlstrTV 206 Usher F 94½ UltLeis 215 - 1½ USSmall 249 - 1 UltmNet 8 - ¼ Utd Ass 367½ + 2½ UltraEl 443½ Utd Ind 62½ Ultrfrm 386½ UtdBisc 228½ + ½ UMECO 575 UtdDrug 405 UndrAts 163 UtdEngy 13 Unigate 327½ +27¼ UtdNews 807½ +13 Unilevr 456½ - 1½ UtdOses 15¾ Union 29½ UtdUtil 600 +15 Univak 32½ Utilitc 13 UCM Grp 86 ValueIn 131 - 1 UnivSlv 216 - 1 VangMed 133½ + 1 UNO 20½ VardyRg 274 For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS SharW-X-Y-Z Forex Shares Main Menu
P232 CEEFAX 1 232 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/13       MID-PRICES UPDATE: 0815 5/5 Vega Gp 662½ Vocalis 400½ - ½ VersGrp 249½ VodAirT 297¼ + 2 VFG 49 Volex 852½ VHE Hld 30½ VosperT 1090 + 3½ Vibrplt 58 - ½ VossNet 142½ - 2½ Vickers 249½ VTR 115 + 1 Victora 125 Victrex 141½ - 2 VictyCp ViglenT 79 VI Grp 39½ Villier 18¾ Virdian 616½ + 1½ Virtnet 477½ - 2½ Vitec 545 For FTSE constituents/reserves, last traded prices shown as traded on SETS SharW-X-Y-Z Forex Shares Main Menu