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P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:22:14        ——————————————————————————————  THE WEEKEND HOT TOPIC For this weekend's Hot Topic we want you to tell us what your most amusing moment was when playing a game. It can be an intentional joke or action actually within a game itself or just something stupid the game did unintentionally that made you laugh. Alternatively, it can be some You've Been Framed style moment that happened while you were playing. If it made you chortle we want to hear about it. ——————————————————————————————————1/11— Win trip to Barcelona p680 ITV digital ACCIDENT ADVICE HELPLINE ITV1 p385 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:24:22        ——————————————————————————————  NO SEX PLEASE, WEWRE THE MORAL MAJORITZ GTA: San Andreas, a game where you can steal cars at will, kill, maim and destroy. Murder police officers and pedestrians. Remove peeps heads with a sniper rifle and much worse. But they are pulling it because it contains a hidden sex mini-game that is not easily accessible and has always been there. Death and destruction are okay, but polygon sex scenes are not? Am I the only one that does not understand censorship? Steve Perrin ——————————————————————————————————2/11— Latest gaming news 376     Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:05:08        ——————————————————————————————  NIGEL HUMDRUM: HE LOVES GAMES I enjoyed Nigel Humdrum's review of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! What worries me is that there may be people who take it completely seriously. Aeneas Feggans It's been a long time since a game review made me laugh out loud, but your Charlie And The Chocolate Factory review was a classic! Thank you! Holymonkey Nigel Humdrum will return. ——————————————————————————————————3/11— Sid Meier's Pirate! Xbox 377 NEW CARS REVIEWED p703 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:21:17        ——————————————————————————————  THE SHAME OF GAMECUBE OWNERS Resident Evil 4's sales went Platinum (over half a million units sold) in the US and was the 5th biggest-selling GameCube game in the UK, and yet you say that it sold poorly on the 'Cube? Surely youWre misunderstood. Atiqul Hussain Half a million in over four months? Considering it's the best game this year that's shamefully rubbish. We wouldn't blame Capcom if they didn't release RE5 on the Revolution at all. ——————————————————————————————————4/11— Cool! Sudoku on telly! 142 Make your mobile cool Visit the PhoneZone ITV1 p590 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:01:44        ——————————————————————————————  PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE Nintendo needs to release the floodgates concerning the Revolution or risk losing gamers, it's that simple. With the announcement that EA will not be supporting the Revolution and Resident Evil 5 is coming to everything BUT Revolution Nintendo should be very worried. Nick Donnjlly Stop being silly. EA have said no such thing and no Revolution game has been announced yet, from Capcom or anyone. ——————————————————————————————————5/11— Okami 378 VENUS IN YOUR ZODIAC? LOVESTARS p348 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:14:51        ——————————————————————————————  NEW IMPORT CONSPIRACY BREWING? A game I ordered from has suddenly been withdrawn from sale because it was advertised as region free. Are Microsoft stamping down or was it a one off? Martin Hampson If you'd told us which game we might have been able to find out. Just completed Cold Winter. Quality game but worst... ending... ever! Native Dogg ——————————————————————————————————6/11— Ace teen mag 380 New and Used car bargains See p700 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:12:27        ——————————————————————————————  GIRLS AND MEL GIBSON WANT FREEDOM I believe the best games for girls are games like The Sims and MMORPGs like Ragnarok Online. The connection between both games is that you can choose how your character looks and there is plenty of freedom and you can build a pjrsonality. Basically, what girls want is to unleash their imagination, and make their games their own, and not be forced to play as one character or play linear games. SeparateEntity (Male) ——————————————————————————————————7/11— Travel the world with Teletext 170 ITV1 STARS SHINING FOR U? LOVESTARS p348 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:11:11        ——————————————————————————————  THE WJT AND WISDOM OF RYO More silly dialogue in games: Shenmue: "Do you remember that day?" "You mean the day of the incident?" "Yes, that day..." "The day the rain turned into snow?" "Yes, that day..." "Well, no... I don't remember much... just that the rain turned into snow." Debo Amuda That's beautiful, like poetry. Who says video games aren't art? ——————————————————————————————————8/11— Win trip to Barcelona p680 ITV digital Fancy seeing Barcelona play at the Nou Camp? Go to p680 ITV digital now! Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:11:14        ——————————————————————————————  SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI DOESN'T SUCK Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call is the most stylish and offbeat game I've played in ages. Granted, the random battles can be a pain but you have the option of using the "retreat" command and in any case they don't occur as frequently as in games likj Skies Of Arcadia or Legaia: Dual Saga, so RPG fans should not be put off by this. Ladyplay Yes, despite the flaws we really enjoyed Shin Megami Tensei. ——————————————————————————————————9/11— Big Screen index 310 New and Used car bargains See p700 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:11:50        ——————————————————————————————  IT'S NOT DISLIKE, IT'S IGNORANCE This is my first e-mail and even though you do not like sports games do you know when Madden NFL 06 will be released in the UK? Also will EA be releasing NCAA Football 06 in the UK. I think that sewers are not a very good place to have a level in a game - how unimaginative and lazy. BR Well, theyWd certainly be rubbish in a sports game. Madden 06 is out here on September 9. NCAA is U.S. only. ——————————————————————————————————10/11 e-mail us: Go digital with Teletext! p104 Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets
P379 Teletext 379 Jul26 16:21:47 Advert 11/11  W  ↑  YOUR PERFECT CAR 700  From MPVs to sports  cars, our new section  can help you find the  best deal around.   NEWS/FEATURES 701/702    Breaking stories for  motorists, and a  more detailed look  at current issues.      Ace Sizzlin' TV Guide Tickets