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P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:13/11  1/37        COMING UP  A selection of pages from the BBC's teletext service   THE FULL SERVICE OFFERS  News....Finance....Sport....WeatherTj ...Travel...TV and radio details...    BBC BBC  At In   Speed Depth   WelshNews
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:36/42   2/37     HOME  CRASH: "CAUSE MAY NEVER BE KNOWN" Police have said they might never know what caused the M40 minibus crash which resulted in the deaths of 12 children and a teacher.   Chief Constable Peter Joslin said that the evidence so far ruled out vehicle condition, weather, driver fatigue, speed and other vehicles.   He said that just before the crash on the hard shoulder, two witnesses saw the minibus in the outside lane   Police are studying a video to try to work out why it moved over.  Thirteenth victim dies 112 Next News Politics Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:14/12   3/37     HOME  M40 CRASH: DEATH TOLL RISES TO 13 The thirteenth victim of the M40 minibus crash has died in hospital. Katie Murray, 13, died in South Warwickshire Hospital where she had an emergency operation after yesterday's crash which killed 11 other schoolchildren and a teacher. Two schoolgirls are still in hondital nd aos saad S b in 1 stable co di ion. Pupils at Hagley Roman Catholic High School in Worcestershire are  Hoai 11m Sas 1s0 piaey 1 uppppppppp 1pppWpppd 1pppppppapph 1pp Next News Despatch Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:17/22   4/37     HOME  BRITISH COAL BID TO SHUT SILVERDALE British Coal has proposed the closure of Silverdale pit in Staffordshire. Production at the colliery will end on 3 December if the 400 miners it employs do not fight the closure Meanwhwile nearly 700 miners have lost their jobs at Calverton Colliery near Nottingham. Work stopped after a UDM ballot last night in which most men voted for a £7,000 redundancy bonus in return for immediate closure.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:15/17   5/37     HOME  BULGER MURDER: "WORK OF TWO BOYS" The prosecution in the James Bulger murder trial has said that the crime could not have been committed by one of the accused boys alone. In his closing speech, Richard Henriques QC told the jury it was inconceivable that one boy could have given James 30 blows with no participation from the other. He said that the two accused 11- year-olds, known as Child A and Child B, acted together in taking James and had stayed together for more than 10 hours that day.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Politics Main News Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:18/21   6/37     HOME  RECORD HEROIN SEIZURE IN LONDON Customs and Excise officers have made what is thought to be the biggest ever seizure of heroin in Britain. The heroin, with an estimated street value of £20 million, was discovered after a lorry carrying tomatoes was stopped at Scratchwood service station on the M1. More than 200 kilos of the drug were seized and a Turkish lorry driver was arrested. More arrests are said to be likely.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Diary Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:19/12   7/37     HOME  ANGLICANS "WELCOME IN RC CHURCH" The Roman Catholic Church has given more details of the arrangements under which dissident Anglicans can join the church. Cardinal Basil Hume said they would be warmly welcomed - but not on the basis of their opposition to women's ordination alone. He said they must be prepared for eventual total integration into the Roman Catholic Church. But he said it would be possible for Anglican groups to stay together for a period.  Next News World Flash CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:19/22   8/38     HOME  MAN CHARGED WITH SHANKILL MURDERS A man has been charged with the murders of nine people killed in the Shankill Road bombing, the RUC has said. The 20-year-old man from North Belfast has also been charged with causing an explosion with intent. He is due to appear at a special court at Musgrave Park Hospital in Belfast later today. The bombing took place on 23 October.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Summary 102 Despatch 190 Index 199 Next News Politics Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:20/12   9/38     HOME  IMPROVEMENT IN NON-EC TRADE DEFICIT Britain's trade gap with countries outside the European Community fell to £293 million in October, according to Government statistics. The figure compares with a gap of £921 million in September and is lower than City expectations. Other figures confirm that the economy grew by 0.6% in the summer quarter and was 1.9% bigger than in the corresponding quarter of 1992. The volume of new investment in buildings and machines also rose by 1.3% over the summer.  Next News Politics Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:20/21   10/38     HOME  THREE JAILED FOR LIFE FOR MURDER Sandra Wignall, her lover Terence Bewley and his friend Harold Moult have been sentenced to life imprisonment.   They were found guilty of the murder of Wignall's husband, Robert, in the so-called "foxes in the wood" case at the Old Bailey.   