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P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:21/01  1/36        COMING UP  A selection of pages from the BBC's teletext service →  THE FULL SERVICE OFFERS  News....Finance....Sport....Weather ...Travel...TV and radio details..O →  W BBC BBC  At In   Speed Depth   WelshNews
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:21/12   2/36     HOME  MORE JOBS TO GO AT SWAN HUNTER Over 500 more workers are to lose their jobs at the financially troubled Swan Hunter shipyard. The cutback reduces the workforce at the Tyneside firm to about 1,000 The receivers said the redundancies would follow the completion of work on the frigate HMS Westminster. It is leaving the Tyne this weekend. Some 700 jobs were cut after Swan Hunter went into receivership six months ago after its failure to win a contract for a Royal Navy helicopter carrier. See page 134  Next News Politics Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:21/42   3/36     HOME  NISSAN JOB CUTS: "NATURAL WASTAGE" Japanese car manufacturer Nissan has said it plans to reduce its number of employees through natural wastage at its plant in Sunderland. It has no compulsory redundancies planned, but has offered six months pay to staff leaving by agreement, a Nissan spokesman said. The plant has already reduced the number of shifts employees work, without a loss of basic pay. The company is trying to reduce this year's planned output from 300,000 to 246,000 cars.  Next News Despatch Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:22/13   4/36     HOME  TRADE FIGURES GIVE PRE-BUDGET BOOST Britain's trade deficit with the rest of the world shrank to £419 million in August - the smallest shortfall since February 1987. That compares with £1,064m in July. Other figures show manufacturing output rose slightly in September - up 0.4% from a 0.6% fall in August. A BBC correspondent says the figures will be a pre-Budget boost for the Chancellor and will make it easier for Kenneth Clarke to present plans for increasing tax.  Homj 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:22/44   5/36     HOME  TWO REMANDED OVER ULSTER MURDERS Two men charged in connection with the Greysteel bar shooting in which seven people died have been further remanded for another two weeks. Belfast Resident Magistrate James Tweed ordered that Brian McNeill and Derek Grieve, both 24 and from Londonderry, be remanded in custody They will next appear on 26 November with three others for their first remand before the court The others are charged with murdering the sevjn victims gunned down in the Rising Sun bar.  Next News Politics Main News Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:23/14   6/36     HOME  BC RECOMMENDS COLLIERY CLOSURE British Coal has recommended the closure of Frickley colliery in south Yorkshire with the loss of 740 miners' jobs. BC said production at the colliery near Pontefract would stop on 26 November and miners would be offered redundancy payments of up to £37,000 each. It said it had announced the move because of reduced demand for coal. BC northern director Alan Houghton said he had "no alternative" but to recommend closure.  Next News Diary Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:23/40   7/36     HOME  NUM TO SUE BRITISH COAL OVER DEATH National Union of Mineworkers' officials are planning to sue British Coal following the death of a miner from Moira near Swadlincote Yesterday, an inquest jury returned a verdict of accidental death on Brian Young who was killed after being trapped between two wagons. The inquest heard how a number of new safety measures had been introduced since the tragedy. However, NUM officals believe the accident could have been prevented.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Diary Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:24/11   8/36     HOME  WRITER JILL TWEEDIE DIES Journalist and leading feminist writer Jill Tweedie has died after a four-month battle against motor neurone disease. Ms Tweedie, aged 57, who worked for The Guardian newspaper for 22 years, was diagnosed as having the debilitating and incurable disease ovjr the summer. She was admitted to the Edenhall hospice in Belsize Park, north London, yesterday after her condition deteriorated.  Home 110 Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Despatch 190 Next News Diary Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:24/46   9/36     HOME  DTI INQUIRY INTO QUEENS MOAT GROUP An inquiry into the affairs of the Queens Moat Houses hotels group has been launched by the Department of Trade and Industry. Two weeks ago Queens Moat revealed a loss of £1.04 billion for 1992 - one of the largest in UK history. But the firm's new management said that dividends had been unlawfully paid in 1991, 1992 and 1993, and warned of breaches of the Companies Act and Stock Exchange rules. Shares in the group were suspended in March.  