Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:

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P202 CEEFAX 202 Tue 15 May 21:02/21          Flash=latest *=Extra details on BBC2 101 201 HEADLINES 150 250 NEWSFLASH 103 203 Prince on industrial decline 104 204 Britons home from Angola 105 205 Heseltine warning over cruise 106 206 Moscow banker dealt wijh KGB 107 207 Protest after diplomat held 108 208 Polling trouble for Marcos 109 209 Cumbrian beaches now safe 110 210 Call for Scottish dock strike 111 211* Notts miners issue writs 112 212 Briton walks to North Pole 113 213 Conference raises Israeli hope 114 214 Cambridgeshire teachers strike 115 215 Foreign news in brief 116 216 Home news in brief 117 217 Missing children: man named 118 218 Arthritis drugs wijhdrawn 119 219 NEWSREEL