Mr Wignall was lured into the wood by his wife and stabbed to death by Bewley and Moult. Bewley had already served a prison sentence for a previous murder.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Politics Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:21/12   11/38     POLITICS  DUBLIN/UK ON "PARALLEL TRACKS" The Irish Prime Minister, Albert Reynolds, has said Britain and the Irish Republic are on "parallel tracks" regarding peace in Ulster. He was speaking during a visit to Londonderry where he met Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew. Mr Reynolds also met the SDLP leader and local MP, John Hume. The Irish premier denied seeing a discussion document allegedly leaked to an Irish newspaper.  PM on plans 132 Dublin no comment 133 Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:21/22   12/38     POLITICS  PM "KEEN" TO RECEIVE DUBLIN PLANS Downing Street has said the Prime Minister is "very keen" to receive a copy of the Irish government's proposals on the future of Ulster. Officals refused to comment on a leaked document said to contain the Republic's plans. See page 133 However, they said Britain had asked in September for Dublin to put forward its proposals on paper. The Prime Minister's office stressed that he is anxious to get some firm proposals from Dublin.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:21/51   13/38     POLITICS  DUBLIN REFUSES TO COMMENT ON PLANS The Irish government has refused to comment on a leaked document said to contain its plans for a Northern Ireland settlement. The document says Britain must recognise the "full legitimacy and value" of aspirations for a united Ireland. In return, the document accepts the need for fundamental changes to the Irish constitution. The discussion document is said to meet the provisions of the Hume- Adams initiative. See also page 132  Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:22/22   14/38     POLITICS  SUNDAY TRADING BILL INTRODUCED The Government has published its Bill aimed at streamlining the existing legislation on Sunday trading in England and Wales. The options on offer are total deregulation, partial deregulation or the tightening of controls. The Government is offering MPs a free vote with the Sunday Trading Bill set to be debated in the Commons before Christmas. Protecting staff from having to work Sundays appears a key issue.  Homj 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:23/12   15/38     POLITICS  VOW TO FIGHT FOREST SELL-OFF PLANS Labour has pledged to "fight to the bitter end" to prevent Britain's forests from being privatised. Shadow agriculture minister Dr Gavin Strang said history had shown "that the freedom-to-roam policy... will not survive in private hands". It is now clear that the complete sell-off of Forest Enterprise is a very real option, with the national Forest Parks under threat, he said. It is "a scandal" that any British Government can even contemplate this, the Labour spokesman added.  Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:23/21   16/38     POLITICS  DOCTORS BACKED OVER 24-HOUR COVER The Government has given its support to over-worked GPs who want more time off from 24-hour duties. Health minister Dr Brian Mawhinney also said he agreed that GPs should not be held responsible for the out-of-hours actions of deputies.   He told the British Medical Association that registered family doctors would in future be accountable for their own decisions The BMA stressed that any changes to doctors' duties would not be at the expense of patient care.  Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:24/52   17/38     POLITICS  TEACHERS' TESTS BOYCOTT TO CONTINUE The National Union of Teachers is to continue its industrial action of boycotting national school tests together with two other unions. In a ballot of its members, 69,732 were in favour of continuing the dispute, with 3,477 against. Education minister Baroness Blatch said parents would find it hard to understand the NUT's reasoning. NUT general secretary Doug McAvoy said teachers were not convinced the "problems of workload and... unsound tests" had been resolved.  Next News Home News Main News Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:24/22   18/38  POLITICS   IN BRIEF  COUNCIL Labour has taken a former Tory seat in the South Lakeland District Council by-election in Ulverston North, Cumbria. It also held its seat in Basildon District Council with an increased majority. PLAID CYMRU achieved a "landslide victory" in the Aled by-election for Clwyd County Council. The party had more votes than the other three candidates put together.  Home 110 World 160 Reel 196 Politics 130 Diary 180 Guide 198 Commons 140 Despatch 190 Index 199 Parl'ment Home News Flash Weather