Next News Main News Politics Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:25/12   10/36     HOME  BOY DENIES MURDERING JAMES BULGER Preston Crown Court has heard a police tape-recorded interview in which one of the defendants denied murdering two-year-old James Bulger The defendant, Child A, said Child B took James from the shopping centre in Bootle, and he, Child A, had left James near a church. Child A claimed he had told the other defendant, Child B, to take James back. The boy sobbed as he said: "I never touched him." The two defendants have denied the abduction and murder of James.  Next News Main News Politics Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:25/48   11/36     POLITICS  "CONSCIENCE KEY TO FIGHTING CRIME" The Prime Minister has insisted that the best crime prevention lies in the conscience of the individual John Major said people should be instilled from an early age with the belief that crime is wrong. Mr Major who is determined to crack down on crime was speaking at a crime prevention meeting in London. "It's a simple lesson we want people to learn from a very young age. If you do wrong you are likely to be caught and when you are caught you will be punished."  Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:26/11   12/36     POLITICS  REBEL TORY MP TO SPEAK ON FUTURE Maverick Tory MP Sir Richard Body is expected to announce tonight whether he will resign his seat to write books about agriculture. Sir Richard, allegedly described by John Major as "barmy", has upset the Prime Minister with his outspoken opposition to Maastricht. He is due to speak about his future after meeting officials of his Holland-with-Boston constituency at Long Sutton, Lincolnshire.   Sir Richard, 66, had a majority of 13,831 at the 1992 general election  Next News World Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:10/41   13/36     POLITICS  OPPOSITION CAUTIOUS OVER DEFICT Labour and the Liberal Democrats have cautiously welcomed the improvement in the trade deficit. But Labour's Derek Fatchett said: "The overall figures for the year will still be disappointing, in the context of a recession." And Lib Dem Malcolm Bruce said: "A trade deficit of any size after such a deep recession offers an extremely worrying prospect for the UK's outlook." He said many British firms were not internationally competitive.  Next News Home News Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:17/12   14/36     POLITICS  SWAN HUNTER JOB LOSSES A "DISASTER" Labour has condemned the loss of more than 500 jobs at the Swan Hunter shipyard on Tyneside as a disaster for the North-East. Spokesman Derek Fatchett accused the Government of having washed its hands of the shipyard. But Industry minister Tim Sainsbury has said he is hoping to win help from the European Community for the troubled Swan Hunter shipyard. And union speaker Tommy Brennan says he remains hopeful that a buyer can be found.  Next News Despatch Main News Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:11/41   15/36     POLITICS  MACGREGOR DEFENDS CHUNNEL DELAY The Transport Secretary has denied Labour claims of "incompetence" over the latest delays in building the Channel Tunnel rail link. Yesterday John MacGregor said final details on the route and private sector participation would be given in January, but a Bill would not go before Parliament until next autumn Shadow Transport Secretary Frank Dobson told the BBC that homes in Kent and east London were "blighted" by Government dithering. But Mr MacGregor insisted the move would help speed up the timetable.  Next News Despatch Main News Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:28/13   16/36     POLITICS  PATTEN TO ANNOUNCE NEW TOP GRADE A new "starred" A-level grade to give incentives to the brightest pupils is expected to be announced today by the Education Secretary. John Patten said he that he wanted "to find ways to recognise more effectively A-level candidates of exceptional ability". Mr Patten added that the move would assist "university talent spotters" In the last 20 years, the proportion of students achieving the present top A-grade has doubled to nearly 14%.  Next News Main News Home News Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:12/18   17/36     POLITICS  TGWU CALLS FOR SHORTER WORKING WEEK Full employment cannot be achieved without a shorter working week, the general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union has said Bill Morris told the Centre for Local Economic Strategies that "jobs melt-down" could describe the changes taking place in traditional employment patterns and structures. He said European policies must make sure that benefits of recovery were a reality for the unemployed, the "marginal" workers and for those in relatively secure full-time jobs.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Main News Home News Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:19/18   18/36   POLITICS   IN BRIEF  CBI The Prime Minister has said CBI Director-General Howard Davies was misrepresented by reports saying he believed anti-Brussels Tory rhetoric had alienated Government support in the boardroom. BY-ELECTION Liberal Democrat Roy Haines has gained a Hounslow council seat in west London from Labour, polling 984 votes to win by 15. A National Front candidate was fourth with 261 votes.  