Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 Jun 21:22/55  1/6 UBB   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2   Addresses.............. 189 --- Alarm clock............ 196 296 BBC information........ 180 --- BBC radio programmes... 174 274 BBC1 television........ 171 271 BBC2 television........ 172 272 Bill-Board Corner...... 180 --- Books - see............ 180 --- Channel 4 evening progs 173 273 Christian comment...... 294 City bids and deals.... 122 --- Citunews index......... 120 --- Commodities............ 129 ---
P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 Jun 21:12/21  2/6 UBB   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2 Company results........ 124 --- Consumer news.......... --- 252-6 Cost of money guide.... 127 --- Deaf people's column... --- 291-2 Educational programmes. 176 276 Educational support.... --- 265 Events................. 180 --- Family finance index... --- 220 Farm prices............ 192 --- Ferries - see.......... 151 --- Films on television.... 175 275 Films on TV this week.. --- 267 Finance headlines...... 120 --- Fish prices............ --- 258 Flights - see.......... 151 ---
P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 Jun 21:19/21  3/6 UB   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2 Food prices............ --- 257-9 Foreign exchanges...... 128 --- Fruit prices........... --- 259 FT indices............. 125 --- Fun index.............. --- 280 Gardening.............. --- 260-1 Gold prices............ 129 --- Greetings for the deaf. --- 292 Home and Away index.... --- 251 Interest rates......... 127 --- Investment guide....... --- 220 ITV London............. 173 273 Nkes - see............ --- 280 London Economic Summit. 193 --- Meat prices............ --- 258 Metal prices........... 129 ---
P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 un 21:24/27  4/6 UBB   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2 Moneufile index........ --- 220 Motoring............... --- 263 MojorwEy deHCyc - bee.- 151  --- Motorway diagrams...... 156 --- NCtural historu........ --- 262 News headlines......... 101 201 News index............. 102 202 Newsflash.............. 150 250 Newsreel............... 119 219 No Need To Shout....... --- 291-2 Play School............ 188 --- Pop record charts...... --- 264 Programme highlights... --- 266 Programme news - see... --- 251 Puzzles - see.......... --- 280
P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/39  5/6 U   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2 Rail news - see.....-.. 151 --- Recipe................. 191 --- Road reports - see..... 151 --- Rugby League: Div 1.... --- 243 Div 2.... --- 244 Rugby Union tour dates. --- 248 S4C evening programmes. 173 273 Share prices........... 126 --- Shopping basket........ --- 257 Sport headlines........ 130 --- Sport indexes.......... 130 230 Stock markets.......... 123 --- Subtitles.............. 170 270 Television index....... 179 279
P299 CEEFAX 299 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/54  6/6 U   SUBJECT INDEX BBC 1 BBC 2 Top 40 pop records..... --- 264 Tourists exchange rates 169 --- Train cancellations.... 151 --- Transmitter information 195 --- Travel news index...... 151 --- TV Choice.............. 177 277 TV tomorrow (BBC)...... 178 278 US election............ 269 Vegetable prices....... --- 259 Videos (BBC) - see..... 180 --- Volunteer!............. --- 293 Weather Eye forecast... 153 --- Weather in the resorts. 154 --- Weather maps........... 153 --- Weather/travel index... 151 --- Wildlife............... --- 262 World weather.......... 154 ---