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:25/12   19/38   DIRECT FROM   PARLIAMENT  BOSNIAN FACTIONS WARNED ABOUT AID The Foreign Secretary has warned the warring factions in Bosnia that humanitarian aid might end if there is no progress towards peace.   Resuming the debate on the Queen's Speech, Douglas Hurd said there was a political vacuum in Bosnia.   If this persisted, then it was "unrealistic" for Britain to go on sending aid - even at the risk of a humanitarian disaster, he said.   On Monday, EC foreign ministers will discuss ways of restarting political talks over Bosnia.  Next News Politics Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:25/22   20/38   DIRECT FROM   PARLIAMENT  LABOUR ASKS WHY NO ACTION ON BOSNIA Shadow foreign secretary Dr Jack Cunningham backed Douglas Hurd's view that the Bosnian factions are to blame for the continued fighting   But he said that a declaration by EC ministers in Brussels last month had produced no effect.   The airlift had not been stepped up, aid had not been increased and no more troops had been made available to the United Nations. He also accused Germany of blocking sanctions against Croatia.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Politics Main News TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:26/02   21/38   DIRECT FROM   PARLIAMENT  UNIONISTS WARNING OVER IRA MOVES Ulster Unionists have warned John Major not to give "new legitimacy to the men of violence" in the search for peace in Ulster. Ken Maginnis also laid out a tough list of what Sinn Fein must do to prove its commitment to peace before being allowed to take part in talks. He said Sinn Fein could not come to the negotiating table with blood on its hands. He said unionists had a "steely resolve" they would again never allow the betrayal enshrined in the Anglo-Irish Agreement.  Flash Home Main News Finance
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:26/22   22/38   DIRECT FROM   PARLIAMENT  CLARK RAPS HURD OVER BOSNIA Shadow Defence Secretary David Clark has paid tribute to the UN troops in Bosnia and opposed plans to withdraw British troops. He said troops should stay as long as the UN believes that their mission is attainable. He said that Douglas Hurd's threat of withdrawal was not "particularly helpful". He said he was also sick of those who criticised the UN when aid  could not reach its intended destination.  Flash Politics Main News TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:27/12   23/38     WORLD  NIGERIA: "SEVERAL HURT" IN CLASHES Reports from Lagos say that several been injured in clashes with Nigerian riot police. The reports say that at least 30 people were arrested during the clashes in the cities of Akure and Abeokuta. Correspondents say it was not clear whether the demonstrators were protesting about the recent rise in fuel prices or against the new military takeover.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Summary 102 Despatch 190 Index 199 Next News Home News Main News CityHeads
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:27/22   24/38     WORLD  OPTIMISM OVER GLOBAL TRADE DEADLINE EC Commission vice president Henning Christophersen has said he expects the 15 December deadline on ending trade barriers to be met.   Mr Christophersen, who is in charge of economic and financial affairs for the EC, said the north American trade vote in the US Congress had helped a lot. There were a lot of "professional horse traders" on both sides, he said, adding "I think we will trade the horse".  Home 110 Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Despatch 190 Next News Politics Summaries Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:21/12   25/38     WORLD  UKRAINE RATIFIES NUCLEAR ACCORD The Fkeach aa paamiam ha ag ratified the Start I nuclear treaty - subicci g he m ghn io pns. Ukraine now becomes the fourth and last ex-Soviet republic with nu leau w ap ns mi e a fy uear I. l However, it says it will only disarm gradually and is demanding It uas m du nanessa a d den nhe compensation from the West. President Kravchuk has said he will ask nnt p r  Homa 110 Politics 130 World 160  Next News Despatch Flash TV/Radio
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:11/44   26/37     WORLD  PALESTINIAN DIES IN HOSPITAL A Palestinian shot by an Israeli amendme h s ihd cf his uound hespiial, g lhs ingan so pces in ahy Omc The Imeadme a ay has chn gomed mhn de rh us as an msnf , 30, bst sai ahyy m ae sady unned dgan bg another EC country. Ia eas maan ac sha y mn sa d M aguee eas shde n ihh Faak b a seghl o hn C ssung cas as e returnad from wo k in Israel. TI acm 11 sPoliei s 130nWe. upppmmapp 1p2pppppapph 1pppIndpp 1pp Next News Home Ncs Mamm Nees Travhe
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:22/02   27/38     WORLD  PALESTQNIAN DIES IN HOSPITAL A Palestinian shot by an Israeli settler has died of his wounds in hospital, Palestinian sources in the Occupied Gaza Strip have said. The Israeli army has confirmed the death of Hassan Asufi, 30, but said they weee still investigating who shot him on 7 November. Palestinians at the time said Mr Asufi was shot in the back by a settler in a passing car as he returned from work in Israel. The Israeli police have promised to act to stop settler violence.  Next News Politics Summaries Travel