Home 110 Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Despatch 190 Parl'ment Home News Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:13/44   19/36     WORLD  ISRAELI KILLING: FATAH MEN ARRESTED Five members of the PLO's main faction Fatah have been arrested in connection with the murder of a Jewish settler, Israeli sources say The army said the five allegedly kidnapped and stabbed to death Chaim Mizrahi near the West Bank town of Ramallah on 29 October. It is the first time that members of the group led by PLO chairman Yasser Arafat have been accused of killing an Israeli since the deal on limited Palestinian autonomy was signed in September.  Homj 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:10/11   20/36     WORLD  LIBYA SLAMS "IMPERIALIST" UN VOTE Libya has denounced the UN vote to imposj further sanctions because of its refusal to surrender two Lockerbie bombing suspects. Tripoli said the decision was unfair as it was still urging the pair to stand trial in Scotland. And it accused the Security Council of allowing itself to become an "instrument of imperialist powers". President Clinton welcomed the UN move, saying it reaffirmed the commitment of major powers to "stand firm" against terrorism.  Next News Politics Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:14/46   21/36     WORLD  "LITTLE HOPE IN WORLD HUNGER FIGHT" Little progress is likely in fighting hunger around the world by the year 2010, a UN report has said The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation said food production would outpace population growth. But it predicted that hunger would persist in developing countries and worsen in sub-Saharan Africa. The FAO study suggested that the best way to fight poverty, the main reason why undernutrition persisted, would be to increase agricultural production. → Next News Despatch Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:31/12   22/36     WORLD  BBC CREW HELD BY BOSNIAN ARMY BBC journalist Allan Little and his two-man film crew and translator were detained yesterday by the Bosnian army's Seventh Brigade. Mr Little said they were seized in Zenica and were accused of spying for foreign powers and their video- tape was confiscated. They were later transferred to the civil police while members of the Seventh Brigade surrounded the police station and shots were heard Mr Little said today they were freed after three hours.  Next News Home News Main News Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:35/43   23/36     WORLD  IRISH CHILD RAPIST'S SENTENCES CUT The Irish Supreme Court has overturned 12 life sentences on a child rapist and instead imposed a 15-year jail term. It said his guilty plea at his trial had spared his victims the trauma of having to give evidence.   The man, 30, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was convicted of raping three girls aged between six and 12 over a six-year period.   Irish child welfare groups and opposition parties have condemned the court's decision. See 190  Next News Politics Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:12/18   24/36     WORLD  PLO LEADERSHIP IN TALKS ON AUTONOMY PLO leaders are meeting to discuss problems in implementing the accord on limited Palestinian self-rule in the Occupied Territories. Israeli-PLO negotiations have stalled over the scope of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, which must be completed by 13 April under the accord. The PLO executive committee session will be followed by a meeting of Yasser Arafat's Fatah Revolutionary Council. It is the first time the 100 members will have met since the signing of the Israel-PLO agreement  Next News Diary Flash CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:16/19   25/36     WORLD  LAURA'S FUNERAL: KING OFFERS TO PAY King Fahd of Saudi Arabia has offered to pay for Laura Davies' funeral, organisers of the Laura Davies Fund have said. The five-year-old from Greater Manchester died in a US hospital yesterday after a life-long battle against a rare bowel disorder. The family has rebutted criticism that prolonging Laura's life with such relatively untried surgery had caused her unnecessary suffering. Thosj critics have not been in our position, Laura's grandfather said.  Next News Diary Flash CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:13/15   26/36     WORLD  NATIONS BAN NUCLEAR WASTE DUMPING Thirty-seven countries have voted to ban permanently the dumping of nuclear waste at sea. The decision, taken at a meeting in London, replaces an existing moratorium on the disposal of radioactive waste at sea with a legally-binding permanent ban. No country voted against, but Britain, France, Belgium, Russia and China abstained. These countries now have 100 days to decide whether they will abide by the ban or opt-out.  Next News Diary Flash CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:37/45   27/36     WORLD  UN WARNS OF SOMALI-TYPE DISASTER Burundi could deteriorate into a disaster similar to the one faced by Somalia, the UN has warned. But under-Secretary General for political affairs James Jonah said the UN was unlikely to intervene in the central African country. Thousands of people were killed in ethnic and political violence after a failed army coup against the democratically elected government. President Ndadaye from the majority Hutu tribe was assassinated in an attack by the minority Tutsi army.  Next News Diary Flash CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:14/11   28/36     WORLD  SRI LANKAN AIR FORCE ATTACKS JAFFNA Sri Lankan air force planes have attacked Tamil Tiger positions in the Jaffna peninsula area. Military authorities said it was an attempt to prevent more separatists from reaching a military complex which they over-ran yesterday. But a BBC correspondent says the area under aerial attack is densely populated and can only be an act of retaliation for yesterday's attack. Hundreds of servicemen are still trapped at the navy base where 200 people are reported to have died.  Next News Home News Politics Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:18/42   29/36     WORLD  RIGHT-WING GROUP CONSIDERS IDEAS The South African government has offered new proposals to the right- wing Freedom Alliance aimed at resolving constitutional issues. The Alliance, which had a three- hour meeting with the government today, is expected to give its response to the ideas on Monday. The group seeks vast regional autonomy in a post-apartheid South Africa and has made a point of boycotting multiparty talks. It has threatened to boycott next April's non-racial elections.  Next News Home News Politics Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:35/13   30/36     WORLD  COMMUNISTS "REJECT YELTSIN CHARTER" The leader of Russia's communist party, Gennady Zyuganov, has urged people to reject President Boris Yeltsin's draft constitution. Mr Zyuganov referred to the draft as the "Bonapartist constitution" because of the sweeping rights it would allow Mr Yeltsin. The document will be published on Wjdnesday, and will go to a national referendum on 12 December. Mr Zyuganov's party is one of 13 entered in next month's elections  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Home News Politics Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:15/18   31/36      VISIBLE DEFICIT SLIDES TO £419m 204  MANUFACTURING OUTPUT rises 0.4% 205  DTI confirm Queens Moat inquiry 207  UNILEVER reports 5% improvement 218   Tokyo 18,493.55 +335.03 Oil $15.40 £/$ 1.4790 + 0.0010 Eff 80.7 +0.1   FT-SE 3099.1 -0.6 at 16:1:   CEEFAX FINANCE  News index 202 SHARECHECK 220 Diary 214 Options 230 Results 215 Market reports 240  City News Shares London £/$ Major
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:19/34   32/36      VISIBLE DEFICIT SLIDES TO £419m 204  MANUFACTURING OUTPUT rises 0.4% 205  DTI confirm Queens Moat inquiry 207  UNILEVER reports 5% improvement 218   Dow 3,681.15 +18.72 Gold/oz $376.75 £/DM 2.5047 + 0.0063 Eff 80.7 +0.1   FT-SE 3099.1 -0.6 at 16:19 →  CEEFAX FINANCE  Currencies 250 Personal 260 Interest rates 254 Economy 270 Commodities 258 Viewers' A-Z 2:9  City News Shares London £/$ Major
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:19/49   33/36     HEADLINES  OUTSPOKEN ERIC GIVEN FOUR-MATCH BAN FOOTBALL Cantona rapped by UEFA 3P3   R/LEAGUE Wigan drop GB Test duo 376Rj CRICKET Australia hit by Cairns 340 SNOOKER UK Championship: latest 327   FOOTBALL Injuries rock Republic 309 FA Cup: first round team news 306-7   GOLF Couples puts USA in charge 321 →  FULL MAGAZINE ON BBC2  Football 302 M/Sport 360 General 320 Rugby 370 Snooker 327 Racing 380  Football Top Story Gen Sport Racing
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:20/15 Weather for FRIDAY 34/36   ISOLATED 08 PARTLYBROKEN SHOWERSCLOUD ATFIRST 08 SUNNYSPELLS BECOMINGOCCASIONAL MORE 09 SHOWERS WIDESPREAD LATER 10  IN 10 BROKEN THE CLOUD NORTH 10 SUNNY SPELLS ISOLATED  10 SHOWERS SOME  10 PARTS  11 STAYING  10 DRY RISKOF THUNDER 11   Data: WEATHER CHECK by OCEANROUTES Forecast UK Resort Air Qual EurResort
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:20/20 Weather for FRIDAY NIGHT 35/36   03 SHOWERS MODERATEIN  02 PLACES BECOMING  02 ISOLATED INTHEWEST  04 LATER  02    04 MAINLYDRY ATFIRST MODERATE  07 RAIN MOVING  06 IN  08 FROM STRONG 07 THE WINDSINWEST SOUTHLATER 08   Data: WEATHER CHECK by OCEANROUTES Forecast UK Resort Air Qual EurResort
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 12 Nov 16:20/41   36/36      UK WEATHER OUTLOOK Saturday Wet and windy weather spreading to all parts of central and S England by noon. Wins strong W-SW.N England, Scotland and N Ireland dry as early showers clear east. Sunny spells most places pm.   Sunday Band of showery rain across N Scotland. Sun in most places as this rain clears east. England and N Ireland, mainly dry with sunny spells. Winds moderate/fresh N. Data: Weather Check by Oceanroutes  UK Maps 401 Euro-resorts 405 UK resorts 403 World statistics 406 Air Qual UK Maps EurResort Statistic