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:12/29   28/38     WORLD  UN IRAQ "CHEMICAL WEAPON" INQUIR The United Nations Security Council has renewed its sanctions against Iraq at the regular review it carries out ev ry 60 days. The movl comes amid continuing talks with Iraqi officials over UN plans for long-term monitoring of Iraq's weapons programmes. Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed signs that the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz, may be prepared to agree to the move when he takes part in talks next week.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Summary 102 Despatch 190 Index 199 Next News Home News Main News Top Hpors
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:13/12   29/37     WORLD  CH RENE/S LECTEON EGEI CO TRCQS Th Unsidd N Ciins n and Py Cidnni Jaa g nemed if hana mens ag Seattle today at th economic summit of Asian Pacific leaders. The movh comes amid continuing between the US and China since the Tienanmon Square massacre in Beijing four-and-a-half years ago. US officials say Mr Clinton will segn r Ji ng Iaa C Dnaus taius as a favoured trading nation depends on it improving its record hn hakan pagh s na ks nexe proliferation. pj  DESPATCH Jeremy Harris reports 190 Next News Parl'ment Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:13/22   30/37     WORLD  COIE TE/KS LE DERG RENEW FNTACE Th sestdent linnd a d lrs between Britain and China on the future of Hong Kong have bmgun in thm ChinfsA capital of Beijing. Ih s lhs aiest e p-lsv s mce Hng beng Gn ern U and hana n bci fhd John Major about the negotiations. Both sides have spoken of their hopes for faster progress. A BBC correspondent says there are signs that China is prgpared to cn huda ingh p and csncee aroangemanis . and the lowering of the voting pge. pEpppTCppJpppmp papppp ppppppp 1pp z Next News Parl'ment Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:31/12   31/38     WORLD  MORE TALKS ON HONG KONG'S FUTURE Kurdish rebels havd released n American kidnapped in eastern Turkey last month. n The US embassy in Ankara said the Tan had b an rhe ivsr sghc Han Khn Gon on P Chmus antth eiefed Juhk sa pr abnue oh nzgncaa. The sides aa W skoks af y name hopes for faster progreas. I BC nor smmndeat sa s eae e sngns that China is repared t Donged mnnoo ph nos cdnEerni, the alsa bemn rs eas d.  Homp 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Parl'ment Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:31/31   32/37     WORLD  PKK REBELS RELEASE AMERICAN HOSTAGE Kurdish rebels have released an American kidnapped in eastern The US embassy in Ankara said the man had been freed overnight near   The Kurdistan Workers Party named  It was not immediately clear if another hostage, New Zealander Dougel Wentworth Howard Ellis, had also been released.  Hom, 110 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Parl'ment Main News Top Sport
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:34/42   33/37      TIPHOOK IN £830m UNIT SALE DEAL 207 BRITISH GAS agrees C$1.2bn sale 209  NON-EC TRADE GAP falls to £293m 206  TATE & LYLE in $18.5m sugar bid 203   Tok 3,17,.11 1 -22 .46 /Oz $17.50 £/$ 24720 ..000 Eff 81.0 n/c   FT-SE 3108.9 -17.6 at 16:13   CEEFAX FINANCE   News index 202 SHARECHECK 220 Diary 214 Options 230 Resmlts 212 Market reports 240  City News Shares London £/$ Major
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:32/17   34/37     HEADLINES  LIMB CA I £83 T CB O ER E OEEL 207 CRICKET Solicitor blasts Lord's 340  0 j 6 j TATE LYLE n p18.5m WBF r bid 223  RALLYING Sainz-McRae to team up 368   £/DMI 2 E2g2 n .a03ng SA 81m0 /7   FF LE 108 0 W17s5 h CLO E   CEEFAX FINANCE  Fooebaie 22 Pnroknr 27P Rugby 204 Eacnng 27 M/mPORT - 258LV SPECI' - 20  Foy bals Sh Ses Len Sn r £/aciag
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:12/22 4‖, FR 35/37  CLOUDY 07 BREEZY RISKDRY LIGHT 05 SUNNY RAINSPELLS WINDY 06    05   08     05 DRY SUNN PERIO R and ■ 04 CHI L7   05   06     05   07 Ra££/g R  Data: WEATHER CHECK by OCEANROUTES Foecaal TK Ssory Ge ual ERaReng t
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:12/37 Weather for FRIDAY 36/38   CLO 07  RIRIE DRY CIOHT 00 WELL RAINSPELLS  -1    -2   04     -3     PERIODS  -4    05   01    -2     04    Data: WEATHER CHECK by OCEANROUTES Forecast UK Resort Air Qual EurResort
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:12/52   37/37      UK WEATHER OUTLOOK Saturday Cold with frost lingering inland. Strong to near gale force winds north and west, moderate in England and Wales. Mostly dry with sunny spells. Sunday Cold. Early sharp frost in most parts. Mainly dry. Risk of light wintry showers on eastern coasts. Moderate SE winds over England and Wales, fresh S winds over Scotland. Data: Weather Check b■ ■c?an out s  UK Maps 401 Euro-resorts 405 UK resorts 403 World statistics 406 Air Qual UK Maps EurResort Statistic
P196 CEEFAX 196 Fri 19 Nov 16:33/17   38/38      UK WEATHER OUTLOOK Saturday Cold with frost lingering inland. Strong to near gale force winds north and west, moderate in England and Wales. Mostly dry with sunny spells. Sunday Cold. Early sharp frost in most parts. Mainly dry. Risk of light wintry showers on eastern coasts. Moderate SE winds over England and Wales, fresh S winds over Scotland. Data: Weather Check by Oceanroutes  UK Maps 401 Euro-resorts 405 UK resorts 403 World statistics 406 Air Qual UK Maps EurResort Statistic